This year CBSE Board Exam Class 10 started from 15th February, 2020 (Saturday). For Class 12 this year CBSE Board Exam started from 15th February, 2020 (Saturday). Due to outbreak of COVID-19 Corona Virus the CBSE Board Exam 2020 Postponed, Date Sheet Class 10, 12 News are avaliable here. New latest CBSE Date Sheet For class 10, 12 Board Exams 2020 will be available for download.
I am a student of Class XI (to be promoted to class XII). I have been detained in Class 11 in school because my academic result was not good. But some of my friends have been directly promoted based on their earlier results.
Clause 5 of CBSE Press release dated 1.4.20 notifies that the Board has decided to not hold any more exams for the students of class 10 and 12 schools located outside India. As this would directly affect students associated with over 250 schools abroad, what will happen to the results of class XII students?
Majority of the non-resident Indian students, who are in CBSE schools abroad, have planned their higher studies in India. How will this affect college admission applications? The JEE exam has minimum requirement of 75% marks in the qualifying examination. How will that get affected?
Please see answer to FAQ number 2 above. In addition, the system of marking/assessment for the purpose of declaring results will be worked out by the Board shortly and informed to these schools so that the interest of students’ is protected.
Please open a portal for reallocating centers for students who are writing entrance exams, because a lot of them are stranded in different locations and may not be able to take the exam at the allocated center, due to the changed circumstances.
Such requests that are received by us are being forwarded to National Testing Agency. However, it is advised to contact the National Testing Agency directly.
CBSE vide Press Release dated 01.04.2020 has directed all affiliated schools who could not conduct final exams due to Corona virus outbreak to promote all the class 9 and 10 students to class 11 and 12 on the basis of students’ performance.
But there are certain students whose results are with-held due to poor performance in one subject. Those students have to reappear in one subject. In view of existing extraordinary situation, they are not able to start their studies for new class. nor are they sure when will the retest exam be held.
As the period of lockdown is uncertain, can a lenient view be taken and all the CBSE affiliated schools be directed to promote such students?
I study in 12th class and my centre is in N-E Delhi. I have already appeared in economics and political science papers, but according to your notice these 2 exams will also be held again. Do I have to appear in both these papers again or not?
No, you need not re-appear in these examinations if you have already appeared. These exams will be conducted again for those few students who could not appear in these exams on the scheduled date due to the impact of law and order issues on them.
As CBSE will conduct class-XII Maths exam separately for N-E Delhi, can students of Kuwait also appear in the same exam?
Will instructions issued by CBSE vide press release dated 01.04.2020 regarding promotion policy for classes 1 to 8, 9 and 11 be effective after 2020 also?
No. These instructions have been issued only as one-time measure for 2020, in view of the prevailing extraordinary circumstances of the worldwide spread of COVID-19 and the countrywide lockdown.
Which schools need to follow the promotion guidelines for classes 1 to 8, 9 and 11 issued by CBSE vide its press release dated 1.4.20?
Schools that need to follow these guidelines include, Kendriaya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas, State/UT government schools, private schools, schools affiliated to the Board located in India and abroad, etc.
What is the promotion policy for Classes 1 to 8?
All students studying in classes 1 to 8 may be promoted to the next class/grade. This advisory was issued in consultation with NCERT.
What is the promotion policy for Classes 9 to 11?
Students of grades 9 and 11 are to be promoted to the next grades on the basis of all the school – based assessments including project work, periodic tests, term exams, etc. conducted so far. For any child who is unable to clear this internal process, (in any number of subjects), the school may utilise this period for providing remedial interventions, and school may give the opportunity of appearing in school-based test/s, online or offline. The promotion of such children may be decided on the basis of such tests.
When will the remaining Board Examinations be conducted?
With regard to rescheduling board examinations for classes 10 and 12, it is informed that at this stage it is difficult for the Board to decide and announce the new schedule for examinations. However, it is informed that any decision that the board will take with regard to the conduct of examinations will be taken by undertaking extensive consultation with higher education authorities and by keeping all aspects related to entrance exams, admissions dates, etc. in mind. In this context, it is further informed that the Board will give notice of about n10 days to all stakeholders before starting the Board examinations.
As and when board examinations are held, which are the subjects for which examinations will be held by CBSE for class-X?
For class X, CBSE will conduct the examinations of only those whose examinations were postponed by the board because of law and order situation in N-E Delhi District.
These subjects are:
In class-XII, examinations of which subjects will be conducted by CBSE for students from the whole of India?
Examination of following main subjects would be conducted by CBSE for whole of India for class 12:
In class-XII, examinations of which subjects will be conducted by CBSE for only those students who were affected by the law and order situation in North East Delhi District?
Examination of following main subjects would be conducted by CBSE in Delhi for students of class 12, who were affected by the law and order situation in North East Delhi District:
Will the examination in the language subjects taken as 6th subject at Class X level be conducted as it may affect the admissions for Class XI?
No. For such subjects, the Board will not hold examinations. However, the Board will prepare results for these subjects; the instructions for marking/assessment in all such cases shall be separately issued by the Board.
Will the marks of the subjects in which re-exam will not be held be included in the mark sheet?
Yes, the Board is making provisions for this. It may be noted that the Board will conduct examinations for only main subjects that will be required for promotion and maybe crucial for admissions in higher educational institutions. For the rest of the subjects, the Board will not hold examinations; the instructions for marking/assessment in all such cases shall be separately issued by the Board.
As per the Press Release dated 01.4.2020, examinations will not be conducted in schools outside India. For future studies including NEET andEngineering exams, 12th standard marks are essential. How will CBSE handle such cases?
The system of marking/assessment for the purpose of declaring results will be worked out by the Board shortly and informed to these schools. It is reiterated that the interest of students will be protected.
Will the examinations for the language subjects be held alongwith other 29 subjects?
No. The examination in the language subjects will not be conducted alongwith the 29 subjects as per the Press Release dated 01.4.2020.It has been decided not to conduct these exams. However, for the purpose of results, the Board is preparing a policy as mentioned earlier.
Because maximum students study only for their final exams, can students of 9th and 11th grade also be promoted to next class, just like students of classes 1 to 8?
In Classes 9 and 11, there is a system of continuous internal assessment in most of the subjects by the schools. In addition, schools also conduct term exams at regular intervals in which the students are assessed. Hence the contention that maximum students study at the last moment for the final exams is not borne by facts.
When are the exam dates likely to be released?
At this stage and in the prevailing situation, it is difficult for the Board to decide and announce the new schedule for examinations. The Board will give notice of about 10 days to all stakeholders before starting the Board examinations.
CWSN students take Computer Science as the 5th main subject as per the scheme of studies. What will be the passing criteria in such cases, considering the exam is not going to be held now?
As mentioned earlier, the instructions for marking/assessment in all such cases shall be separately issued by the Board, and will take care of the interest of all students.