Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets for New Session
North-Ex Public School, Delhi
Maths – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Chapter 1 Relations & Functions
Exercise 1.1
Exercise 1.2
Exercise 1.3
Class 12 Maths Study Plan Chapter 1 (For week 1 & 2)
Class-12_Maths_Study-Plan_Chapter-1-For-week-1-2 Class 12 Maths Ch 2 Inverse Trigonometric Function
Class-12-Maths-Ch-2-Inverse-Trigonometric-Function Class 12 Maths Ch 3 Matrices
Class-12-Maths-Ch-3-Matrices English – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Chapter 1
12th English Poem-My mother at sixty six

Class 12 English Assignment 3 (For week 3)
Class-12_English-Assignment-3-For-week-3 ENGLISH CORE CLASS 12 CHAPTER 2 THE LOST SPRING with Worksheet 4 (BOOK FLAMINGO)
CLASS-12-ENGLISH-CORE-CH-1-THE-THIRD-LEVEL-BOOK-VISTAS Chemistry – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Class 12th Chemistry Chapter-1, Solid state, Notes and Assignment
Class-12th-Chemistry-Chapter-1-Solid-state-Notes-and-Assignment ENGLISH-CORE-CLASS-12-CHAPTER-2-THE-LOST-SPRING-with-Worksheet-4-BOOK-FLAMINGO Biology – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Biology Class – XII Assignment
Biology-Class-XII-Assignment Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 Worksheet 2 (For week 2)
Class-12_Biology_Chapter-1_Worksheet-2-For-week-2 Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 -Reproduction in organism Worksheet 3
- Why do algae and fungi shift to sexual mode of reproduction just before the onset of adverse condition?
- Why dogs and cats have Oestrus cycle but human beings have menstrual cycle, though all are mammals?
- Draw the sketches of a zoospores and a conidium. Mention two dissimilarities between them and at least one feature common to both structures.
- Define :
- Juvenile phase
- Reproductive phase
- Senescent phase
- Encystation
- Gemmules
- sporulation
- Explain the stages in sexual reproduction of an organism. Mention what major events occur in each of them.
- State the difference between meiocyte and gamete with respect to chromosome number.
- Why is whip tail lizard referred to as parthenogenesis?
- Give reason:
- A liverwort plant is unable to complete its life cycle in a dry environment .
- Number of male gametes produced is much more than the female gametes produced.
- Organisms exhibiting external fertilization show great synchrony between the sexes and release a large number of gametes into surrounding medium.
Class 12 Biology Chapter 2 Sexual reproduction in flowering plants Worksheet 4, Topic -structure of flower and pre fertilization events
- Name the parts of an angiosperm flower in which development of male and female gametophyte take place.
- Draw a well labelled diagram of angiosperm flower.
- Name the part of flower which the tassels of the corn-cob represent?
- Draw a labelled diagram of an anther lobe at microspore mother cell stage. Mention the role of different wall layers of anther.
- How does microspore mother cell develop into mature pollen grain in angiosperms?
- Name the organic material exine of the pollen grain is made up of. How is this material advantageous to pollen grain?
- Describe the pre-fertilization in a flower
CLASS 12 Science (biology) Ch 2 Megasporangium and pollination
CLASS-12-Science- -biology -Ch-2-Megasporangium-and-pollination Physics – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Class 12 Physics Worksheet 3 (For week 3)
Class-12_Physics_Worksheet-3-For-week-3 Physics Chapter 1 Electric charges and field Class 12 Notes with Worksheet 4
Physics-Chapter-1-Electric-charges-and-field-Class-12-Notes-with-Worksheet-4 CLASS 12 Science (Physics) Ch 1 Electric dipole and field at its axial point
CLASS-12 -Science-Physics-Ch-1-Electric-dipole-and-field-at-its-axial-point
Ch 1 SOLID STATE Assignment
Solid-state-assignmemt-northex Computer Science – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Class 12 Computer Science Computer Networking Worksheet 1
Class-12_Computer-Science_Computer-Networking_Worksheet1 Class 12 Computer Science Transmission Media Worksheet 2 (For week 2)
Class-12_Computer-Science_Transmission-Media_Worksheet-2-For-week-2 Class 12 Computer Science Transmission Media Worksheet 3 (For week 3)
Class-12_Computer-Science_Transmission-Media_Worksheet-3-For-week-3 Transmission Media with Worksheet 4
12th-Class_Computer-Science_Transmission-Media_Worksheet-4For-week-4 CLASS 12 Computer Science Unit Computer Networks, Topic Client-Server Architecture
CLASS-12-Computer-Science-Unit-Computer-Networks-Topic-Client-Server-Architecture Informatics Practices – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Introduction to Software Engineering – Notes & Worksheet-1 PDF Download
Class 12 Infomatics Practices Software Process Worksheet 2 (For week 2)
Class-12_Infomatics-Practices_Software-Process_Worksheet-2-For-week-2 Class 12 Informatics Practices Waterfall Model Worksheet 3 (For week 3)
Class-12_Informatics-Practices_Waterfall-Model_Worksheet-3-For-week-3 Class 12 Informatics Practices Evolutionary Model with Worksheet 4
12th-Class_Informatics-Practices_Evolution-Model_Worksheet-4For-week-4 CLASS 12 Informatics Practices Unit Introduction to Software Engineering, Component-Based Model
CLASS-12-Informatics-Practices-Unit-Introduction-to-Software-Engineering-Component-Based-Model Accountancy – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account
ACCOUNTANCY-CLASS-12-Worksheet-5 History – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Chapter 1
History (part 1) Class 12 Theme 1 BRICKS BEADS AND BONES
Class 12 History Worksheet 2 (For week 2)
Class-12_History_Worksheet-2-For-week-2 Class 12 History Worksheet 3 ( For week 3)
Class-12_History_Worksheet-3-For-week-3 History Class 12 Theme 2 Kings farmers and towns Worksheet 4
- What are the various developments that had took place after the decline of harappan civilization to 600BCE ?
- Briefly describe the new trends that emerged from 6th century BCE
- What are the various sources to know this era?
- Who was James Pincep ?
- Write the contribution of James Pincep in the development of Indian Epigraphy
- What do you mean by inscription?
- What are Janpadhas ?
- What were Mahajanpadas ?
- Name a few important Mahajanpadas
- Which Mahajanpada emerged as the strongest one . Name 3 of its important rulers
CLASS 12 History Theme – kings , Farmers and Towns Ch 2
CLASS-12-History-Theme-–-kings-Farmers-and-Towns-Ch-2- 12th-Class_History_Chapter-2-PPT.pptx Political Science – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Worksheet 1 PDF Download
- Write the full form of USSR and when it came into being?
- What do you mean by Soviet system?
- Who was Gorbachev?
- What are the reasons for the disintegration of USSR ?
- Write the Gorbachev reforms ?
- Write the features that distinguish the Soviet economy from the capital country ?
- What was the major consequences of the disintegration of USSR ?
- What do you mean by bipolarity?
- What is shock therapy?
- Write the consequences of Shock Therapy?
Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Worksheet 3 (For week 3)
Class-12_Political-Science_Chapter-3_Worksheet-3-For-week-3 Political Science Class 12 Chapter 4 Worksheet 4 ALTERNATIVE CENTERS OF POWER
- When was the organisation for European economic cooperation was established
- What is European Union
- What are the objectives of European Union
- Explain European Union as a Super National Organisation
- Write the full form of ASEAN
- When ASEAN was established
- Write the objectives of ASEAN
- Write a short note on rise of Chinese economy
- Explain the Indo Chinese relation
- What is Marshall plan
CLASS 12 Political Science Ch 5 Topic – Contemporary South Asia
CLASS-12 -Political-Science-Ch-5-Topic-Contemporary-South-Asia ECONOMICS – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Class-12-INTRODUCTORY-MACRO-ECONOMICS National income and related aggregates(basic concepts)
Hindi – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
Worksheet 1 PDF Download
Class 12 Hindi Worksheet 3 (For Week 3)
Class-12_Hindi_Worksheet-3For-Week-3 Class 12 Hindi Worksheet 4 (For Week 4)
12th-Class_Hindi_Worksheet-4-For-week-4.docx CLASS 12 Hindi WORKSHEET 5
BUSINESS STUDIES – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
“Management is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve the organizational objectives by efficiently using limited resources in the changing environment.” Kreitner - MEANING/CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT:
- Management is the process of getting things done with the aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently.
- Process: refers to the primary function like planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling performed by the management to get things done.
- Effectiveness: means completing the right task to achieve the deputed goal within the time frame.
- Efficiency: means completion of task using minimum resources
- Effectiveness is about doing the right task, completing the assigned job on time, no matter whatever the cost.
- Efficiency is about doing the job in cost effective manner i.e. getting maximum output with minimum input
- Management is a goal-oriented process: An organisation has a set of simple and clearly stated goals, which are the basic reason for its existence. Management unites the efforts of the individuals in the organisation towards achieving these goals.
- Management is all pervasive: Management is common to all organisations whether economic, social or political. For e.g. management is applicable for a government
company, school, private company or a NGO. - Management is multidimensional: Management is a complex activity that has three main dimensions:
(a) Management of work
(b) Management by people
(c) Management by operation - Management is a continuous process: It is a series of continuous, composite, but separate functions, performed by all managers all the time.
- Management is a group activity: All the individuals in the organisation contributes towards achieving the goals set by the organization.
- Management is a dynamic function: It has to adapt itself to its changing external environment, which consists of various social, economic and political factors.
- Management is an intangible force: It cannot be seen but its presence can be felt from the way organization functions.
- Organisational Objectives: Organizational Objectives can be divided into Survival (Earning enough revenues to cover cost); Profit (To cover cost and risk); and Growth (To improve its future prospects).
- Survival: Earning enough revenues to cover cost. Management by taking positive decisions with regard to different business activities ensures survival of business for long term.
- Profitability: Earning adequate profit in order to survive and grow. Profits provide a vital incentive for the continued successful operation of the enterprise
- Growth: Growth indicates how well it exploits the potential opportunities. Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase, number of employees, products etc.
- Social Objectives:
Is to provide quality products at reasonable rates and generating employment opportunities for disadvantaged sections of society. To provide basic amenities like schools and crèches to employees and by using environmental friendly methods of production. - Personal Objectives:
Includes meeting the financial needs like competitive salaries and perks and Social and safety needs of the employee like basic amenities, peer recognition etc.
- Management helps in achieving group goals: Management creates teams and coordinates with individuals to achieve individual goals along with organizational goals
- Increases efficiency: Management increases efficiency by using resources in the best possible manner to reduce cost and increase productivity.
- Creates dynamic organization: Management helps the employees overcome their resistance to change and adapt as per changing situation to ensure its survival, growth and its competitive edge.
- Achieving personal objectives: Through motivation and leadership management helps the individuals in achieving personal goals while working towards organizational objective.
- Development of society: Management helps in the development of society by producing good quality products, creating employment opportunities and adopting new technologies.
BUSINESS STUDIES CLASS 12 Chapter 2 Principle of Management
BUSINESS-STUDIES-CLASS-12-Chapter-2-Principle-of-Management Physical Education – Class 12 Online Classes, CBSE Worksheets
- Draw a fixture of 14 teams participating in the Knockout Tournament.
- Draw a fixture of 7 teams participating in the League Tournament.
- Draw a fixture of 27 teams participating in the Knockout Tournament.
- Describe the advantages of Health Runs
- Write the advantages of leagues.
- Discuss the objectives of “Intramural Tournaments”.
- Describe Extramural Competitions.
- Explain the advantages of Intramural Tournaments.
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