Result Indian Engineering Service Exam – UPSC IES Main 2018 Written Results
Result Indian Engineering Service Exam – UPSC IES Main 2018 Written Results

- The mark-sheets of candidates who have not qualified, will be uploaded on the Commission’s Website after the publication of the final result (after conducting Personality Test) and will remain available on the Website for a period of 60 days.
- The candidates can access the marks-sheets after keying in their Roll Numbers and date of birth. The printed/hard copies of the marks-sheet would, however, be issued by UPSC to candidates based on specific request accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. Candidates desirous of obtaining printed/hard copies of the marks sheets should make the request within thirty days of the display of the marks on the Commission’s Website, beyond which such requests would not be entertained.
- The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C.’s Website
- Union Public Service Commission has a Facilitation Counter at its campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination/ result on working days between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. in person or over Telephone Nos. 23388088, (011)-23385271/23381125/23098543 from this counter.
- In case a candidate faces any difficulty during filling-up of online Detailed Application Form, he/she may contact the Telephone No.23388088/23381125 Ext.4331/ 4340 on all working days between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
NEW DELHI – 110069, Dated the 2nd August, 2018.
11, Shravana, Saka 1940
0100263 | 0200061 | 0200296 | 0200988 | 0201359 | 0201739 | 0201819 | 0201863 | 0201977 |
0400322 | 0400485 | 0400826 | 0401036 | 0401256 | 0401445 | 0402638 | 0402907 | 0403100 |
0403353 | 0403719 | 0403940 | 0405351 | 0500027 | 0500320 | 0500942 | 0501264 | 0501771 |
0502618 | 0505151 | 0505185 | 0505341 | 0505625 | 0600327 | 0600834 | 0600963 | 0601465 |
0601870 | 0602812 | 0603258 | 0800047 | 0800075 | 0800275 | 0800332 | 0800367 | 0800479 |
0800574 | 0800585 | 0800597 | 0800689 | 0800726 | 0801037 | 0801067 | 0801120 | 0801141 |
0801186 | 0801197 | 0801259 | 0801282 | 0801387 | 0801427 | 0801466 | 0801476 | 0801599 |
0801692 | 0801792 | 0801847 | 0801879 | 0801913 | 0801928 | 0801972 | 0801982 | 0801988 |
0801999 | 0802110 | 0802114 | 0802167 | 0802253 | 0802268 | 0802276 | 0802341 | 0802375 |
0802376 | 0802426 | 0802572 | 0802581 | 0802588 | 0802673 | 0802686 | 0802687 | 0802776 |
0802782 | 0802842 | 0802852 | 0802924 | 0803043 | 0803147 | 0803223 | 0803286 | 0803404 |
0803406 | 0803456 | 0803490 | 0803499 | 0803542 | 0803567 | 0803640 | 0803676 | 0803750 |
0803756 | 0803824 | 0803882 | 0803889 | 0803944 | 0804100 | 0804135 | 0804136 | 0804147 |
0804208 | 0804241 | 0804313 | 0804498 | 0804578 | 0804600 | 0804670 | 0804685 | 0804698 |
0804816 | 0804944 | 0804958 | 0805012 | 0805099 | 0805212 | 0805216 | 0805273 | 0805341 |
0805360 | 0805378 | 0805504 | 0805547 | 0805657 | 0805692 | 0805725 | 0805827 | 0805995 |
0806011 | 0806033 | 0806050 | 0806101 | 0806233 | 0806323 | 0806359 | 0806427 | 0806523 |
0806548 | 0806589 | 0806702 | 0806741 | 0806746 | 0806763 | 0806795 | 0806822 | 0806828 |
0806843 | 0806857 | 0806870 | 0806910 | 0806916 | 0806919 | 0806992 | 0807158 | 0807249 |
0807372 | 0807411 | 0807524 | 0807534 | 0807552 | 0807605 | 0807610 | 0807620 | 0807636 |
0807648 | 0807653 | 0807703 | 0807809 | 0807844 | 0807870 | 0807902 | 0807967 | 0807971 |
0807990 | 0808012 | 0808050 | 0808056 | 0808087 | 0808088 | 0808092 | 0808110 | 0808123 |
0808160 | 0808172 | 0808197 | 0808244 | 0808249 | 0808285 | 0808293 | 0808494 | 0808513 |
0808671 | 0808702 | 0808803 | 0808879 | 0808957 | 0809028 | 0809037 | 0809043 | 0809085 |
0809118 | 0809164 | 0809301 | 0809319 | 0809398 | 0809492 | 0809567 | 0809574 | 0809663 |
0809664 | 0809675 | 0809710 | 0809781 | 0809789 | 0809803 | 0809894 | 0809931 | 0810009 |
0810012 | 0810112 | 0810199 | 0810218 | 0810260 | 0810262 | 0810269 | 0810385 | 0810386 |
0810396 | 0810409 | 0810464 | 0810539 | 0810601 | 0810719 | 0810758 | 0810804 | 0810932 |
0811106 | 0811146 | 0811168 | 0811200 | 0811407 | 0811426 | 0811433 | 0811451 | 0811497 |
0811524 | 0811536 | 0811547 | 0811570 | 0811625 | 0811712 | 0811838 | 0811930 | 0812013 |
0812030 | 0812096 | 0812295 | 0812343 | 0812357 | 0812407 | 0812434 | 0812470 | 0812510 |
0812512 | 0812549 | 0812706 | 0812736 | 0812770 | 0812779 | 0812780 | 0812783 | 0812957 |
0813020 | 0813074 | 0813242 | 0813252 | 0813262 | 0813308 | 0813314 | 0813443 | 0813478 |
0813562 | 0813628 | 0813680 | 0813867 | 0813903 | 0813952 | 0814009 | 0814036 | 0814142 |
0814203 | 0814391 | 0814403 | 0814486 | 0814499 | 0814520 | 0814548 | 0814569 | 0814584 |
0814598 | 0814611 | 0814630 | 0814667 | 0814671 | 0814698 | 0814779 | 0814820 | 0814842 |
0815022 | 0815029 | 0815090 | 0815093 | 0815128 | 0815172 | 0815455 | 0815530 | 0815632 |
0815669 | 0815777 | 0815793 | 0815796 | 0815802 | 0815840 | 0816005 | 0816056 | 0816093 |
0816148 | 0816164 | 0816298 | 0816317 | 0816319 | 0816460 | 0816724 | 0816912 | 0817103 |
0817121 | 0817125 | 0817230 | 0817546 | 0817603 | 0817618 | 0817677 | 0817703 | 0817721 |
0817734 | 1000437 | 1001027 | 1002123 | 1003314 | 1003321 | 1003860 | 1004281 | 1004515 |
1005137 | 1005246 | 1005517 | 1006183 | 1007149 | 1008794 | 1100184 | 1100264 | 1100402 |
1100661 | 1100686 | 1101125 | 1101533 | 1101874 | 1101923 | 1102299 | 1102975 | 1103150 |
1103510 | 1103785 | 1103845 | 1103912 | 1104000 | 1104074 | 1104172 | 1104195 | 1104444 |
1105297 | 1105982 | 1105984 | 1106019 | 1106083 | 1106183 | 1200248 | 1200468 | 1201852 |
1204280 | 1301761 | 1302084 | 1400486 | 1401418 | 1401522 | 1401641 | 1401983 | 1402027 |
1500664 | 1501017 | 1501371 | 1900246 | 1900916 | 1902141 | 2100050 | 2100186 | 2100188 |
2100190 | 2100201 | 2600042 | 2600436 | 2600522 | 2600653 | 2600837 | 2600958 | 2601299 |
2601440 | 2601512 | 2602042 | 2602997 | 2603007 | 2603772 | 2603830 | 2603892 | 2604046 |
2604884 | 2605079 | 2605450 | 3400282 | 3500218 | 3500253 | 3500381 | 3500524 | 3501059 |
3501239 | 3501290 | 3501560 | 3600158 | 3900105 | 4100086 | 4100214 | 4101174 | 4101567 |
4300050 | 4900545 | 4900904 | 5000351 | 5000703 | 5101092 | 5200178 |
0102569 | 0102595 | 0103574 | 0104652 | 0104806 | 0202273 | 0202337 | 0202659 | 0202774 |
0202779 | 0203252 | 0204212 | 0204435 | 0204747 | 0204853 | 0304031 | 0304119 | 0304344 |
0305050 | 0406079 | 0407240 | 0407675 | 0407756 | 0407787 | 0408294 | 0408389 | 0408665 |
0409794 | 0410206 | 0410457 | 0410477 | 0410503 | 0410668 | 0410965 | 0411215 | 0505876 |
0506255 | 0506398 | 0506564 | 0506774 | 0506950 | 0507189 | 0507261 | 0507429 | 0507500 |
0507609 | 0508703 | 0508944 | 0510306 | 0512020 | 0512884 | 0513281 | 0603596 | 0603629 |
0605259 | 0605278 | 0605930 | 0606391 | 0703457 | 0703898 | 0704148 | 0817782 | 0817785 |
0817896 | 0817897 | 0817978 | 0817981 | 0818033 | 0818050 | 0818091 | 0818346 | 0818443 |
0818526 | 0818602 | 0818925 | 0819112 | 0819221 | 0819383 | 0819419 | 0819626 | 0819796 |
0819801 | 0819851 | 0819904 | 0819912 | 0819999 | 0820006 | 0820152 | 0820194 | 0820308 |
0820347 | 0820677 | 0820706 | 0820709 | 0820722 | 0820966 | 0821053 | 0821210 | 0821224 |
0821297 | 0821311 | 0821355 | 0821417 | 0821434 | 0821484 | 0821773 | 0821864 | 0821882 |
0821891 | 0821909 | 0821943 | 0822024 | 0822029 | 0822263 | 0822292 | 0822298 | 0822324 |
0822330 | 0822363 | 0822376 | 0822536 | 0822546 | 0822592 | 0822604 | 0822616 | 0822783 |
0822800 | 0822889 | 0822898 | 0822951 | 0823121 | 0823122 | 0823465 | 0823501 | 0823824 |
0823856 | 0823989 | 0824006 | 0824053 | 0824088 | 0824118 | 0824313 | 0824336 | 0824496 |
0824701 | 0824879 | 0824941 | 0824976 | 0825592 | 0825805 | 0825817 | 0825937 | 0825988 |
0826132 | 0826206 | 0826226 | 0826367 | 0826591 | 0826659 | 0826861 | 0826969 | 0826982 |
0827107 | 0827124 | 0827131 | 0827436 | 0827480 | 0827568 | 0827628 | 0827680 | 0827756 |
0827780 | 0827888 | 0827922 | 0827943 | 0828093 | 0828354 | 0828370 | 0828372 | 0828429 |
0828479 | 0828588 | 0828690 | 0828693 | 0828724 | 0828772 | 0828860 | 0828878 | 0829019 |
0829103 | 0829151 | 0829323 | 0829403 | 0829419 | 0829508 | 0829528 | 0829594 | 0829714 |
0829967 | 0830220 | 0830351 | 0830420 | 0830485 | 0830550 | 0830556 | 0830561 | 0830581 |
0830714 | 0830894 | 0830904 | 0830935 | 0830947 | 0830974 | 0830980 | 0831077 | 0831103 |
0831176 | 0831287 | 0831369 | 0831411 | 0831444 | 0831460 | 0831526 | 0831707 | 0831828 |
0831843 | 0831978 | 0831979 | 0831987 | 0832002 | 0832095 | 0832132 | 0832149 | 0832195 |
0832200 | 0832214 | 0832393 | 0832404 | 0832421 | 0832584 | 0832595 | 0832764 | 0832854 |
0832869 | 0832880 | 0832887 | 0833046 | 0833095 | 0833205 | 0833258 | 0833260 | 0833365 |
0833419 | 0833454 | 0833474 | 0833570 | 0833743 | 0833761 | 0833817 | 0833931 | 0833945 |
0834112 | 0834115 | 0834144 | 0834169 | 0834193 | 0834239 | 0834291 | 0834400 | 0834541 |
0834665 | 0834697 | 0834728 | 0834734 | 0834795 | 0834823 | 0835007 | 0835009 | 0835161 |
0835216 | 0835552 | 0835616 | 0835633 | 0835780 | 0835845 | 0835985 | 0836016 | 0836097 |
0836115 | 0836162 | 0836326 | 0836432 | 0836436 | 0836711 | 0836901 | 0836980 | 0837304 |
0837373 | 0837532 | 0837616 | 0837720 | 0837732 | 0837854 | 0837858 | 0837987 | 0838013 |
0838179 | 0838236 | 0838305 | 0838415 | 0838459 | 0900756 | 0900778 | 0900840 | 1008937 |
1011194 | 1011314 | 1011397 | 1012562 | 1012616 | 1012972 | 1013248 | 1013417 | 1013959 |
1014395 | 1014979 | 1015915 | 1016310 | 1016412 | 1017279 | 1106277 | 1106290 | 1106602 |
1106742 | 1106848 | 1107170 | 1107354 | 1107362 | 1107441 | 1107966 | 1108108 | 1108260 |
1109108 | 1109211 | 1109235 | 1206728 | 1207692 | 1207935 | 1208803 | 1304662 | 1305046 |
1402858 | 1402940 | 1403198 | 1403349 | 1403603 | 1504017 | 1504581 | 1505061 | 1505711 |
1505744 | 1505811 | 1506784 | 1905648 | 2100957 | 2101238 | 2406606 | 2407609 | 2605605 |
2605779 | 2606599 | 2606605 | 2606962 | 2607569 | 2608314 | 2608874 | 2609139 | 2609472 |
2610463 | 2610530 | 3504652 | 3504906 | 3901167 | 4002629 | 4102127 | 4102810 | 4103405 |
4700021 | 4901926 | 4902222 | 4902899 | 4903147 | 4903351 | 4903531 | 4903680 | 4903811 |
4903872 | 5102677 | 5200411 | 5200415 | 5300772 | 5400800 | 5401042 |
0105540 | 0106703 | 0206100 | 0206105 | 0206145 | 0206155 | 0206195 | 0206314 | 0206522 |
0206545 | 0206660 | 0307189 | 0307971 | 0308093 | 0411966 | 0412534 | 0412555 | 0412748 |
0413124 | 0413982 | 0514013 | 0514082 | 0515243 | 0515488 | 0515522 | 0515536 | 0516383 |
0606620 | 0607259 | 0607389 | 0609075 | 0609255 | 0706070 | 0706088 | 0706145 | 0706422 |
0707124 | 0708097 | 0708133 | 0838588 | 0838595 | 0838613 | 0838847 | 0838881 | 0838903 |
0838913 | 0838918 | 0838983 | 0838992 | 0839035 | 0839147 | 0839207 | 0839220 | 0839235 |
0839302 | 0839413 | 0839519 | 0839537 | 0839543 | 0839550 | 0839601 | 0839636 | 0839732 |
0839847 | 0839874 | 0839900 | 0839937 | 0840007 | 0840016 | 0840107 | 0840128 | 0840482 |
0840504 | 0840575 | 0840665 | 0840798 | 0840872 | 0840984 | 0841050 | 0841099 | 0841141 |
0841331 | 0841385 | 0841482 | 0841501 | 0841576 | 0841641 | 0841764 | 0841784 | 0841808 |
0841903 | 0841934 | 0841988 | 0842035 | 0842038 | 0842048 | 0842068 | 0842095 | 0842159 |
0842178 | 0842272 | 0842276 | 0842314 | 0842453 | 0842476 | 0842504 | 0842564 | 0842638 |
0842644 | 0842725 | 0842743 | 0842856 | 0842859 | 0842975 | 0843127 | 0843335 | 0843354 |
0843428 | 0843452 | 0843528 | 0843705 | 0843727 | 0843803 | 0843845 | 0843984 | 0844013 |
0844024 | 0844092 | 0844093 | 0844105 | 0844256 | 0844263 | 0844325 | 0844369 | 0844393 |
0844432 | 0844439 | 0844496 | 0844654 | 0844722 | 0844787 | 0844812 | 0844922 | 0844925 |
0844928 | 0844994 | 0845053 | 0845059 | 0845075 | 0845083 | 0845110 | 0845136 | 0845163 |
0845354 | 0845458 | 0845483 | 0845492 | 0845572 | 0845628 | 0845648 | 0845715 | 0845723 |
0845786 | 0845796 | 0845914 | 0845982 | 0846028 | 0846075 | 0846245 | 0846269 | 0846285 |
0846312 | 0846341 | 0846410 | 0846496 | 0846504 | 0846664 | 0846721 | 0846725 | 0846749 |
0846853 | 0846993 | 0847170 | 0847342 | 0847371 | 0847381 | 0847442 | 0847767 | 0847863 |
0847899 | 0847903 | 0847992 | 0848024 | 0848034 | 0848040 | 0848189 | 0848250 | 0848282 |
0848321 | 0848350 | 0848508 | 0848540 | 0848622 | 0848650 | 0848708 | 0848788 | 0848807 |
0848831 | 0848915 | 0848956 | 0848980 | 0849116 | 0849214 | 0849259 | 0849313 | 0849415 |
0849427 | 0849439 | 0849497 | 0849681 | 0849741 | 0849836 | 0849879 | 0850000 | 0850007 |
0850075 | 0850195 | 0901716 | 1017815 | 1018007 | 1018786 | 1018873 | 1019315 | 1019867 |
1019910 | 1020061 | 1020158 | 1020305 | 1020381 | 1020432 | 1020619 | 1020721 | 1021020 |
1021053 | 1021599 | 1022358 | 1022687 | 1022869 | 1022984 | 1023753 | 1023761 | 1024191 |
1024471 | 1024895 | 1024902 | 1024908 | 1024958 | 1025320 | 1025617 | 1027297 | 1027314 |
1027655 | 1110208 | 1110260 | 1110292 | 1110315 | 1110316 | 1110906 | 1110941 | 1110959 |
1111069 | 1111096 | 1111359 | 1111433 | 1111527 | 1111630 | 1112060 | 1112156 | 1112239 |
1112353 | 1112514 | 1112529 | 1112568 | 1112573 | 1113055 | 1113318 | 1113575 | 1113616 |
1113634 | 1113643 | 1113654 | 1114378 | 1212623 | 1212720 | 1305738 | 1305927 | 1306862 |
1404124 | 1404461 | 1404721 | 1404807 | 1507837 | 1508130 | 1508480 | 1508804 | 1509749 |
1509896 | 1906897 | 2408064 | 2408324 | 2610878 | 2610881 | 2611281 | 2611384 | 2611474 |
2611631 | 2611752 | 2612651 | 2613166 | 2613262 | 2613461 | 2613544 | 2613737 | 3505382 |
3505850 | 3506013 | 3506095 | 4104239 | 4105402 | 4105730 | 4500584 | 4904420 | 4904531 |
4904705 | 4904809 | 4905118 | 4905154 | 5001958 | 5001987 | 5104683 | 5104742 | 5104955 |
5105377 | 5105478 | 5105541 | 5105571 | 5106294 | 5401701 |
0107623 | 0107654 | 0108133 | 0108178 | 0108213 | 0207186 | 0207189 | 0207243 | 0207465 |
0208146 | 0308995 | 0309274 | 0309317 | 0309455 | 0309632 | 0309725 | 0309934 | 0309941 |
0309999 | 0310235 | 0310255 | 0310293 | 0310461 | 0310621 | 0310666 | 0310670 | 0310717 |
0310790 | 0310940 | 0311022 | 0311131 | 0311202 | 0311237 | 0312278 | 0312287 | 0312771 |
0312803 | 0312996 | 0414923 | 0415269 | 0415326 | 0415444 | 0415447 | 0415628 | 0416355 |
0416397 | 0416771 | 0517117 | 0517216 | 0517324 | 0517349 | 0517490 | 0517636 | 0518297 |
0518356 | 0518595 | 0519379 | 0519583 | 0520394 | 0520720 | 0609930 | 0610123 | 0610559 |
0611282 | 0611617 | 0611638 | 0708515 | 0708852 | 0709022 | 0709197 | 0850463 | 0850478 |
0850631 | 0850722 | 0850893 | 0851324 | 0851627 | 0851697 | 0851757 | 0851808 | 0851994 |
0852151 | 0852168 | 0852218 | 0852344 | 0852607 | 0852842 | 0852944 | 0852949 | 0852976 |
0853295 | 0853703 | 0853770 | 0853870 | 0853951 | 0854019 | 0854048 | 0854069 | 0854173 |
0854216 | 0854242 | 0854281 | 0854540 | 0854946 | 0854962 | 0855132 | 0855272 | 0855848 |
0855874 | 0855893 | 0856010 | 0856031 | 0856157 | 0856177 | 0856238 | 0856301 | 0856317 |
0856457 | 0856683 | 0856752 | 0856786 | 0856790 | 0856935 | 0857260 | 0857329 | 0857383 |
0857414 | 0857501 | 0857558 | 0857602 | 0857624 | 0857656 | 0857668 | 0857722 | 0857809 |
0857841 | 0857940 | 0857945 | 0858038 | 0858074 | 0858105 | 0858151 | 0858423 | 0858466 |
0858607 | 0858611 | 0858687 | 0858695 | 0858836 | 0858872 | 0859052 | 0859083 | 0859148 |
0859173 | 0859261 | 0859272 | 0859282 | 0859313 | 0859449 | 0859714 | 0859736 | 0859788 |
0859793 | 0859895 | 0859897 | 0860109 | 0860117 | 0860255 | 0860270 | 0860714 | 0860978 |
0861068 | 0861077 | 0861165 | 0861174 | 0861207 | 0901822 | 1027862 | 1028837 | 1028866 |
1029008 | 1029818 | 1030115 | 1030351 | 1030439 | 1030769 | 1031098 | 1031274 | 1031457 |
1031513 | 1031614 | 1031819 | 1032520 | 1032559 | 1032916 | 1032999 | 1033439 | 1033646 |
1034379 | 1034524 | 1034689 | 1034845 | 1035082 | 1035124 | 1035150 | 1035708 | 1035975 |
1036038 | 1036214 | 1036322 | 1036466 | 1036691 | 1114664 | 1114699 | 1114707 | 1114737 |
1115116 | 1115358 | 1115407 | 1115545 | 1115616 | 1115776 | 1115929 | 1115930 | 1115984 |
1116040 | 1116074 | 1116154 | 1116273 | 1116348 | 1116379 | 1116508 | 1214115 | 1216664 |
1308480 | 1308547 | 1405142 | 1510296 | 1511516 | 1511869 | 1908550 | 1908879 | 2101748 |
2411999 | 2412681 | 2613924 | 2614088 | 2614603 | 2615323 | 2615389 | 2615439 | 2616114 |
2616165 | 2616193 | 3507041 | 3507153 | 3507250 | 3507744 | 3600566 | 3901608 | 4106733 |
4500715 | 4905203 | 4905417 | 4905722 | 5002876 | 5003197 | 5003338 | 5003391 | 5107112 |
5108048 | 5108222 | 5108325 | 5200908 |
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