Guidelines of Exam, Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria for Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Regular Assessment of a student of classes 3rd to 8th will be done regularly throughout the academic session as per the weightage of marks given in the table below. Guidelines of Exam, Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria for Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Guidelines of Exam, Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria for Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 w.e.f. Academic Session 2023 – 2024

Classes 3rd, 4th, 5th Examination Question Paper Pattern

Term ExamTotal Marks of QPDurationCompetency Based Questions in the form of MCQs, Case Based Questions, Source Based Integrated Questions or any other similar types (40%)Objective Type Questions (20%)Short Answer/ Long Answer Questions (40%)
Mid Term Exam502:00 Hrs201020
Annual Exam502:00 Hrs201020

Syllabus in Mid Term / Half- Yearly Exam & Annual / Final Exam of classes 3rd, 4th, 5th

  1. Syllabus of classes 3rd, 4th, 5th will be separate for both the terms. The Question Papers for the Mid Term Examinations will be set out of the syllabus of the First Term and Annual Examination will be held from the syllabus of the Second Term only.
  2. The question papers will be provided in the form of Question Paper Booklets along with space for answering the questions in the booklets itself.

Components of Examination Question Paper Pattern of Classes 6th, 7th, 8th

Term ExamTotal Marks of QPDurationCompetency Based Questions in the form of MCQs, Case Based Questions, Source Based Integrated Questions or any other similar t pes (40%)Objective Type Questions (20%)Short Answer/ Long Answer Questions {40%)
Mid Term Exam602:30 Hrs241224
Annual Exam602:30 Hrs241224

Syllabus in Mid Term / Half- Yearly Exam & Annual / Final Exam of classes 6th, 7th, 8th

  1. The Question Papers for the Mid Term Examinations will be set out of the syllabus of the First Term .
  2. The Question Papers for the Annual Examinations will be set out of the whole syllabus, covered in first term and second term .

Parameters of Internal Assessment

The activities given in each parameter are suggestive and need to be assessed as per students Participation , Facilitation, Organisation, Data collection, Analysis and Inference making skills etc. Student may choose activity from any parameter, However one activity can be considered for one parameter only.

Student’s Attendance – 5 Marks

Attendance Range in PercentageMarks
96 – 1005
91- 954
86 – 903
81- 852
76 – 801
Up to 75NIL

Round Off Criteria

Fraction of the attendance will be rounded off as per mathematical formula in all the cases, for example : 78.1 to 78.4 will be rounded off to 78.0 and 78.5 to 78.9 rounded off to 79.0 .

Subject Enrichment 5 Marks

These activities are defined as the activities leading to experiential learning integrated with each subject and leading to subject enrichment of the child. Child shall be engaged in activities based on the content that connects different areas of knowledge, application and values with their own lives and the world around. The assessment under this is done as follows :


Participation in Special AssembliesMock Activities Election/ Parliamentlike Mock


Theater/ DramaticsDance/DramaCommunity Service/Creating Awareness
Debate/ Declamation Role playArt Exhibition QuizPoetr)’.’. Recitation/ Writing Visua l Arts/Displays
SketchingPoster MakingPosters
Bulletin BoardsFun with scienceAny other Activity


Project Based Activities 05 Marks

Activities are instructional approaches designed to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world . Project Based Activities provide an opportunity for students to engage deeply with the targeted content with a focus on long-term retention. These activities facilitate the development of key skills like: Identification of Problems, Logical Thinking , Creativity, Inference Making and Problem Solving.

Theatre/ DramaticsDance/DramaQuillinq Arts
Debate/ DeclamationVolunteer WorkExploration
Culinary ArtQuizClay Modellinq
Role playVisual Arts/Disp laysSketching
Creating Art using Waste materialCreating Slide Show/PPTsAny other Activity


Portfolio 5 Marks

The Portfolio is to broaden the scope of learning and achieve diverse curriculum outcomes by examining a range of evidence of student performances being assessed. It is a purposeful collection of intentionally chosen student’s work representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the learner’s efforts , progress, growth and achievement in key areas learning outcomes.

It is a tool for assessing a variety of skills not usually testable in a single setting of the traditional written paper and pencil tests. Assessment will include self and peer assessment among others like achievement of student in the subject, reflections , narrations, etc. It holds the performance records and documents which represents a collection of their learning achievements . As a process , it enables learners to monitor their own learning systematically , reflect on their performance, redirect their efforts and set future goals.


Participation Special AssembliesinDance/DramaCommunityService/Creating
Theatre/ DramaticsVolunteer WorkVisit to and to reportshistorical place/ Monuments make documenta ries/ Write
Role playParticipation in School FunctionWall Magazine
Nukad NataksDesigning School Magazine/ Creating WritingPhotography & Photoshop
Bulletin Boards PresentationArt ExhibitionExploration

Any other Activity related to subject

Multiple Assessments 5 Marks

Multiple Assessment is aimed at evaluating the performance of the learner more comprehensively & regularly and provide schools/ teachers flexibility to use multiple and diverse techniques to assess learners viz. observation, oral tests , individual or group work, class discussion, quizzes, concept maps, exit cards, visual expressions, Listening and Speaking Skills etc as per the demand of the subject and the context towa rds addressing the goal of assessment for and as learning.

Periodic Tests/Unit Tests 5 Marks

Periodic Tests/Unit tests will be conducted at school level in the first two periods, pattern of which will be same as term end examination .

External Examinations (Pen & Paper Exam i.e. Mid Term & Annual Examinations)

:- These examinations will test achievements of basic learning outcomes , through assessment of core concepts and knowledge from the National & Local Curricula along with the relevant Higher Order Skills and applications of knowledge in real life situations rather than the rote memorisation .


Co-Scholastic Areas :

Schools shall promote co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the students . These activities will be graded on a 3-point grading scale (A to C).

Co-Scholastic AreasProcess
Physical Education/Yoga/

Health & Well being/ Self Defence

Participation, Team – Spirit, Commitment and Honest effort Sports/ martial Arts/ Yoga/NCC/Scouts and Guides, Self Defence etc
Work Education/SUPWParticipation, Team – Spirit, Commitment and Honest effort, Creativity , Services useful to the community
Art/Craft EducationParticipation, Cooperativeness , Patience, Neatness and Cleanliness in work and devotion, honest effort in work , Visual & Performing Art

Social & Emotional Skills:

Social & Emotional Skills are a subset of an individual ability, attributes and characteristics that are important for individual success and social functioning. They encompass behavioural dispositions , internal states approaches to task and management and control of behavioural feeling.

Details of Three Point Grading for Co-Scholastic Activities:

BVery Good



Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria for Classes 5th & 8th w.e.f. Academic Session 2023-24

Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria For Class 5

  • A.1.1 In order to be declared “Pass” at the end of the session for promotion to the next higher class, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each subject studied by him /her during the session . He/she must secure overall 33% marks i.e. 33 marks out of 100 [Marks of the attendance of the student (05 marks) plus marks of Subject Enrichment (05 marks) plus marks of Project Based Activities (05 Marks) plus marks of Portfolio (05 marks) plus marks of Multiple Assessment (05 marks) plus marks of Unit Test/Period ic Tests (05 marks) plus marks of Mid Term Exam (20 marks) and Annual Examination (50 marks) put together].
  • A.1.2 The promotion to the next higher class is also subject to the condition that a minimum of 25% of marks must be scored in Mid Term Examinations plus Annual Examination i.e. 18 marks out of 70 in each subject.
  • A.1.3 A candidate not eligible to be declared “Pass” will be declared ” Promoted” at the end of the sess ion of a class provided he/she is entitled for grace marks as admissible under rule 8.1.4 of these rules.
  • A.1.4 Grace marks up to maximum of 10 in all, shall be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject, provided that:-
  • A.1.4. (i) A minimum of 25% of marks are secured in each subject in Mid Term Examination + Annual Examination i.e. 18 marks out of 70 Marks to make him/her eligible for promotion.
  • A.1.4. (ii) Provided that he/she does not require more than 05 marks in one subject to come up to the minimum required of 33% of marks in that subject.


Promotion Policy, Passing Criteria For Class 8

  • B.1.1 In order to be declared “Pass” at the end of the session for promotion to the next higher class, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each subject studied by him /her during the session. He/she must secure overall 33% marks
  • i.e. 33 marks out of 100 [Marks of the attendance of the student (05 marks) plus marks of Subject Enrichment (05 marks) plus marks of Project Based Activities (05 Marks) plus marks of Portfolio (05 marks) plus marks of Multiple Assessment Tests (05 marks) plus marks of Unit Test/Periodic Tests (05 marks) plus marks of Mid Term Exam (20 marks) and Annual Examination (50 marks) put together] .
  • B.1.2 The promotion to the next higher class will also be subject to the condition that a minimum of 25% of marks be scored in each subject in Annual Examination i.e. 13 marks out of 50.
  • B.1.3 A candidate not eligible to be declared Pass will be declared Promoted” at the end of the session of a class provided he/she is entitled for grace marks as admissible under rule 8.2.4of these rules.
  • Grace marks

      • B.1.4 Grace marks up to maximum of 1O in all, shall be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject:-
  • B.1.4 (i) Provided that a minimum of 25% of marks are secured in each subject in the Annual Examination i.e. 13 marks out of 50 Marks to make him/her eligible for promotion.
  • B.1.4 (ii) Provided that he/she does not require more than 05 marks in one subject to come up to the minimum required of 33% of marks in that subject.

Re-Examination / Compartment For Class 5th & 8th

  1. A candidate who appears in Annual Examination can be declared eligible for appearing at the Re-Examination in all the failing subject(s) . Such a candidate will be eligible to appear in the subject(s) at a subsequent examination to be held within a period of two months from the date of declaration of the result known as the “Re-Examination “.
  2. Re- Examination will be conducted on the same syllabus and pattern as of Annual Examination i.e. two hours duration and 50 marks for class V and two and half hours duration and 60 marks for class 8th. Weightage of Marks obtained by the student in Re-Examination will be proportionately calculated out of 70 marks.
  3. Marks obtained in the attendance of the student (05 marks} plus marks of Subject Enrichment (05 marks) plus marks of Project Based Activities (05 Marks) plus marks of Portfolio (05 marks} plus marks of Multiple Assessmen t (05 marks} plus marks of Periodic Tests/Unit Tests (05 marks} will be carried forward and added with the marks obtained by the student in the Re­ Examination.
  4. In order to be declared ” Pass” in Re-Examination, a student will have to secure at least 25% marks in the subject(s} in which he/she has taken the Re-Examination i.e. 18 marks out of 70, provided that a minimum of 33 marks out of 100 marks are secured in total i.e. Marks of Re- Examination (70 marks) plus marks obtained in the internal assessment (30 marks) i.e. {Attendance of the student (05 marks} plus marks of Subject Enrichment (05 marks) plus marks of Project Based Activities (05 Marks) plus marks of Portfolio (05 marks) plus marks of Multiple Assessment (05 marks) plus marks of Periodic Tests/ Unit Tests (05 marks)}.
  5. No benefit of the grace marks will be given to the student appearing in Re­ Examination for the promotion to the next higher class.

Criteria for Essential Repeat / Fail:

  1.  If a student does not secure at least 25% marks in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the Re-Examination and minimum of 33 out of 100 marks in that subject(s) or does not appear in the Re-Examination , he/she will be placed in the category of “Essential Repeat” (ER).
  2. A student of Class V & 8th who is not eligible for Pass, Promotion and placed in the category of ” Essential Repeat” (ER) will be held back in the same class during the next session

Rules Regarding Absence during Examination :

  1. Absence in the examination or part thereof without medical certificate to be submitted within three working days of the date of absence in the exam will be considered as wilful absence and no mark, credit or allowance will be given for the days of absence.
  2. In case a student is unable to appear in Mid Term Examination in one or more subjects on medical ground (duly supported by a medical certificate as per circular NoDE.5/43/04/20 13-14/ Exam/1553-1558 dated 13/07/2015) issued by a registered medical practitioner or due to Late Admission(Duly approved by the Competent Authority)/ Participating in National/ State,
  3. International Games & Sports, any National Festival or Programme ,Duly approved by the ODE (Sports), the Mid Term Exam will be ignored for computation of his/her result and promotion to the next higher class at the end of the session will be made on the basis of Internal Assessment & External Assessment.
  4. A student on leave on medical grounds (duly supported by a medical certificate as per circular No. DE.5/43/04/2013 -14/Exam/1553-1558 dated 13/07/2015 issued by a registered medical practitioner or Participating in National, State , International Games & Sports , any National Festival or Programme. with due approval of the DOE (Sports) in one or more subjects in the Annual Examination will be allowed to take the exam in the subject(s) (In which he/she had been on leave on medical grounds or participating in events as mentioned above) along with the students taking the Re- Examination.
  5. For such subjects (Students will appear with candidates appearing for Re-Examination) , rules of the Re-Examination will be applicable for promotion to the next higher class .

Attendance Criteria for Classes 5th & 8th

  1. Student will not ordinarily be eligible to appear in Annual Exam, if he/she has not put in at least 75% actual attendance of the total attendance during the session up to the date of Annual Exam. The attendance for the session will be counted for the working days from the date of admission .
  2. While calculating the percentage of actual attendance during the session , a student’s actual attendance and total attendance in the previous school(s) , if any, during the current session will invariably be added to his actual attendance and the total attendance in the present school.
  3. If the date of commencement of the session in the State or UT from where the student has migrated, is different from the date of commencement of the session in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the total and actual attendance will be counted from the actual date of commencement of the session in that State/UT.
  4. Actual attendance with respect to the total attendance will be intimated with the exam results to the parent or the guardian .
  5. Percentage of attendance for each student will be computed before Mid Term Exam. In case of shortage of attendance in Mid Term Exam, the student will be allowed to take the exam on an undertaking from the parents or the guardian as well as from the student that the student will in future be regular and will make up the shortage in attendance. He or she, however , will be allowed to appear at the Annual Exam only under the provision of instructions of these guidelines .
  6. If the shortage of attendance at the time of the Annual Examination is not more than 10%, in special circumstances of the case and if the Head of the School is satisfied with the genuineness of the reasons submitted by the student and his/her parent or guardian in written application for condonation of shortage to take the Annual Exam, the shortage of attendance up to 10% may be condoned by concerned Head of School. Application for condonation of shortage of attendance will be submitted by the parent or the guardian of the student to the Head of the school by the last day of January.
  7. If the shortage of attendance at the time of Annual Examination is more than 10% but not more than 15% and the Head of the school is satisfied with the genuineness of the reasons of shortage submitted by the student and his parents or guardian, the Head of School may recommend , giving concrete and satisfactory reasons in writing thereof , his case for condonation of shortage of attendance to the DDE(Zone) concerned who may approve such condonation at his discretion and allow.
  8. Application for condonation of attendance will be submitted by the parent or the guardian of the student to the Head of school by the last day of January .
  9. If the shortage of attendance at the time of the Annual Examination, for whatever reason or reasons, is more than 15%, i.e. the actual attendance of the student is less than 60% of the total attendance during the session, condonation of the shortage of attendance will not be allowed, the student will not be eligible to appear in the Annual Examination and will be detained except in such cases as mentioned in the instructions.
  10. The Director (Education) , at his/her discretion, may make any further condonation in the required minimum attendance percentage as a condition of eligibility to appear in the Annual Examination in exceptional circumstances created on medical grounds , such as student suffering from serious diseases like Cancer, AIDS, TB or similar serious disease requiring long period of hospitalization or any other extra ordinary circumstances.
  11. The Director (Education) , at his/her discretion, may also make further relaxation in the required minimum attendance percentage as a condition of eligibility to appear in the Annual Examination in case of natural calamities like floods , earthquak es, epidemics etc. or in cases of disruption of studies due to riots or other such events in respect of students of schools located in the affected areas or the students residing in such areas provided that such a calamity had disturbed normal life in the concerned area.
  12. Head of School will ensure that no student of classes V & 8th (Below the attendance of 60%) will appear in the examination without the approval of the Director (Education).

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