FRAMEWORK AND SIGNIFICANT GUIDELINES FOR CLASS 10, 12 , Affiliation Bye-Laws, Admission, SOP FOR DIRECT Admission to Class 10, 12, Change of Subjects, LOC

  • Conduct of Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations is the main responsibility of the CBSE. To conduct the examinations successfully, every year, CBSE is issuing many Notifications, Circulars, Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures from time to time. This year, because of Covid-19 pandemic, precious time has already been lost. As schools are still closed, more time will be required by the schools to complete all processes which are required for examination related activities.
  • Providing sufficient time and guidance to the schools, CBSE, for the first time this year, has brought out a comprehensive document titled “FRAMEWORK AND SIGNIFICANT GUIDELINES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SECONDARY AND THE SENIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS – ” listing out the Standard Operating Procedures for all the activities to be performed by the schools and students/parents during the entire academic session. The document is attached with this letter.
  • Regarding conduct of theory and practical examinations, the schedule will be informed separately. Rest of the schedules have been prepared keeping in view the Covid-19 as a onetime measure. It is expected from the Head of the Institution that a printout of the same will be taken and after reading and understanding, they will make their own schedule to complete all activities within scheduled time in letter and spirit. It will be appreciated if your suggestions to further improve this document are sent to the undersigned as per Section XXVII of this document.

FRAMEWORK AND SIGNIFICANT GUIDELINES FOR CLASS 10, 12 , Affiliation Bye-Laws, Admission, SOP FOR DIRECT Admission to Class 10, 12, Change of Subjects, LOC

Section I Introduction 7
Section II Extracts from the Affiliation Bye-Laws 9
Section III Channels of Communications 13
Section IV Jurisdiction of the Regional Offices of CBSE 18
Section V Monthwise Schedule performed by Schools 24
Section VI Admission in Schools 31
Section VII Flow of Student’s Data in School Records 39
Section VIII Efforts of the Board to Record Correct Data 44
Section IX Standard Operating Procedures for Admission to Class IX and Class XI
Section X Standard Operating Procedures for Admission to Class X and Class XII.
Section XI Instructions and Standard Operating Procedures for change of Subjects in Class X and Class XII.
Section XII Standard  Operating  Procedures  (SOPs)  and Exemptions/Concessions extended to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities for Class X and Class XII Examinations conducted by the CBSE
Section XIII Submission  of  List  of  Candidates  (LOC)  for Class  X/XII Examination 2021
Section XIV Information Required in OASIS 117
Section XV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on OASIS 132
Section XVI Registration of Class IX/XI Students for the Session 2020-2021 135
Section XVII Standard Operating Procedures for dealing with students having less than prescribed Percentage of Attendance
Section XVIII Standard  Operating  Procedures  for  conduct of  Practical Examinations and Project/Internal Assessment and Uploading of Grades/Marks
Section XIX Subjectwise Distribution of Marks in Theory and in Internal Assessment/Practical for Class X and Class XII,
Section XX Special Provision to the Students Participating in International Sports Events/International Olympiads in
Section XXI Relaxation for the wards of Armed Forces, Military and Para Military Forces in the Examinations 2021.
Section XXII Procedure  for  Verification  of  Marks  of  Class X/Class XII Examinations
Section XXIII Anomalies in Question Papers 187
Section XXIV Certificates based on School Information to be issued by Principal/ Head of School only – No countersign required
Section XXV Web Based Requirements for Hardware, Software and Manpower Requirements in Schools for Effective use of CBSE IT Application/Portals
Section XXVI Availability of Duplicate Documents 199
Section XXVII : A Request 209



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