National Law University, Delhi has announced AILET 2019 Admission to B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M. and Ph.D. Programmes for the Academic Year 2019 – 20 commencing from August, 2019. Eligibility, total seats and other details for these Programmes are as under:
Important Dates for AILET 2019

Download Official Information Brochure for AILET 2019
Click here to download the Information Brochure for AILET 2019 contains all the important information relating to AILET – 2019 including instructions for making online application, important dates and notes for applicants, categories and reservations, eligibility criteria, subjects and syllabus etc.
Exam Pattern AILET 2019
- English including Comprehension
- General Knowledge (Current Affairs, General Science, History, Geography, Economics, Civics)
- Elementary Mathematics
- Legal Aptitude and
- Logical Reasoning
Mode of Examination | Offline |
Total No. of Questions | 150 questions |
Maximum Marks | 150 marks |
Exam Duration | 90 minutes |
Nature of Questions | Objective Type |
AILET Marking Scheme | +1 for correct answer; 0.25 for incorrect answer |
Application Form for AILET 2019, Online Registration Open till 20th March, 2019
The candidates should apply only online for admission through:, up to April 8, 2019.The admit cards will be available online w.e.f. April 22, 2019 on the above websites.
How To Apply for Admission in AILET
Instructions for filling the form
- On the login page, click on the Register to apply now link.
- Read relevant details about the course and application from the home page links. Most importantly, Eligibility Criteria,Selection Process and Reservation Guidelines.
- Fill the details into User Registration Form.
- Confirm Registration details by clicking on the Confirm button.
- After you Login in the first page that is displayed is “Application Locker”. Click on NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY from the List of colleges
- Choose your application form and click on Apply Button.
- Fill all details on the form for each of the sections. Incomplete forms will be summarily rejected.
- Click Submit for saving all details and proceeding back to the Application Locker for making payment for all pending application forms.
- In the Application Locker, under the Pending Applications area, choose your forms for which you wish to make payment and Click on Make Payment.
- On the Make Payment Page, choose Mode of Payment and verify the Amount and Click on Proceed.
Available payment Methods
- Cash Deposit at Post Office click here to view details.
- Online Payment Gateway – supports payments from Credit Cards/Debit Cards and Net banking click here to view details.
Cash Deposit at Post office
- First Select Cash Deposit at Post Office
- Click proceed and than select your city & branch & click for slip .
- Deposit slips are displayed in duplicated.
- Print the slip as displayed on the screen.
- Deposit Cash along with deposit slip at branch chosen in step II. Please collect documents as specified in points VI. and VII.
- For Cash Deposit at Post Office – Upon deposit,One part of the deposit slip is stamped and a receipt slip issued and is returned to the depositer(to be retained by the student) and the other part is retained by the post office as a record.
- List of Post Office where you can deposit your fee . Click Here to view
If Credit Card /Debit Card & Net Banking Mode is selected Then do as follows
- On the next page give your card details like card no. , and the expiry date. Please keep ready your Internet Banking password against the Card for which you are making a transaction.
- If mode of payment is Netbanking,you will be forwarded to the respective bank’s site where your account details are verified and payment approved.
- After that click proceed .
Fees For AILET Entrance Exam 2019
Interested candidates should apply only online on payment of Rs.3,050/- (Rupees Three Thousand Fifty Only) for General Candidates, Rs.1,050/- (Rupees One thousand Fifty only) in case of SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities (PD) along with copy of requisite Caste/Persons with Disabilities Certificate. Below Poverty Line (BPL) applicants of SC/ST Category are exempted from application fee.
Eligibility Criteria, Reservation, Seats for AILET 2019
B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)- Five-Year Programme
Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Examination (10+2 System) or Equivalent Examination with 50% marks. The candidates appearing in the 12th standard examination in March/April, 2019 can also apply.
Total Seats: 80 [70 Seats on merit through All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) and 10 Seats for direct admission to Foreign Nationals on merit (5 seats for Foreign Nationals & 5 seats for OCI/PIO)]. Foreign Nationals are exempted from AILET.
Foreign Nationals to be eligible should have obtained 65% marks in the qualifying examination.
Reservation: 15% for SC candidates, 7.5% for ST candidates and 5% for Persons with Disabilities.
Note: One additional supernumerary seat for kashmiri migrants. Two additional supernumerary seats for Residents of Jammu & Kashmir.
LL.M.-One-Year Programme
Eligibility: LL.B. or an Equivalent Law Degree with 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/ Persons with Disabilities). The candidates appearing in final year LL.B. Examination in April/May, 2019 can also apply.
Total Seats: 80 [70 Seats on merit through All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) and 10 Seats for direct admission to Foreign. Nationals on merit (5 seats for Foreign Nationals & 5 seats for OCI/PIO)]. Foreign Nationals are exempted from AILET (No. of seats may vary).
Reservation: 15% for SC candidates, 7.5% for ST candidates, 5% for Persons with Disabilities.
Note: One additional supernumerary seat for kashmiri migrants.
Eligibility: LL.M. Degree with 55% Marks or its Equivalent (50% in case of SC/ST/ Persons with Disabilities). For detailed
eligibility conditions visit University
Number of Seats: 08. (No. of seats may vary)