UPSC CMS Exam Pattern – Combined Medical Services Exam Pattern

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Combined Medical Services (CMS) examination consists of two parts: the Computer-Based Examination (Preliminary) and the Personality Test (Interview) for those who qualify in the written examination. Here’s a detailed exam pattern for both parts:

UPSC CMS Preliminary Examination Pattern:

The Preliminary Examination is conducted in a computer-based format and consists of two papers, each of 250 marks:

Paper 1 General Medicine and Pediatrics

  • Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 120 questions from General Medicine and 30 questions from Pediatrics
  • Maximum Marks: 250
  • Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Negative Marking: 1/3rd of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Paper 2 Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics

  • Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 40 questions from Surgery, 40 questions from Gynecology, and 20 questions from Obstetrics
  • Maximum Marks: 250
  • Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Negative Marking: 1/3rd of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Note: Only those candidates who qualify in the Preliminary Examination are eligible to appear for the Personality Test (Interview).

UPSC CMS Personality Test (Interview) Pattern:

The Personality Test assesses a candidate’s suitability for the CMS services. It is conducted by a board of competent and unbiased observers who have wide experience in administering such tests. The interview is conducted for a maximum of 100 marks.

The interview panel assesses the candidate’s personality, communication skills, general awareness, knowledge in the medical field, and other relevant attributes.

Candidates should note that the final selection is based on the combined marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination and the Personality Test.

Important Points to Note:

  1. Candidates must secure a minimum qualifying mark in the Preliminary Examination to be eligible for the Personality Test. The minimum qualifying mark is determined by UPSC and may vary from year to year.
  2. The Preliminary Examination is primarily a screening test, and the marks obtained in this examination are not counted in the final selection; they are only used to determine eligibility for the Personality Test.
  3. The final merit list is prepared based on the candidate’s performance in the Personality Test (Interview) and their rank in the order of merit.
  4. The Personality Test assesses not only the candidate’s knowledge but also their suitability for the medical services.

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