CBSE Expression Series on Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee (born on 25 December, 1924) is widely acclaimed as a great parliamentarian , leader and Prime Minister. The Central Board of Secondary Education proposes an Expression Series on Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The Series will be organized on 18 and 19 December, 2015. The details of the ‘Series’ are as follow:

  • The three categories of participation are:
  • Classes I to V, b) Classes VI to VIII and c) Classes IX to XII
  • Topics are given in Annexure 1.
  • Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem.
  • Entries may be submitted in any of the 22 scheduled languages and English.
  • Students may submit their entries from schools/ home/ any place as per their convenience.
  • Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
    • Online mode through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)
    • Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)
    • Mobile App using the numbers (Details given in Annexure III)
For classes I to V7065963925
For Classes VI to VIII7065963926
For Classes IX to XII7065963927
  • To cater to the need of schools where the internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV), which may be downloaded, printed, photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, schools/ participants are required to scan it/ click an image of the entry and send it through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.
  • Entries submitted through email/ by post will not be considered.
  • The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 8.00 AM to 9.00 PM on 18 and 19 December, 2015.
  • Best 36 entries, 12 in each category, shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.
  • The result will be available on on 25 December, 2015.
  • Each participant will get a Certificate of Participation.
  • Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.
  • Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

For any query, you may call at 011-23215130 or e-mail at

With warm regards,


Dr. Praggya M. Singh

Assistant Professor and Joint Director

CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 

18-19 December, 2015 TOPICS

Classes: 1st  to 5th

Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem on one of the following:

  1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee as an inspiration for younger generations
  2.  Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s contribution in India’s development

Classes: 6th to 8th

Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem on one of the following:

  1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee has said, “I dream of a India free of hunger and want”. What can you do to achieve this?
  2.  Atal Bihari Vajpayee- the leader of millennium

Classes: 9th to 12th

Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem on one of the following:

  1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee ‘ s contribution to encourage international peace and harmony
  2.  Atal Bihari Vajpayee : the poet, the parliamentarian and the leader

Annexure II

Expression Series Submission

Process flow for Online Submission/ Uploading the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry

To submit your entry, kindly follow the instructions as under:

Students (participants) may login by clicking on the link

Fill the registration form to register for the competition.

(Note: Make sure you fill the form carefully. It may be noted that filling all the columns marked with * is mandatory)

  1. Fill all details 2. Select Class                                        3. Choose Option
  2. If option “Type here” is chosen type your essay/ poems in the space (Text box) provided.
  3.  If option “Upload here” is chosen, upload the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry.
  4. After typing text/ uploading, click on ‘Submit’ Button. You have successfully registered and submitted your entry 


  1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
  2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format. Visually impaired students can also use the audio/video mode.
  3. Those who use the online mode may register only once as multiple registration may lead to disqualification.
  4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
  5. The entries/ writings must be original.
  6. The entries without the registration details will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected at any point of time, will lead to disqualification of the prize.
  7. There will also be a telephonic interaction to ascertain the originality of the Entry.
  8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however, the entries submitted must be in their own language.
  9. Final entries shall be selected by a panel of experts.
  10. No further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.

Annexure III

Process flow for Offline Submission using Mobile App

Schools are required to photocopy Annexure-III and distribute to students interested in participating the series to fill in details.

All participants willing to participate may refer to following instructions:

Participants may submit entries as Essay/Poem/ Drawing

  1. Download the Registration cum Response Sheet and fill in all the fields given in the form Complete details before you start writing.
  2.  Students may use additional sheet if required, however, each additional sheet must have proper details as given on the main sheet.
  3. Click a photograph of your entry or scan the image and upload through the Mobile App (Whats App) on the following Numbers:


Classes 1 to 57065963925
Classes 6 to 87065963926
Classes 9 to 127065963927


  • Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
  • Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format.
  • Students are required to register only once as multiple registrations may lead to disqualification.
  • The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
  • The entries/writings must be original.
  • If at any stage the entries submitted are proven to be plagiarized or are without the registration details, the entry will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected any point to time, will lead to withdrawal of the prize.
  • Entries received on the numbers other than the ones prescribed for a class category may be disqualified.
  • Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however the entries submitted must be in their own language.
  • The decision of panel of experts will be final and no further communication will be entertained on the selected
  • Each page of the entry submitted by the participant MUST HAVE the contact details as given in the Annexure-III. Entries without proper details on each page may not be considered.

Annexure IV

CBSE Expression Series Submission Form (For Entries through Mobile App Mode)

Registration/Response Sheet

Date: __________________

Name of Participant: __________________________________Class:___________ Gender: M/F (tick one) Differently Abled: Yes/No (tick one)

Name of the School with complete address: __________________________________________________________________

Name of City/Village: ______________________________ State:_________________________

Contact Number of participant/parent (whichever is applicable): _________________________Contact No. of School ______________________ Email address of participant/parent (whichever is applicable):

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