As per the Scheme of Examination, Practical Examination/Project/Internal Assessment is a compulsory activity which is completed by schools every year. Till last year, the window for Practical Examinations was provided from 1st January to 7th February. However, this year due to COVID-19 pandemic, Practical Examinations have been rescheduled from 1st March, 2021 to 11th June, 2021.
Schools have been opened for the students of classes X and XII in a majority of States. It will be in the interest of students if they come to the school to perform practical and prepare for their Board examinations by strictly following the COVID safety protocols and instructions issued by the Central/State Governments so that Practical Examinations could start as per schedule decided.
Conduct of Practical Examination, Project, Internal Assessment for Classes 10th, 12th 2021
Following is accordingly communicated to the schools for adherence:
- Schools will conduct Practical Examinations from 1st March, 2021 to 11th June, 2021 and also will complete Project Assessments/Internal Assessment by 11th June, 2021.
- Marks will be uploaded immediately after the assessment is over on the link provided on Board’s website. While uploading marks, schools will ensure that correct marks are uploaded as no correction in the marks will be allowed once marks are uploaded.
- Schools should keep in mind maximum marks allotted for Practical/Project/Internal Assessment while awarding/uploading marks. A list indicating maximum marks in each component is annexed at Annexure-1.
- It is compulsory to conduct the Practical Examination only by the external practical examiner appointed by the Board.
- If Practical Examination is conducted by a teacher other than that appointed by the Board, examination will be cancelled and students will be awarded proportionate marks based on the marks secured in theory examination of the concerned subject. Also, disaffiliation proceedings will be initiated against the school concerned. Principal of the school will be fully responsible for not adhering to the directions of CBSE strictly.
- The Practical Examination and Project Assessments will be done in the respective schools;
- There will be an External Examiner as well as an Internal Examiner, as per past practice;
- An Observer will also be appointed by the Board who will supervise conduct of the Practical Examination/Project Assessments.
- App link will be provided to the schools for uploading 01 group photograph of each subgroup of a batch during the Practical Examination while maintaining social Group Photo should consist of all the students of that subgroup of a batch, external examiner, internal examiner and observer. All faces should be clearly visible in the photograph. The photograph should be taken in the laboratory where Practical Examinations are being held and laboratory should also be seen clearly in the photograph.
- Some other information such as batch number, total batch, date and time etc. will also be required to be uploaded on the link.
- The software will ensure that photograph uploaded is geo-tagged and time tagged.
- The practical/project marks will have to be uploaded on the link provided by the Board immediately after completion of the work and on the same date.
- The marks of Internal Grades should also be uploaded simultaneously i.e. e.f. 1st March, 2021 to 11th June, 2021.
- No extension in any activity shall be granted, including last date for uploading data and photograph, etc. which is 11. June, 2021.
- The marks of Internal Assessment of class X will also be uploaded from 1st March to 11th June, 2021.
- Roll Numbers of ABSENT candidates on the scheduled dates of examinations be intimated to the concerned Regional Office to enable them to appoint External Examiner and Observer for re-conduct of their practical examination. Practical
Examination should be re-conducted for ABSENT candidates before 11. June, 2021. In no case, Practical Examination will be conducted alongwith Compartment Examination for ABSENT candidates. - No Practical Examination will be conducted after 11th June, 2021.
- Winter Bound Schools will also follow the above instructions strictly.
- Strict implementation of the COVID safety protocols by the schools:+
- Laboratory will be sanitized with the solution of 1% sodium hypochlorite after conduct of practical in each batch.
- Hand sanitizer be kept in laboratory for sanitizing hands.
- Arrangement of covered dust bin be made and it should be cleaned frequently.
- A batch of 25 students could be divided into two sub-groups for the conduct of practical, if need be, looking into COVID. However, in such cases, marks will be uploaded of both the sub-groups on the link provided by the CBSE.
- Students will inform about the COVID protocols i.e. wearing of mask, washing hand, not to touch face with their hands and to maintain social distancing norms
- Students will inform about the COVID protocols i.e. wearing of mask, washing hand, not to touch face with their hands and to maintain social distancing norms
- Students are allowed to bring a small transparent bottle of sanitizer alongwith them in addition to face mask and gloves.
- Also, schools will place the experiments in laboratories in such a manner that social distancing norms are followed.
- School should prepare entry and exit norms for the students based on the location and infrastructure of the laboratories and also mark the sign from entry to laboratory for maintaining social distancing.
- Students will wash their hands prior to start of practical and after completion of the practical.
- Exhaust fan should be switched ON to have proper air circulation.
- Doors of the laboratories should be kept open during the conduct of practical
- Officials deputed in laboratory will take proper precaution every day as he/she will come in contact with number of students.
- During Viva-voce, both student and examiner should have face in the same
- In case any student is not feeling well, his practical could be conducted
- Students will leave the school immediately after practical are over.
- Drinking water area should be kept clean. However, students could be asked to bring their own transparent drinking water bottle.
- Toilets should be cleaned. Students be allowed use of toilet one by one only.
- Rest of the information as given in the Section XVIII i.e. Standard Operating Procedures for Conduct of Practical Examination Project/Internal Assessment and Uploading of Grades/Marks in Framework and Significant Guidelines in the Context of the Secondary and the Senior School Certificate Examinations will be applicable.
| SUBJECT WISE BREAKUP CLASS X (2021) | | | | Subject Code | Subject name | Exam. Theory Duration | Practical | Project | IA | Total |
| MAX | in Hrs. | MAX | MAX | MAX | Maximum | Minimum | |
1 | 002 | HINDI COURSE-A | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
2 | 085 | HINDI COURSE-B | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
3 | 184 | ENGLISH LANG & LIT. | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
4 | 003 | URDU COURSE-A | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
5 | 303 | URDU COURSE-B | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 |
6 | 004 | PUNJABI | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 |
7 | 005 | BENGALI | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
8 | 006 | TAMIL | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
9 | 007 | TELUGU | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
10 | 008 | SINDHI | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
11 | 009 | MARATHI | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
12 | 010 | GUJARATI | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
13 | 011 | MANIPURI | 080 | 03 | | – 1020 – | 020 | __ 100 __ 100 | 033 033 | |
14 | 012 | MALAYALAM | 080 | 03 | |
15 | 013 | ODIA | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
16 | 014 | ASSAMESE | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
17 | 015 | KANNADA | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
18 | 016 | ARABIC | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
19 | 017 | TIBETAN | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
20 | 018 | FRENCH | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 |
21 | 020 | GERMAN | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
22 | 021 | RUSSIAN | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
23 | 023 | PERSIAN | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
24 | 024 | NEPALI | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
25 | 025 | LIMBOO | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 |
26 | 026 | LEPCHA | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
27 | 089 | TELUGU-TELANGANA | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
28 | 092 | BODO | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
29 | 093 | TANGKHUL | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
30 | 094 | JAPANESE | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
31 | 095 | BHUTIA | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
32 | 096 | SPANISH | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
33 | 097 | KASHMIR’ | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
34 | 098 | MIZO | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
35 | 099 | BAHASA MELAYU | 080 | 03 | | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
36 | 122 | SANSKRIT | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
37 | 131 | RAI | 080 | 03 | – | | 020 | 100 | 033 |
38 | 132 | GURUNG | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
39 | 133 | TAMANG | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
40 | 134 | SHERPA | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
41 | 136 | THAI | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
42 | 041 | MATHEMATICS — STANDARD | 080 | 03 | | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
43 | 241 | MATHEMATICS – BASIC | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
44 | 086 | SCIENCE | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
45 | 087 | SOCIAL SCIENCE | 080 | 03 | – | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
46 | 031 | CAR. MUSIC (VOCAL) | 030 | 02 | 050 | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
47 | 032 | CAR. MUSIC MEL INS. | 030 | 02 | 050 | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
48 | 033 | CAR. MUSIC PER | 030 | 02 | 050 | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
49 | 034 | HIND. MUSIC (VOCAL) | 030 | 02 | 050 | – | 020 | 100 | 033 |
50 | 035 | HIND. MUSIC MEL. INS. | 030 | 02 | 050 | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
51 | 036 | HIND. MUSIC PER INS. | 030 | 02 | 050 | | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
52 | 049 | PAINTING | 030 | 03 | 050 | – | 020 | 100 | 033 | |
53 | 064 | HOME SCIENCE | 070 | 03 | 030 | – | | 100 | 033 | |
54 | 076 | NATIONAL CADET CORPS (NCC) | 070 | 03 | | – | 030 | 100 | 033 | |
55 | 165 | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS | 050 | 02 | 050 | | | 100 | 033 |
S no. | Subject Code | Subject name | Exam. Theory Duration | Practical | Project | IA | Total | |
| MAX | in Hrs. | MAX | MAX | MAX | Maximum | Minimum |
56 | 154 | ELEM. OF BUSINESS | 070 | 03 | 030 | | – | 100 | 033 |
57 | 254 | ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING & ACCOUNTANCY | 070 | 03 | | 030 | – | 100 | 033 |
58 | 401 | RETAIL | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | | 100 | 033 | |
59 | 402 | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 | |
60 | 403 | SECURITY | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 | |
61 | 404 | AUTOMOTIVE | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 | |
62 | 405 | INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL MARKETS | 050 | 02 | 050 | | | 100 | 033 |
63 | 406 | INTRODUCTION TO TOURISM | 050 | 02 | 050 | | – | 100 | 033 |
64 | 407 | BEAUTY & WELLNESS | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 |
65 | 408 | AGRICULTURE | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 |
66 | 409 | FOOD PRODUCTION | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 1000 | 033 |
67 | 410 | FRONT OFFICE OPERATIONS | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 103 | 033 |
68 | 411 | BANKING & INSURANCE | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 |
69 | 412 | MARKETING & SALES | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 | |
70 | 413 | HEALTH CARE | 050 | 02 | 050 | _ | | 100 | 033 |
71 | 414 | APPAREL | 050 | 02 | 050 | | – | 100 | 033 |
72 | 415 | MULTI-MEDIA | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 | |
73 | 416 | MULTI SKILL FOUNDATION COURSE | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 |
74 | 417 | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 050 | 02 | 050 | – | – | 100 | 033 |