Manipur Board CCE – BSEM (HSLC) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Manipur Board CCE – BSEM (HSLC) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Manipur Board CCE – BSEM (HSLC) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

Over the years it is the opinion of every educationist, teacher and general public that board or annual school examinations based on tests in two or three hours duration provide limited information on various elements of curriculum and range of learning in any subjects.

In view of the above short comings in the existing system of evaluation it is desirable that evaluation of students should be not only continuous but comprehensive also.

What is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) ?

The term Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is used for school based evaluation of pupils in which their assessment is done on a continuous basis throughout the year and which is also comprehensive in nature, in the sense that it is not confined to assessment in scholastic subjects but also covers co-scholastic areas such as performance in games/sports, Physical education, Creative Education, Art, Music, Dance, Drama, other cultural activities and Personal & Social qualities.

Advantages of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

  • Teachers evaluate students in day-to-day basis and use the feedback for improvement in teaching – learning process.
  • Teachers can use varieties of evaluation methods over and above the written tests.
  • Students can be assessed in both scholastic and co-scholastic areas.
  • Evaluation is done throughout the year and therefore it is expected to provide more reliable evidence of students’ progress.
  • CCE encourages the students in forming good study habits.
  • The feedback provided by CCE can be effectively used in remedial teaching to slow learners.


Scholastic Area

In view of the above advantages, the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur has come to the decision of modifying the evaluation system of its students in the following two aspects :

(i)Main Annual Public Examination to be held once at the end of course80% of Marks
(ii)C.C.E ( Internal Assessment )20% of Marks

Implementation Strategy

There will be Three Formative Assessment(FA), One Summative Assessment (SA) and One Activity before the Council’s final examinations.

A. Formative Assessment :

I1st Formative Assessment(FA1)July 4th week25 Marks for each subject.
II2nd Formative Assessment(FA2)September 2nd week25 Marks for each subject.
III3rd Formative Assessment(FA3)November 1st week25 Marks for each subject

The Formative Assessment should be held during a Class period and the type of Questions for FA will be Short Answer, Very Short Answer and Objective type.

B. First Summative Assessment(SA1) :

January 1st week100 Marks for subjects not having practicals.(70+30)/(40+60) (Theory + Practical )for subjects having practicals.

The type of questions for First Summative Assessment (SA1) will be as per the Design of Question paper provided for each subject.

The practical examination, P1 of First Summative Assessment is to be held in October ( between F2 & F3) in a class period and P2 is to be held in a class period before or after the First Summative Assessment.

C. Activity

Project work/Assignments to be completed during December.25 Marks

The total mark of the 3 Formative Assessment and Activity will be converted to form 50% of the total of 20 marks of the Internal Assessment. The remaining 50% of the total of 20 marks of the internal assessment will be taken from the marks of Summative Assessment (SA1).
See Annexure – I

The 20% of Marks obtained by a candidate in the Internal Assessment of every subject shall be added to the 80% of the marks obtained from the 2nd summative assessment (SA2) i.e., the public examination held by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur for the tabulation/formation of the final Results. While processing the results in percentile, if any fractional marks occur, then it will be rounded off to the next higher whole number ( in both the Internal Assessment and Council Examinations).

The performance of tests in scholastic areas is to be communicated to parents on report cards at the end of every Formative Assessment as well as the Summative Assessment.

Minimum Marks for Internal Assesssment

A candidate must get at least 40% i.e. 8(out of 20) in the aggregate of marks in each subject in the Internal Assessment part for qualifying his/her candidature for the final Summative Assessment (SA2) or Council Examination at the end of Class XI and XII.

If a candidate does not get the minimum marks in any of the Formative Assessments in a subject, active remedial teaching is to be followed based on detection of weak points and one chance of retest ( Formative Assessment) may be given for such students.

Guide Lines for Maintenance of Records

  1. The results of tests should be maintained in a register which should be like an attendance register, has names of all the students and has columns for recording the marks obtained in the different tests and term examinations.

  2. For every student, there should be a report card in which the marks of all the tests and term examinations are entered. The report cards should be kept in school, but should be sent to parents/guardians for their information and signature at least three times in a year. An example of report card is given in Annexure – I.

  3. Scores awarded to students on each question(or item) should be tabulated and analysed (a) in order to identify the students who have done well as well as who have done badly and (b) for remedial teaching that has to be done on the basis of hard spots detected and identification of students showing poor performance in the tests.

  4. Efforts should be made to use the results of CCE for teaching the hard spots again in a more effective manner. Also special attention should be given to the students whose overall performance is poor.

  5. Proficiency in co-scholastic areas may be evaluated on a 3 point scale from the record book maintained by the teacher/teachers. This evaluation may be done twice in an academic year, by the concerned teachers – somewhere in July/August and before the Summative Examination (Pre-Board), and the grades be recorded accordingly. They should be provided detail guide-lines for evaluation. Experts in the same field may be consulted to lay down the criteria for evaluation that the teacher can use.

Co-Scholastic Areas

These are divided into three parts

  1. Personal and social qualities including interest/hobbies.
  2. Games and sports.
  3. Literary and scientific activities.
  • Constant and continuous observation and recording of the students’ core values are essential. Assignment of a teacher/a group of teachers for about 20-25 students is recommended for the personal and social qualities.
  • Evaluation is done on a three point scale : A+, A, B.
  • Teachers’ manual for school based assessment describes indicators of assessment for each category.

1. Personal and Social Qualities including interest/hobbies to be assessed.

Evaluation will be restricted to the following

  • Discipline (including regularity, punctuality, cleanliness, observance of rules, respect for others, good manners, civic sense, respect for school property).

  • Attitude towards opposite sex, public properties, manual work.

  • Trustworthiness (responsible behaviour, completing assigned tasks in time, honesty).

  • Cooperation (participation in school programmes, getting along with others, willingness to help and serve, friendliness, forgiving nature).

  • Leadership quality (positive decision, taking initiative, resourcefulness, assuming leadership role).

  • Emotional stability (Self-control, not getting upset or angry over trivial matters, balanced behaviour, self confidence).

  • Diligence – capacity to do hard work.


Music (vocal/instrumental), school programme activities for improving environment, gardening, religious activities, photography, sightseeing, reading novels, poetry, singing, seeing movies, etc.

Interest and hobbies of students should be assessed by actual observation and reported only once at the end of the year. The areas of interest/hobbies are likely to be related to co-curricular activities, but may include activities for which the school does not necessarily provide facilities.

Assessment of interest/hobbies should be in a descriptive form as meaningful and reliable grading of interest is difficult. One possibility is to obtain in writing or otherwise, from the students a statement of their interests and hobbies and then finding more about these interest/hobbies by questioning them or getting evidence when some group activity, excursion or function is organized.

A 2-point scale is suggested for rating interest/hobbies

  • “A” for very high degree of involvement; and
  • “B” for moderate involvement.

Health and Physical Characteristics

  • Height (cms)
  • Weight (kg)
  • Chest measurement : (i) Normal (ii) Expanded.
  • Eye-sight
  • Blood Group
  • Any ailments/physical defects (to be described)
  • General condition of health

2. Games and Sports

Every student is to participate in at least one of the following

  • Football, hockey, cricket, volleyball, kabadi, khokho, handball, badminton, table tennis, sepak takraw, etc.
  • Carom, chess, indigenous games etc.
  • Athletics : races, swimming, cycling, gymnastics, etc.

Three point scales may be used for grading for games and sports. Mention should be made for achievers.

Physical Fitness Activities

Participation in :

  • Scouting and Guiding
  • Adventure activities
  • NCC/NSS/Community service
  • First aid
  • Yoga, Drill
  • Health wellness club

For a student participating in more than one activity, only three best activities may be evaluated.

There shall be at least one period/class per week for games and sports. The school shall provide facilities for the activities to be taken up by the students. Or the students may take up the activities whose facilities are available in the school.

3. Literary and Scientific Activities

Every student should participate in at least one of the following activities

  • Creative writing – writing in magazine, contributing in display boards etc.
  • Debate, elocution, recitation, slogan writing etc.
  • Music, dance, drama, painting and drawing, local craft, handloom designing, toy making etc.
  • Participation in Science club/Exhibition/Quiz/Olympiad/Maths club/Eco club etc.
  • Preparation of models/charts etc.

The school shall provide facilities and encouragement for the activities. At least one period/class per week shall be provided for literary and scientific activities.

Experts in the same may be consulted to lay down the criteria for evaluation that the teacher can use.

Certification and Monitoring of CCE

Certification of CCE

Certification of C.C.E for Classes XI and XII will be done at the end of Higher Secondary Examination of the Council in a detailed format prescribed for the purpose and it will be jointly signed by the candidate, the principal of the School/College and the signatory of the Council.

Monitoring of CCE

  • The Council authorities may make surprise visits to any of the Institutions having its +2 courses for confirmation of conducting C.C.E programme in proper manner and as stipulated by the Council.

  • The visiting authority/authorities may verify relevant records maintained in the institution specially for C.C.E during the academic year.

  • If any irregularity or mismanagement in the conduct of tests or in maintaining proper records is detected the visiting authority/authorities may report it in writing to the appropriate committee or the Council meetings for appropriate actions.

Such actions to be taken up shall be communicated to the authorities of Directorate of Education(S), Government of Manipur for prompt execution through the Zonal Education Officers of the Education Department(Schools).

Introduction of Grading System

Wie introduction of CCE in Classes XI and XII, the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur introduced Grading system effective from the session, 2011-12 in Class XI and 2012-13 in Class XII. The details are as follows


  • Assessment of Theory/Practical papers in all subjects shall be in numerical scores. In the final results, the Council shall indicate Grades along with grade points in the Marks Sheets (statement of subjectwise performance) issued to the candidates.
  • The Council shall use Letter Grades on a 9(nine)-point scale for both the Class XI and Higher Secondary Examinations of the Council as given below:
Mark RangeGradeGrade Point

Manipur Board Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) BSEM  Manipur Board Continuous and Comprehensive

  • For qualifying in the above examinations, a student should get grade “D” (grade point-4.0) at the minimum in all the 5(five) subjects (excluding 4th elective subject) he/she appeared.
  • A candidate who gets minimum qualifying grade in three subjects shall be allowed for his/her grade improvement in two remaining subjects in the Higher Secondary Improvement Examination to be conducted within 2(two) months from the date of announcement of results of that year.
  • If such a candidate could not get the qualifying grade/clear the examination, he/she shall be given one more chance for improvement of grade in the subject(s) in the main Higher Secondary Examination of the following year.
  • A candidate will get the qualifying certificate only after he/she clearthe examination with grade – D or above in all the 5(five) subjects, i.e English, MIL/Alt. English and 3(three) elective subjects. He/She will get the chance of replacing one of his/her elective subject ( out of three ) with the 4th elective subject for getting cleared the examination/the qualifying certificate.
  • The Council shall indicate numerical marks, corresponding grades and the grade points(GP) in the marks statement (Statement of subject-wise performance cum-certificate of school based Evaluation) for both Class XI and Higher Secondary Examination of the Council. The format of Marks statement can be seen to this link. (Marks statement)

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