Odisha Board CT Passing Criteria, Regulations – BSEO CT Exam

Below are Odisha Board CT Passing Criteria, Regulations – BSEO CT Exam.

Odisha Board CT Passing Criteria, Regulations – BSEO CT Exam


Approved by the Government in the Education Department Notification No.3237/E, dated 17.02.69, No.27033 (2) / E, dated 27.11.69, No.33046/E dated 07.11.70, No.36843/EYS, dated 28.08.80

This will replace chapter X D of the Board’s Regulation. These Regulations Shall be incorporated as chapter X D of the Board’s Regulations.

  • The Board shall conduct the Teachers’ Certificate Examination of the Secondary Training Schools and D.I.E.T.S in the State of Odisha.
  • The minimum qualification for admission to this course shall be a pass in the High School Certificate Examination of this Board or an examination equivalent there to as recognised by this Board and for D.I.E.T is Intermediate or +2 .
  • The Examination shall be held at such centres as the Examination Committee of the Board may from time to time fix and on such dates and times as the Committee. may appoint
  • The Examination shall be conducted by means of partly oral and practical and partly written tests and shall be in accordance with such instructions as may be issued by the Examination Committee from time to time.
  • The Examination shall be open to candidates who have satisfactorily prosecuted a regular course of study for two school years in a Secondary Training School or in D.I.E.T.’s recognised as such by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha and have attended the school for not less than 75% of the working days in each year and have had practice teaching in a school or schools recognised for the purpose and are duly sent up for the Examination by the Head of the Institution subject to fulfilment of the following conditions and such candidates shall be termed as “Regular Candidate.
    Note :
    The Examination Committee may condone the deficiency in attendance not exceeding 5% for special reasons especially ill health when the application is supported by a certificate of a registered medical practitioner or for extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the candidate.
    • The application form of every candidate for admission to the examination duly filled in with his/her own hand writing must reach the secretary, B.S.E. Odisha accompanied by the fee prescribed on or before the date that may be fixed by the Examination Committee. Applications received after the due date shall be rejected. Any application incompletely or wrongly filled in shall be rejected provided the deficiencies are not removed within ten days from the date of issue of a notice to the effect by the Board .
    • A candidate from a D.I. E. T. or a Secondary Training School Shall have completed the following minimum requirement in respect of practice teaching
      • Each trainee will be required to deliver 15 (fifteen) single and 5(five) double or multiple class lessons during the course of two years . He/She should also complete satisfactorily the practical assignments under paper -XIV and prepare separate reports there of.
      • Two criticism lessons, one in single class and one in double or multiple class.
      • Shall have attended at least 80% of demonstration and criticism classes
      • Preparation of Scheme of work by candidates will be distributed to cover all subjects and all classes.
      • He/She is required to complete satisfactorily the practical assignments under paper XIV under the supervision of the members of the faculty of the D.I.E.T./S.T. School and prepare separate reports there on .
    • Candidates for admission to the Examination shall submit the following certificates from the Head of the Institution along with their applications for admission.
      • Certificate of character and food conduct at the Institution concerned.
      • Certificate of having completed the minimum practice teaching and project to practicals as required under 5 (b) supra.
      • Attested copy of pass certificate of High School Certificate Examination. / Intermediate or +2 or an examination equivalent there to.
      • Certificate of having passed in the practical subjects under paper- XIV.
        (v) Certificate of attendance in each class as per norm under regulation 5 & 5 – b (iii).
  • The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear for the above examination privately –
    • Candidates Who have prosecuted a regular course of study for two school years in a recognised D.I.E.T. or Secondary Training School and were sent up by the Head of the Institution to an Examination of the previous year but
    • could not appear or
    • having appeared and failed at the examination.
    • Teachers who have obtained the vernacular Mastership Certificate under the old rules or teachers who have passed the Elementary Training School Examination and, have served as teachers in a recognised school for a minimum period of three academic years since then, provided they have had the minimum qualification necessary for admission to a D.I.E.T. or, secondary Training School , or teachers of primary or secondary schools of the State who have completed the correspondence-cum-contact course conducted by Institutions duly recognised by the Board .
      • The candidates under category 6 (b) above, shall have to obtain the preliminary permission of the Board for admission to the examination. The preliminary application form (to be supplied by the Board on request) duly filled in all respect and recommended by the District Inspector of Schools/Inspector of Schools as the case may be with relevant document must reach the Secretary not later than 3 1st. October of the year preceding the year of examination.
    • Candidates coming under category 6(a) must be presented by the Head of the institution through which they were last presented.
    • In case the said school is not in existence they should obtain prior permission of the concerned District Inspector of Schools or Inspector of Schools for filling up their forms through a D.I.E.T. or S.T. School nearer to their place of residence
    • All private candidates coming under categories as mentioned under Regulation 6 supra shall submit along with their applications and prescribed fees with the following:-
      a) TWO passport size photograph (size 2″ x 2″ ) duty certified at their back that “This is the photographs of Sri /Smt……………………………………. ” and signed by the Head of the institution or the District Inspector of Schools Inspector of Schools affixing their official stamps.
    • Attested copy of pass certificate of High School Certificate Examination /Intermediate or +2 or an examination equivalent thereto .
    • Admit card or mark-sheet incase of failed candidates.
      d) Permission letter in original, incase of candidates under regulation 6 (b),. and 6 (d).
      e) Mark sheet , if exempted in theory or practicals is claimed.
      8. The medium of instruction and examination in all subjects excepting paper V to IX shall be in Odia / Urdu. In respect of the paper V to IX the medium of Instruction and examination shall be in the respective languages
  • The following are the subjects and distribution of full marks & pass marks paper wise for the Teachers Certificate Examination of DIET’S and Secondary Training schools.(Please open the Curriculum’ link and see the scheme of studies)
    • A candidate who has previously failed to secure the minimum pass mark in one or more subjects in theory papers I to XII or practical ( papers XIII and XIV ) will be required to appear in all the subjects in Theory or Practical in which he/ she has failed
    • Passing in subjects under Regulation 9 ( Paper XIV ) is compulsory for Regular candidates . Private candidates are not required to appear in this paper
  • The course of study and text books and distribution of marks for each paper of the Teachers’ Certificate Examination of Secondary Training Schools DIET shall be as prescribed by the Board
  • The fees prescribed for the examination shall be decided and notified by the Board from time to time.
    • Change of centre shall be permissible only incase of candidates under regulation 6(a ) on the following grounds:-
      • If the candidate serves as a teacher in a particular district provided a certificate to this effect from the concerned District Inspector of Schools or Inspector of Schools as the case may be is furnished by the candidate.
      • If the candidate belongs to a district other than the one in which the school presenting him/her is situated.
      • In case of women candidates who are married and staying with their husbands.
    • For this purpose, a candidate shall apply separately through the Head of the Institution presenting him/her for the examination along with the prescribed fee, one more recent passport size photograph duly attested by the Head of the Institution and the supporting documents in original so as to reach this office clear 21 days before the commencement of the Theory examination.
  • The Practical portion of the examination shall be held before or after the Theory examination and the dates of such examination shall be as prescribed by the Examination Committee.
    • As soon as possible after the examination, the examination committee shall publish a list of successful candidates arranged in three divisions. A certificate in the prescribed form shall be awarded to each successful candidate.
    • A candidate shall be declared to have passed in the 3rd. Division if he/she has secured pass mark in each of the papers prescribed under regulation 9.(c) Candidates obtaining 60% of marks or more in aggregate shall be placed in the First Division & those securing 50% or more but less than 60% in the Second Division.
    • A regular candidate who obtains 70% of the marks in any of the papers of the Theory group or in the practical Group shall be declared to have passed with Distinction in that subject.
    • Private candidates will not be awarded any Division or Distinction, All such successful candidates will be declared simply “pass”
    • A candidate who fails in the examination for not having secured the required pass mark(s) in one or more * Subjects of Theory papers i.e. paper I to XII but has obtained minimum of 378 marks in aggregate in the afore-said theory paper will have option to clear his/her deficiencies by appearing at the examination upto a maximum of three consecutive examinations immediately following the one inwhich he/she has failed. Such candidates shall be declared to have passed compartmentally. Candidates who apply for compartmental appearance shall have to submit a certified copy of the marksheet of the examination (s) on the basis of which compartmental appearance is claimed.
    • Candidates failing in any practical paper has to take whole examination (both theory & practical) upto a maximum of three consecutive examinations immediately following the one in which he/she has failed.
  • Disciplinary clauses.
    • Any candidate who does not behave properly towards the superintendent or the Invigilator in the examination or is suspected of having had recourse to malpractice of any kind in connection with the examination or who communicates with the examiners or with the Secretary or any member of the staff with the object of influencing him unfairly in the discharge of his duties in connection with the examination or whose answer papers contain objectionable matter or who gains admission to the examination by suppressing any fact or facts or making or causing to be made a false statement in his/her application form or certificate or forging any person’s signature or produces forged documents, is liable to have his/ her examination invalidated and also be debarred from appearing again at the examination for such term of years as the examination committee may think fit according to the nature of the offence.
    • If it is found that a person other than the candidate who has applied for admission to the examination has appeared or attempted to appear at the examination in the name of a candidate, the result of the candidate, if he/she has passed the examination shall be cancelled and the examination committee shall have the power to debar such a candidate from appearing at the examination for such period as it may determine, and take such measures against the person who appeared or attempted to appear for the candidate as it may deem fit.
    • Any candidate detected in giving or receiving assistance or in having in his/her possession paper, books, or notes in the examination room or while using of or attempting to use any other unfair means in connection with the examination may be expelled by the superintendent from the examination for that paper and after due investigation may be disqualified by the examination committee from passing the examination for that year. He/She may further be debarred from appearing at any subsequent examination for a period which may extend to five years.
    • If a candidate is found guilty, of serious misconduct. the examination committee shall declare him/her not a fit and proper person to be admitted to any further examination of the Board provided that on the expiry of five years of such declaration the examination committee may in special cases admit such a person to an examination.
    • The names of candidates who are punished under this regulation shall be notified in the Official Gazette.
  • Conduct of examination:-
    • The examination committee will be competant to frame such rules and regulations as may be necessary for efficient conduct of the examination and shall appoint officers besides the Superintendent of centre for supervision, inspection and surprise check of examination work.
    • The examination committee where it is satisfied on the basis of report received from the superintendent and / or supervisor, Inspectors and observers appointed for the inspection of examination centres that the examination has not been conducted as per rules may take steps as considered appropriate by the committee including cancellation of the examination wholly or in part .
  • Request for checking of addition of a marks:
    • No application for revaluation of answer scripts shall be entertained, but a candidate may apply in the prescribed form to the Secretary for checking up the addition of marks in any paper so as to reach the Secretary within one month from the date of the publication of result at the Board’s office.
    • Every application must be accompanied by a fee as fixed up by the Board from time to time for each answer paper in which checking of the addition of the marks desired. The fee may be paid either at the Board’s off ice or by crossed Bank draft payable to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. The full name and address of the sender, the roll number and the name of the subject in which checking is desired should be mentioned in the application.
    • Money once paid in this regard is not refundable.
  • Duplicate Certificate
    • Duplicate copies of certificate shall not be granted except in cases in which the Secretary is satisfied that the applicant has lost his certificate or that it has been destroyed and that the applicant has a real need for a duplicate copy of his/her certificate.
    • The applicant should send an application through the Head of the Institution where he/she has studied and the application should accompany an affidavit sworn before a Magistrate First Class for the purpose and with requisite fees as notified by the Board from time to time.
    • A private candidate shall apply for the duplicate certificate through the Head of the Institution who has attested his/her application for the examination.20. Power of the Examination Committee to take action :
    • The examination committee shall be competent to frame general rules giving benefit to hard ease and such rules as framed by the Examination committee need be intimated to Govt. from time to time.
    • The examination committee shall have the power to take action against any person connected with the examination for inefficient and improper discharge of duties.

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