Promotion Policy for the Students of Classes 9 and 11 Academic Session 2021-2022 by Govt. of NCT of Delhi: Directorate of Education Examination Branch, Old Secretariat. Delhi-110054
In view of the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19 Pandemic, the Revised Promotion Policy is extended for the Academic Session 2021-22 also. However, necessary changes in the policy for 2021-22 have been made in light of Scheme of Assessment of classes 9th & 11th issued by CBSE for the Academic Session 2021-22 which was circulated by the Directorate of Education vide its order No DE.5/212/Exam/16-17/1037-46 dated 01/09/2021 .
Further, it is notable that the provision of Rule 4(b) for class 9th and Rule 11(a) for class 11th of Promotion Policy 2019-20 circulated vide Circular No DE.5/212/Exam/16-17/1373-81 dated 09/10/2019 will not be applicable for the, Academic Session 2021-22 also.
In consonance of DDMA order No F.60/DDMA/COVID-19/2021 Nol ll/523 dated 26/02/2022 , the blended /hybrid mode (online & offline) of learning and consent of parents for attending school in physical mode is to be followed in respect of students upto class 9th as well as 11th till 31.03.2022 in schools, subject to the compliance of SOPs/Guidelines/Orders issued by Gol/NDMA/GNCTD/DDMA etc. from time to time.
Therefore , considering these circumstances in the current academic session 2021-22 , result would be calculated based on the marks obtained by the student in Term-1/Term-2/ Term-1 & 2 Examinations and declared on the basis of the following modified Promotion Rules for this current academic session :
1. Result of the students will be calculated for the promotion/upgradation to the next higher class on the basis of marks obtained in the Mid Term Exam (Term-1), marks of Annual Exam (Term-2) and marks of Internal AssessmenUProject/Practical/ASL taken together. Passing criteria will be 33% marks (33 marks and above out of 100 marks) in each of the five main subjects.
2. In case a student does not score 33% marks in any one language i.e.
Language-1 or Language-2 (Below 33 marks out of total marks 100) in class 9th, third language opted and qualified (Scored 33% and above) by the student will replace either Language-1 or Language -2 only for promotion to the next higher class.
3. It is mandatory for a student that Additional Subject opted by the student must be qualified before appearing in class X/Xll CBSE Board Examinations.
4. Skill Course subject(s) opted by the student in class 9th will not replace any elective subject i.e. Maths, Natural Science, Social Science, Music, Home Science and Painting.
5. A maximum of 15 (Fifteen) grace marks will be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in one or any number of subjects only for promotion to the next higher class.
6. The schools which conducted examinations in blended mode for Term-2 shall be allowed to compute the result based upon the scores obtained by the students . In case the student could not appear in offline examination of Term-11 due to lack of parental consent or school could not conduct offline/online examination due to the aforesaid reason(s), the school shall conduct such examination after 31st March 2022 in offline mode. The marks obtained by the students in this examination shall be used for computation of result.
7. In case a student could not appear for whatsoever reason(s) in Term- 1/Term-2/Term-1 & 2 I or scores less than 33% marks in one or more subject(s) , he/she will be eligible to appear in the subject(s) at “Compartment Examination” to be held after 31st March 2022 in offline mode.
8. Compartment Examination will be conducted on the basis of syllabus , design of question papers and weightage of marks of Annual Examinations (Term-2). This opportunity will be provided to all the students covered in point No- 6 & 7.
9. Result of Compartment Examination will be declared on the basis of conversion of marks obtained by the student in Compartment Examination plus marks of Internal Assessment/Project/Practical/ASL taken together . For conversion of marks, the Maximum Marks and Marks Obtained in Compartment Examinations will be multiplied by two. The student must secure 33% marks (33 marks out of 100 marks) in each of the subject(s) for which he/she has taken Compartment Examination for the promotion to the next higher class.
10. No benefit of the Grace Marks will be given to the student for computing the result of Compartment Examination.
All the Govt., Govt. Aided and Recognized Un-Aided Schools are hereby directed to comply with these guidelines in letter and spirit. However, if a Recognized Un-Aided School desires to have criteria other than those prescribed in these guidelines, it can do so with the prior approval of the Director (Education), GNCT Delhi before declaration of the results.
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