SA 1 Question Paper SST Class 10
90 Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90
General Instructions : (i) The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Marks are indicated against each question. (iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 8 are very short answer type questions. Each question carries one mark. (iv) Questions from serial number 9 to 21 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each. (v) Questions from serial number 22 to 29 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each. (vi) Question number 30 is map question of 3 marks from Geography. After completion, attach the map inside your answer book.
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1 | How were Biliotheque bleue different from penny chap books ?
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Name the novel written by Henry Fielding.
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2 | Who introduced tea in India ?
| 1 | |
3 | What is meant by ‘Tamil Eelam’ ?
| 1 | |
4 | In which form of government people can express their views freely ?
| 1 | |
5 | “Indian Constitution has a unitary bias”. Support the statement with one example.
| 1 | |
6 | Define-Literacy Rate.
| 1 | |
7 | Mention any one factor responsible for the growth of service sector in the Indian economy.
| 1 | |
8 | “Development for one may not be development for the others”. Why ? Give one reason.
| 1 | |
9 | Mention any three sources of inter linkage between the nations in the ancient time.
| 3 | |
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Why did the upper classes prefer things produced by hand in Victorian Britain ? Explain.
| 3 | ||
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Why did the population of London expand from the middle of the eighteenth century ? Give any three reasons.
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10 | “After the First World War, the US economy became an international creditor”. How did this happen ? Explain.
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“Manchester could never recapture its old position in the Indian market after the First World War”. support the statement.
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‘The Chawls of Bombay were a small cosmopolitan community in themselves’. Explain the statement.
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11 | How did the Buddhist missionaries from China introduce printing technology into Japan around AD 768-770 ? Explain
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‘Novels created a sense of social awareness in India’. Support the statement with suitable examples.
| 3 | ||
12 | “Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one”. Who said this ? How did print help to promote Protestant Reformation ?
| 3 | |
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Describe the themes of novel Indulekha.
| 3 | ||
13 | Explain any three causes of depletion of forests in India.
| 3 | |
14 | Explain any three techniques of rainwater harvesting used in ancient India.
| 3 | |
15 | “Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources in a country like India”. Justify this statement with two relevant points and an example.
| 3 | |
16 | “Politics must be guided by ethics”. Explain the statement with incorporating three values.
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17 | Distinguish between the power sharing models accepted by Belgium and Sri Lanka.
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18 | What is federalism ? Mention the types of federations that exist in countries like USA, Belgium, Australia and India.
| 3 | |
19 | What is sustainable development ? Why is the issue of sustainability important for development ? Explain.
| 3 | |
20 | In what three ways is organized sector better than unorganized sector? Explain.
| 3 | |
21 | Name three sectors of Indian economy giving one feature of each.
| 3 | |
22 | Identify the three different types of flows within international economic exchanges. Explain their effects on life of the people in 19th century.
| 5 | |
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What were crafts and trade guilds ? List their functions.
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How did people of different classes organize their new found leisure in England ? Explain.
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23 | Examine the impact of print on Indian women during 19th and 20th century.
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How did novels create a sense of social awareness in India ? Support your answer with a suitable example.
| 5 | ||
24 | What is the importance of Himalayan Yew ? Why is it under threat ? Explain.
| 5 | |
25 | Analyse any five major reasons of water scarcity in India.
| 5 | |
26 | How is gender division understood in Indian society ? How does political mobilization of women on this question help to improve women’s role in public life.
| 5 | |
27 | Examine the three factors that determine outcome of politics of social divisions and how political expression of social division can be healthy in democracy ?
| 5 | |
28 | “Money cannot buy all the goods and services that a person may need to live well”. Explain the statement with suitable example.
| 5 | |
29 | Describe the historical changes in the economic sectors over the last hundred years.
| 5 | |
30 | (a) One feature A is shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify this feature with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked on the map : (A) A major Rice producing State (b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols : (B) Hirakud Dam (C) Sunderban National Park Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only : (30.1) In which state Sunderban National Park is situated ? (30.2) On which river Hirakud Dam is located ? (30.3) What type of soil is found in extreme north of India ?
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