Affiliation for Maharashtra Board HSC, SSC – MSBSHSE  Class 10, 12 Accreditation, Recognition

Affiliation for Maharashtra Board HSC, SSC – MSBSHSE  Class 10, 12 Accreditation, Recognition

Updates for Affiliation for Maharashtra Board HSC, SSC – MSBSHSE  Class 10, 12 Accreditation, Recognition

Recognition of College Maharashtra Board msbshse

Recognition of School

Recognition of College


  • A junior college desirous of being recognised for the purpose of admitting its students to the privileges of the Divisional Board, shall apply to the Divisional Secretary concerned for
  • recognition, not later than 15th July one year preceding the year in which it proposes to present the candidates for the public examination conducted by the Divisional Board ;
  • Provided that the Divisional Chairman concerned may, for special reasons to be recorded in writing, condone the delay if the delay does not exceed three months and shall place the matter before the Divisional Board for post-facto approval;
  • Provided further that, where the delay exceeds three months, it may be condoned by the Divisional Board, in very exceptional circumstances and according to the merits of each case.
  • The application for recognition shall be submitted in triplicate in a prescribed form given in Appendix I.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall forward two copies of the application, immediately on its receipt, laying down the date on or before which it should reach the Divisional Board, to the Regional
  • Deputy Director concerned for giving his detailed report after inspecting the junior college.
  • The Regional Deputy Director in forwarding his report, shall clearly state whether and in what subjects or on what conditions and for what period, recognition to the junior college is recommended by him.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall place the original application for recognition of the junior college and the report of the Regional Deputy Director; with his recommendations or otherwise, before the Examination Committee.
  • The junior college shall supply promptly through the Regional Deputy Director concerned, any additional information called by the Examination Committee, in connection with the application for recognition.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall place all the papers along with the recommendations or otherwise of the Examination Committee before the Standing Committee in its next meeting for its decision.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing clauses of these Regulations, for the first Higher Secondary Certificate examination to be held in March or April 1977, all junior colleges which have been permitted by the Director of Education or the Director of Higher Education to conduct second year junior college classes shall be deemed to have been recognised for the purposes of these regulations by the Divisional Board concerned subject to payment of prescribed registration fees by such junior colleges.


A junior college may be recognised or continued to be recognised by a Divisional Board if it fulfils, to the satisfaction of the Board, the following conditions :—

  • The junior college is recognised by the Education Department;
  • The junior college admits students of all communities irrespective of caste, creed and religion;
  • The junior college shall be open for inspection to officers of Education Department and to person or persons authorised by the State or Divisional Boards;
  • The staff employed to teach the students studying in the two-year classes is suitably qualified; and the Science laboratories and equipment and farm laboratories, poultry facilities etc. stipulated for different streams, where science subjects are taught; are fully equipped and fulfil the standard prescribed;
  • The class-rooms are suitable to accommodate the number of students prescribed by the State
  • Government and have adequate furniture and other necessary equipment;
  • The education imparted to the students is, in the opinion of the Divisional Board, satisfactory in all respects;
  • The junior college does not employ any member belonging to the teaching and non-teaching staff, notified as unsuitable for employment by the Director or by the State Board;
  • The junior college follows the curriculum and syllabi prepared by the State Board and duly sanctioned by the State Government; and uses text-books sanctioned and prescribed by the State Board, from time to time;
  • Admissions made in the first and the second year classes are according to the Regulations and instructions issued from time to time by the Board and the rules of the Education Department;
  • The Records, Statistical returns and Certificates given by the junior college or by the Management are trustworthy;
  • The junior college makes provision to the satisfaction of the State Board or the Divisional Board for the general rules of discipline for its employees and its students;
  • The Management conducting the junior college does not conduct within the premises of the institutions or elsewhere unrecognised or unaffiliated school or educational institution or classes for which written permission has not been granted by the-Department, by the Divisional Board; or any other competent authority;
  • The junior college shall not prepare and present the same candidates at the Higher Secondary Certificate examination conducted by the Divisional Board AND at any other examination of the same nature and of similar or higher standard as that conducted by the Divisional Board, during the same academic year;Promotions made from first year junior college to second year junior college are in accordance with the rules of promotions prescribed and laid down by the State Board;
  • Rate of fees, pay-scales, allowances and amenities provided for junior college classes are according to the instructions issued by the Education Department from time to time;
  • A junior college maintains registers and records prescribed by the Education Department in a proper manner;
  • The junior college shall comply with the provisions of service conditions laid down in the Secondary School Code by the State Government in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act and the Regulations;
  • The junior college shall afford all necessary facilities for the conduct of the examination by the Divisional Board.


  • The Standing Committee of the Divisional Board shall grant recognition to a junior college, which satisfies all the conditions laid down in Regulation 67 above, based on the recommendations or otherwise of the Examination Committee. The Divisional Secretary shall communicate the decision of the Standing Committee to the Management and the Regional Deputy Director concerned, giving the details such as the subjects in which, conditions on which and the period for which recognition is granted. He shall enter its name in the list of recognised junior colleges to be maintained by him.
  • The Standing Committee, if it so desires, may appoint a panel of subject-experts, to carry the inspection of a junior college, before granting recognition or otherwise.
  • If the Standing Committee refuses to grant recognition to a junior college, it will record the reasons therefor and communicate them to the Management conducting the junior college and to the Regional Deputy Director concerned. This decision shall also be communicated to the State Board and to the Director.
  • If any management feels aggrieved by the decision of the Standing Committee, it may, within four weeks from the date of receipt of the decision, submit an appeal to the Divisional Board against the order of the Divisional Secretary.
  • The decision of the Standing Committee, subject to the appeal to the Divisional Board, and the decision of the Divisional Board in the appeal, shall be final.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall inform the decision of the Standing Committee and of the Divisional Board in the ease of appeal, to the Director and to the State Board and to the Management concerned.
  • A junior college which is not recognised by the Standing Committee or by the Divisional Board in the case of an appeal in a subject or subjects shall not be permitted to present its candidates at the Higher Secondary Certificate examination conducted by the Divisional Boards.


  • If, on account of changes in number, qualifications, service conditions and other relevant matters relating to the staff, the standard of a junior college is affected adversely or if a junior college ceases to meet the requirements of the Divisional Board, in the opinion of the Regional Deputy Director, he shall make a special report to the Divisional Secretary for withdrawing the recognition granted to that junior college.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall issue a notice to the junior college, whose recognition has been recommended to be withdrawn by the Regional Deputy Director, showing cause why the recognition granted to it by the Divisional Board should not be withdrawn, within fifteen days  from the date of the notice.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall place the special report of the Regional – Deputy Director and the reply of the junior college to the show-cause notice issued by him before the Examination Committee for their decision.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall then place the recommendations of the Examination Committee along with the special report of the Regional Deputy Director and all other relevant documents before the Standing Committee
  • The Standing Committee, after having taken into consideration all the material in the case, may take a decision to withdraw the recognition of the junior college or otherwise.
  • The decision of the Standing Committee shall be communicated to the junior college forthwith.
  • The Divisional Secretary shall also inform the Director and the State Board of this decision.
  • The Standing Committee, if it finds necessary, after going through the material, to lay down certain conditions on the junior college, before withdrawing its recognition, shall prescribe a certain time limit within which the junior college fulfils the conditions prescribed by it.
  • If the junior college does not satisfactorily fulfil the conditions prescribed by the Standing Committee, it shall resolve to withdraw the recognition of that junior college forthwith.

Recognition of School Maharashtra Board msbshse


(Secondary School Certificate Examination)


(1) A secondary school desiring to be recognised for the purpose of admission to the privileges

of a Divisional Board shall, not later than 15th of July two years preceding the year in which it proposes to present candidates for a final examination conducted by that Divisional Board, apply for recognition to the Divisional Secretary concerned in Form I appended to these Regulations in this part Provided that, the Divisional Chairman concerned may, for special reasons to be recorded in writing, condone the delay, if the delay does not exceed six months. Provided further that, where the delay exceeds six months, it may be condoned by the Divisional Board, in exceptional circumstances and according to the merits of each case.

( 2 ) An application for recognition shall set out in full details the following particulars and shall be submitted in triplicate :—

  • The name of the secondary school;
  • The name of the managing body, secretary or correspondent along with a true copy of the resolution of the managing body;
  • A copy of the constitution of the foundation society;
  • Whether the school has been recognised by the Education Department and if so, the Standards for which it has been permitted to make provisions and the academic year in which it proposes to establish or has established the several Standards;
  • The qualifications, experience, scale of pay, terms and conditions of service of the teaching staff;
  • The final Examination for which it desires recognition;
  • The subjects of instruction for which the institution undertakes to make provision;
  • The medium or media through which it proposes to impart instructions;
  • The accommodation provided in class-rooms, and the number of pupils in each standard or division of a standard;
  • The provision made for health, recreation and discipline of pupils;
  • The financial position of the school and the sources and the amount of income;
  • The rates of fees charged and the provision, if any, for grant of educational concessions to poor pupils;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration of the Society or Trust if the school is run by a  Society or Trust.

( 3 ) On receipt of this application, the Divisional secretary shall forthwith forward two copies thereof to the Regional Deputy Director concerned for report and recommendation, indicating the date on or before which the report should reach the Divisional Board’s office. The report and the recommendations of the Regional Deputy Director shall be placed before the Examination Committee by the Divisional Secretary.

( 4 )Any other information which the Examination Committee may call for in connection with the application, shall be promptly supplied by the school through the Regional Deputy Director concerned.

( 5 )In forwarding his report, the Regional Deputy Director concerned shall state whether, and in what subjects or on what conditions and for what period recognition shoul49. in his opinion, be granted.

( 6 )No secondary school which is not recognised by the Divisional Board concerned shall’ be permitted to present candidates for any final examination conducted by it.

( 7 )No secondary school shall be recognised or continued to be recognised by a, Divisional Board unless it fulfils the following requirements, namely :-

  • The standards V, VI and VII attached to the secondary school, if any, continue to be recognised by the Education Department.
  • The management is competent and reliable and is in the hands of a properly constituted authority or managing body and its financial stability is assured;
  • The school shall be open for inspection to the inspecting officers of the Education
  • Department and to a person or persons authorised by the Divisional Board.
  • Adequate and suitable buildings, furniture, equipment etc. and – suitably qualified teaching staff for the instruction and recreation of the pupils shall be provided by each secondary school in accordance with the requirements laid down under clause (12) of this Regulation.
  • The education imparted in the school is, in the opinion of the Divisional Board, satisfactory in all respects, and the school does not employ any member notified as unsuitable for employment by the Regional Deputy Director or the State Board.
  •  The school follows the curricula and the detailed syllabi approved by and uses text-books sanctioned or prescribed by the State Board, from time to time.
  • Admissions made in the various Standards are according to the rules and instructions of  the Education Department. .
  • Promotions  made from Standard to Standard are in accordance with the – principles laid down by the Education Department.
  • The rates of fees, the pay scales, allowances and amenities provided are according to the instructions issued by the Education Department from time to time.
  • The school maintains the registers and records prescribed by the Education Department in a proper manner.
  • The records, statistical returns and certificate given by the school or the management are trustworthy.
  • The school undertakes to make provision to the satisfaction of the Education Department, that the general rules of discipline as laid down by the Department from time to time are duly observed by the school-employees as well as by the pupils.
  • The management undertakes not to conduct unrecognised schools standards or classes in the premises of the school or elsewhere.
  • The school shall not prepare and send up the same candidates for any other Examination of the same nature and of similar or higher standard as the final Examination conducted by the Divisional Board concerned.
  • The school shall not refuse admission merely on the ground that a pupil belongs to a particular community,: caste or religion.
  • The school shall comply with the provisions of the Secondary Schools Code of the State Government in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act and the Regulations.

( 8 )

  • If satisfied that the school is deserving of recognition, the Standing Committee of the Divisional Board concerned shall direct the Divisional Secretary to enter its name upon the list of the recognised secondary schools to be maintained by him and the Divisional Secretary shall inform the school, under intimation to the Regional Deputy Director concerned, in which subjects, on what conditions, for what period and for what final examination it has been recognised.
  • If, in any case, the recommendation of the Regional Deputy Director as to granting or not granting recognition to a school is not accepted by the Standing Committee, the reasons therefor shall be recorded and communicated to the Regional Deputy Director concerned and also to the Director and the Chairman of the State Board.

( 9 ) If a school desires to add to the subjects or media of instruction in respect of which recognition has been granted, the procedure specified by the foregoing clauses of this Regulation, shall, as far as it may be possible, be followed. The form of application for this purpose shall be Form II appended to these Regulations, in this Part.

The Regional Deputy Director shall Forward to the Divisional Secretary copies of all communications from a recognised school, intimating changes in management and in the number, qualifications and the salaries of the teaching staff, the result of which, in his opinion, affects the fitness of the school for continued recognition by the Divisional Board.


  • If the Regional Deputy Director is of the opinion that any school recognised by the Divisional Board, has for any reason ceased to meet the requirement of that Divisional Board, he shall make a report of the same to the Divisional Board. The Examination. Committee of the Divisional Board shall consider such report and submit its recommendations to the Standing Committee.
  • If the Standing Committee, after taking into consideration the report of the Regional Deputy Director and the recommendations of the Examination Committee, referred to in
  • above, decides that any action against the school is necessary, it shall call upon the school to show cause why such action may not be taken. The school shall thereupon submit its representation if any, to the Divisional Board, within such period as may be fixed by the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee shall have the power to extend the period so fixed.
  • If, however, the Standing Committee decides not to take any action on the report of the Regional Deputy Director, the reasons therefor shall be recorded and intimated to him and also to the Director and the Chairman.
  • If, after considering the representation received from the school, the Standing Committee is satisfied that the school is no longer fit for continuation of its recognition, it shall submit its recommendations in this behalf to the Divisional Board and the Divisional Board after due consideration at its next meeting shall, if satisfied, direct the Divisional Secretary —

(a ) to strike the name of the school off the list of recognised secondary schools and inform the management of that school accordingly, under intimation to the Regional Deputy Director; or

(b ) to issue a warning to the management that unless within a period fixed by it the school removes the defect or defects to which attention has been Called, it will be struck off the list of recognised secondary schools or that its recognition will be withdrawn in respect of one or more Optional subjects or media of instruction. The Divisional Board shall have the power to extend, from time to time, the period so fixed.

If, within the period fixed by the Divisional Board or within such further time as may be allowed by it, the school fails to satisfy the Divisional Board that it is conforming to its requirements, the Divisional Board shall direct the Divisional Secretary to strike the name of the school off the list or withdraw recognition in respect of one or more optional subjects or media of instruction Provided that before taking such action, the Divisional Board shall call upon the school to show cause why such action may not be taken.

  • The Divisional Board may, at a subsequent date, after receipt of a further report from the Regional Deputy Director and the recommendations of the Examination Committee and the Standing Committee thereon, reinstate a secondary school on the list of recognised secondary schools or if the recognition was withdrawn in respect of one or more or optional subjects or media, restore it to the privilege of preparing candidates in such optional subjects or through such media of instruction, subject to such conditions and instructions as may be deemed necessary.
  • The following are the standard requirements of buildings, teaching staff and equipment of a secondary school. Where these requirements cannot be complied with the authorities submitting the application for recognition by a Divisional Board should explain in full details the special circumstances, reasons or local conditions owing to which such deficiency or deviation may be condoned —
  • The premises should be sufficiently healthy, well lighted and ventilated, with due provision for the safety of the pupils and with separate, satisfactory and adequate sanitary arrangements for girls in the case of a boy’s school in which girls are admitted.
  • The rooms in which classes are held should provide requisite accommodation for all the pupils actually admitted in each class at the rate of not less than 0.74 sq. m. per pupil on the roll.
  • Admission to a division of a standard should be limited to the number of pupils for which there is accommodation in the class–room to a maximum limit of 60.

(a) Every secondary school should, as far as practicable, provide a playground within a reasonable distance from the school at the rate of about 0.4 hectare of land for, every 250 pupils.

Adequate and suitable furniture, equipment, appliances, library etc., for the instruction and recreation of the pupils attending the school, should be provided.

(c)(i) In a secondary school, where technical, science and vocational subjects are taught, well- equipped workshop, laboratory and equipment for practical work should be provided and the number of pupil assigned to a single teacher for practical work at any one time should not exceed the sanctioned strength of one division.

(ii) The teaching staff of the school should be adequate and well qualified with regard to the size of the school, the alternative courses provided and the optional subjects taught therein. Trained teachers possessing a degree or any other equivalent qualification in the respective subjects which they teach, .should be provided for the secondary school Standards.

The Standing Committee may relax any of the above requirements in special circumstances or conditions of individual secondary schools on the merits of each case. (13) ( i ) The head of a secondary school should act as a correspondent with the Education

Department and the Divisional Board so far as educational and admi-nistrative matters are concerned and it shall be his duty to keep the managing body of the school in touch with the correspondence. The name and address of the head should be registered in the office of the Divisional Board and the Education Officer or Education Inspector concerned. However, for attending to financial matters, the management may, if it so desires, appoint a person other than the head, but who is a member of the School Committee, as the correspondent whose name and address should also be registered with the office of the Divisional Board and the Education Officer or Educational Inspector concerned.

In case of a change in the head or the correspondent for financial matters, the name and address of the respective new incumbent shall be immediately reported by the management to the Divisional Board and the Education Officer or Educational Inspector concerned

When recognition is refused to a school, which has applied for recognition for the first time or the Divisional Board has decided not to continue its recognition after the lapse of the period for which it was granted, the decision of refusal or discontinuance of recognition shall be communicated, stating the’ reasons therefor, to the correspondent of the school concerned before the commencement of the academic year in which the school is to admit pupils to the final Standard ( X ), for being sent up for the final examination conducted by the Divisional Board.

(i) When the management of a Secondary School is proposed to be changed, previous recognition of the Divisional Board shall be obtained for the proposed change.

  • The transfer of a secondary school from one management to another ‘shall be governed by the following rules :
  • Six months previous notice of the intended transfer shall be given to the Divisional Board.
  • The transfer should not be effected without the previous permission of the Divisional Board.
  • The Divisional Board may, at its discretion, dispense with the provision made in (a) above, but where the condition laid down in (13) above is not complied with the recognition of the school shall be deemed, to have been withdrawn automatically from the date of change. In very special cases, however, the Divisional Board may at its discretion waive the condition laid down in (b) above.


( 1 )A recognised secondary school shall be eligible to send up candidates for the final
Examination for which such recognition has been granted to it by the Divisional Board
concerned, subject to such conditions as may be specified from time to time by that
Divisional Board.
( 2 )A recognised Secondary School
  • shall supply to the Divisional Board concerned on or before such dates as may be .fixed by the Divisional Board, such returns and information as may be required.
  • shall maintain such registers and records as may be required by the Divisional Board concerned from time to time.
  • shall afford all facilities and co-operation for the conduct of the final Examinations held by the Divisional Board.
  • shall carry out and observe such instructions as may be issued by the Divisional Board from time to time.
( 3 )Deleted…………
( 4 )The Divisional Boards shall supply to all secondary schools recognised by them, one
copy each of the regulations and respective syllabi with amendments, one copy each of
the bound sets of question papers of the Examination held in March or April with which
the school is primarily concerned and a copy of the school results of the final

( 5 )(i) All Secondary Schools recognised by the Divisional Boards shall pay registration fee as prescribed in item 12 of Regulation 47 to the Divisional Board concerned annually not later than the 10 August each year. On receiving such payment the school shall be eligible for the supply of publications mentioned in clause (4) above.

If the registration fee as required under sub clause (i) above, is not paid by the Schools by the prescribed ‘date, the application of candidates for the Secondary School Certificate Examination shall not be accepted by the Divisional Boards.

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