NCERT Announcements

NCERT Announcements

NCERT Announcements

National ICT Award 2017
E-content Modules -Soft Skills by PSSCIVE
Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning of Languages in School Education- The Indian Scenario on March 16-17, 2017
National Conference on English Language Teaching-learning in Rural Areas March 20-23, 2017
Recruitment of academic posts (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor – Adv. 167/ )(Last Date 20th January) (Hindi)||  (Apply Online)||  Corrigendum(English)||  Corrigendum(Hindi)
National Seminar on Research in Social Science Education in Indian Schools
Online Survey of Educational Research
Result of Selection Test for Admission to Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (2017)
National Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Education
Barkhaa: A Reading for All(Digital and Print)
Evaluation of In-Service Training Programmes of NCERT
ICT Initiatives in States/UTs : List of Trainers(KRPs & MRPs)
The Data Sharing Policy for sharing of data of the National Achievment Surveys
Yoga Olympiad Audio Jingle(Hindi & English)
Print material on yoga.
National Kala Utsav.
Learning Indicators and Learning Outcomes at the Elementary Stage

Useful Links

Leading the Change, 50 years of NCERT
Images – 50 years of NCERT
National Policy on Education
Linguistic Resources and tools
NCFs and XXI National Focus Group Position Papers
Syllabus of Classes I-XII
Textbooks of Classes I-XII
Syllabus for Pupil Teachers :B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil
Books for Pupil Teachers : B.Ed Textbooks
Space Application in Education
Online Labs
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India

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