Class 5 Holiday Homework – English, Hindi, Maths, EVS (Environmantal Science), GK, Art & Craft, Computer Science | Class 5 Summer Vacation Holiday Homework
Class 5 Holiday Homework 2024 – 2025
Summer Vacation Holiday Homework for Class 5

3. Make a model of any polygons using matchsticks. (Roll nos. 15 to 24)
4. Make a model of different objects of different volumes (such as cube, cuboid, glass, bowl etc.) (Roll nos. 22 to 30)
5. Prepare a chart on factor tree with creativity. (Roll no. 31 onwards)
Try to use waste material to prepare models and charts.
- Make a model showing process of photosynthesis. (Roll no. 1-4)
- Make a model /chart of any insectivorous plant like pitcher plant. (Roll no. 5-8)
- Make a model showing Food chain. (Roll no. 9-12)
- Make a model showing structure of seed. (Roll no. 13-16)
- Make a model showing stages of germination of seed.(Roll no. 17-20)
- Make a model showing food web.(Roll no. 21-24)
- Make a chart on the lifestyle of nomads using pictures and information.(Roll no. 25-28)
- Make a model of sense organs with waste material.(Roll no. 29-32)
- Make a model of solar cooker or wind mill with waste material. (Roll no.33-36)
- Make a poster on ‘Project Tiger’ programme launched by government of India. (Roll no. 37-41)

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