NCERT Books Class 1 All Subjects PDF Download

NCERT Books Class 1 PDF Download. CBSE has prescribed NCERT books Maths Magic, Hindi Rimjhim, English Marigold Class 1. New CBSE syllabus based Class 1 NCERT books given below. Scoring high marks in IV Exams is possible when student reads, understand and learn all concepts from NCERT book Class 1.

NCERT Books Class 1 PDF Download

NCERT Books For Class 1 Maths Magic

Download Maths Magic Class 1 NCERT Books in PDF. Getting high score in I Maths Exams is possible when student reads, understand and learn all concepts from NCERT book Class 1 Maths.

  1. Chapter 1 Shapes an Space
  2. Ch 2 Numbers form One to Nine
  3. Chapter 3 Addition
  4. Chapter 4 Subtraction
  5. Ch 5 Number form Ten to Twenty
  6. Chapter 6 Time
  7. Chapter 7 Measurement
  8. Ch 8 Numbers form Twenty one to Fifty
  9. Chapter 9 Data Handing
  10. Chapter 10 Patterns
  11. Ch 11 Numbers
  12. Chapter 12 Money
  13. Chapter 13 How Many

NCERT Books Class 1 Hindi Rimjhim

Download Hindi Rimjhim Class 1 NCERT Books in PDF. Getting high score in I Hindi Exams is possible when student reads, understand and learn all concepts from NCERT book for Class 1 Hindi.

  1. पाठ 1 झूला
  2. पाठ 2 आम की कहानी
  3. पाठ 3 आम की टोकरी
  4. पाठ 4 पत्ते ही पत्ते
  5. पाठ 5 पकौड़ी
  6. पाठ 6 छुक-छुक गाड़ी
  7. पाठ 7 रसोईघर
  8. पाठ 8 चूहो! म्याऊँ सो रही है
  9. पाठ 9 बंदर और गिलहरी
  10. पाठ 10 पगड़ी
  11. पाठ 11 पतंग
  12. पाठ 12 गेंद-बल्ला
  13. पाठ 13 बंदर गया खेत में भाग
  14. पाठ 14 एक बुढ़िया
  15. पाठ 15 मैं भी
  16. पाठ 16 लालू और पीलू
  17. पाठ 17 चकई के चकदुम
  18. पाठ 18 छोटी का कमाल
  19. पाठ 19 चार चने
  20. पाठ 20 भगदड़
  21. पाठ 21 हलीम चला चाँद पर
  22. पाठ 22 हाथी चल्लम चल्लम
  23. पाठ 23 सात पूँछ का चूहा


NCERT Books For Class 1 English Marigold

Download English Marigold Class 1 NCERT Books in PDF. Getting high score in I English Exams is possible when student reads, understand and learn all concepts from NCERT book Class 1 English.

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10


CBSE Syllabus NCERT Books in Hindi  NCERT Books  NCERT Solutions CBSE Sample Papers

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