JHT Exam 2018 Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Junior Senior Hindi Translator Apply, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

JHT Exam 2018, Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Junior Senior Hindi Translator Apply, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

Registration for SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator) is open now. This year JHT Exam 2018 has Vacancies will be announced in due course of time. Candidates for applying for SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator) has to first fulfill the Eligibility Criteria set by staff selection committee based on the Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Nationality. Application forms and procedure for registration in SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator) is given below. Exam Pattern, Syllabus for computer based examination of JHT Exam 2018 consisting of 2 papers Objective Type, Conventional Type, subjects General Hindi, General English, Translation & Essay  are discussed in detail and can be downloaded for free in PDF Format.

Important Dates for SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator)

  1. Date for submission of online applications: 22-10-2018 to 19-11-2018
  2. Last date for receipt of application: 19-11-2018 (up to 5.00 P.M.)
  3. Last date for making online fee payment: 21-11-2018 (5.00 PM)
  4. Last date for generation of offline Challan: 21-11-2018 (5.00 PM)
  5. Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 26-11-2018
  6. Date of Computer Based Examination (Paper-I): 12-01-2019
  7. Date of Paper-II (Descriptive): will be notified later

Download SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator) Notifications containing, Vacancy, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, JHT Exam Apply, Exam Pattern, Syllabus


Eligibility Criteria JHT Exam 2018 – Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Nationality

  • personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstance beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14th April, 1987;


  • Gallantry award winners of the Armed forces including personnel of Territorial Army;


  • Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension.
  • Age relaxation is not admissible to sons, daughters and dependents of Ex – Servicemen. Therefore, such candidates should not indicate their category as ex-servicemen.

Process of certification and format of certificates:

  • Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved or seek age -relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority, in the prescribed format, whenever such certificates are sought by concerned Regional/ Sub Regional Offices at the time of Document Verification. Otherwise, their claim for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD/ ESM status will not be entertained and their candidature/ applications will be considered under Unreserved category. The formats of the certificates are annexed with the Notice of this Examination. The certificate of disability issued under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996) will also be valid. Certificates in any other format will not be accepted.
  • A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation to OBCs must ensure that he/ she possesses the caste/ community certificate and does not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date. The crucial date for this purpose will be the closing date for receipt of online application i.e. 19-11-2018.
  • Candidates may also note that in respect of the above, their candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned document is verified by the Appointing Authority. Candidates are cautioned that they will be debarred from the examination conducted by the Commission in case they fraudulently claim SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD/ ESM status.


Provision of Compensatory Time and assistance of scribe:

No attendant other than the scribe for eligible candidates will be allowed inside the examination hall.

  • In case  of persons  with  benchmark  disabilities  in  the  category  of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected-BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe is provided, if desired by the candidate . Since the posts are not identified suitable for persons with BA and cerebral palsy disabilities, therefore facility of scribe will not be admissible to such candidates.
  • In case of other category of persons with benchmark disabilities, the provision of scribe 5 will be provided on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on his/ her behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per proforma at Annexure-XII.
  • The candidate will have the discretion of opting for his/ her own scribe or the facility of scribe provided by the Commission. Appropriate choice in this regard will have to be given by the candidate in the online application form.
  • In case the candidate opts for his/her own scribe, the qualification of the scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination. The candidates with benchmark disabilities opting for own scribe shall be required to submit details of the own scribe as per proforma at Annexure-XIII. In case, subsequently it is found that the qualification of the scribe is not as declared by the candidate, then the candidate shall forfeit his/ her right to the post and claims relating thereto.
  • A compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be provided to the persons who are allowed use of scribe as described at para 7 (a) and 7 (b) above.
  • The candidates referred at para 7 (a) and 7 (b) who are allowed use of scribe but not availing the facility of scribe will also be given compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination.


Educational Qualifications (As on 01.01.2019)

For post codes ‘A’ to ‘D’

Master’s degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of a examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s Degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level


Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government Office, including Government of India Undertaking.

For post codes ‘E’ (Senior Hindi Translator in various Central Government Ministries/ Departments / Offices)

Master’s degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of a examination at the degree level;


Master’s degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master’s Degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level


Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or three years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government Office, including Government of India Undertaking.

For post code ‘F’ (Junior Translator / Junior Hindi Translator in subordinate offices who have not yet adopted Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHT):

Master’s degree of a recognized University in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level,


Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects (which includes the term compulsory and elective)

Note: Candidates must ensure that they have studied English and Hindi as main subjects in all the three years of Graduation pass course.

For post code ‘G’ (Hindi Pradhyapak  in Central Hindi Training Institute)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Hindi with English as one of the subject at degree level either as compulsory or optional from a recognized University or Institute plus Master’s degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute plus Bachelor of Education from a recognized University/ Institute.


  • Bachelor’s degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute plus Master’s degree in Hindi with English as one of the subjects at degree level either as compulsory or optional from a recognized University or Institute plus Bachelor of Education from a recognized University/ Institute.

Desirable: Two years experience of teaching Hindi at Senior Secondary level under Central State Governments or recognized educational Institution.


As  per  Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10.06.2015 published in Gazette of India all the degrees/ diplomas/ certificates including technical education degrees/diplomas awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act,1956 and Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government provided they have been approved by the Distance Education Bureau, University Grants Commission.

Candidates who have not acquired/ will not acquire the educational qualification as on 01.01.2019 will not be eligible and need not apply.

All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission in Computer base examination will be required to produce all relevant Certificates in original such as Mark sheets/ Provisional Degree/ Diploma Certificate as proof of having acquired the minimum educational qualification on or before 01-01-2019 failing which the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled by the Commission. The candidates who are able to prove, by documentary evidence that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the cut-off date and he/ she has been declared passed, will also be considered to have the required Educational Qualification.


How to apply, SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator)

  • Applications are required to be submitted in online mode only at the official website of SSC Headquarters i.e. https://ssc.nic.in. For detailed instructions, please refer to Annexure-I and Annexure-II of this Notice.
  • Last date for submission of online applications is 19-11-2018 (5.00 PM).

Application Fee, SSC JHT Exam 2018 (Junior, Senior Hindi Translator)

  • Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only)
  • Fee can be paid through SBI Challan/ SBI Net Banking or by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit card.
  • Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with disability (PwD) are exempted from payment of fee.
  • Online fee  can  be  paid  by  the  candidates  up to  21-11-2018  (5.00  PM).  However, candidates who wish to make the payment through challan of SBI, may make the payment at designated branches of SBI within the working hours of bank up to 26-11-2018 provided the challan has been generated by them before 21-11-2018 (5.00 PM).
  • Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
  • Candidates who are not exempted from fee payment must ensure that their fee has been deposited with SSC. If the fee is not received by SSC, status of Application Form is shown ‘Incomplete’ and this information is printed on the top of the Application Form. Further, status of fee payment can be verified at the ‘Payment Status” link provided in the

Indicative Syllabus for Computer Based Mode Examination

Paper-I (Computer Based Examination):

  • The questions will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of the languages and literature, correct use of words, phrases and idioms and ability to write the languages correctly, precisely and effectively. The questions will be of degree level.

Paper-II: Translation and Essay:  200 Marks (Conventional  Type)

  • This paper will contain two passages for translation-one passage for translation from Hindi to English and one passage for translation from English to Hindi, and an Essay each in Hindi and English, to test the candidates’ translation skills and their ability to write as well as comprehend the two languages correctly, precisely and effectively. The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualifications prescribed.

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