SSC CGL Tier 1 Online Exam Paper General Awareness 27-8-

SSC CGL Tier 1 Online Exam Paper General Awareness 27-8-

SSC CGL Tier 1 Online Exam Paper General Awareness 27-8-

General Awareness:

1) When did Kakori Robbery took place ?

2) Siachen Glacier is a dispute between which 2 countries.

3) Who is the First Female Governor of an Indian State ?

4) Which among the following Government Bodies accounts are not audited by CAG ?

5) Which Desert has high gold reserves ?

6) Pollutant, being the biggest source of air pollution in world ?

7) Which component is responsible for acid rain ?

8) “A thing of Beauty is Joy forever” is written by ?

9) Boiling Point of Water Depends upon ?

10) Which among the following state has the highest literacy rate ?

  1. Punjab
  2. Mizoram
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Odisha

11) What is Zeolite ?

12) What is the minimum no. of members to be present in Parliament to start the proceedings of the house ?

13) Name the Process by which Bubbles from Liquid are formed ?

14) Where the HEadquarters of FIFA are located ?

15) Which monument is called Dream of Stones ?

16) Boiling Point of Water Depends upon ?

Quantitative Aptitude:

  1. 1..8…27…343…441..729, find out the wrong no. In the series.
  2. What is the product of all positive factors of 18? A. 3042 B. 5832 C. 39 D. 324
  3. If X=1+√2+√3, then X^2-2X-4=?
  4. The single discount equal to three consecutive discounts of 10%, 12% and 5% ?
  5. Two no are such that their difference their sum and their product are in the ratio of 1:7:24. The product of no is A. 24 B. 36 C.48 D. 60
  6. x+1/x=5 find 6x/x^2+x+1=?
  7. a=x^1/3.y^1/3+x^(-1/3).y^(-1/3) find a^3-3ay-x=?
  8. Ratio of area of sphere nd hemisphere if they have same radius.
  9. If two equal arcs of circle made angles 60 degree nd 75 degree… Find ratio of radius..
  10. if tan(@-15)=root 3, then, @=?
  11. If X+1/X =5 then x/x^2+x+1


General Intelligence & Reasoning

  1. 1 8 27 , 64 125 216, 343 ? 729
  2. Wrong series : 28 32 29 30 26 28
  4. PAPER folding????
  5. Counting of no of square in a figure
  6. ass: brays:: monkey:???
  7. 17+17=2895
  8. 18+18=3245,19+19=3615,23+23=?
  9. water image. Group
  10. One question from matrix…

English Comprehension:

  1. Fit her in a glove means?
  2. Spelling : connoisseur
  3. Antonym of soothe
  4. Synonym of devastation
  5. Cat nap means?