AP SLPRB Recruitment 2019, Jobs for Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department

AP SLPRB Recruitment 2019, Jobs for Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department – Advt. RC. No.110/R&T/Rect.2/2018 – Apply, Eligibility, Fees, Exam Pattern

State Level Police Recruitment Board Andhra Pradesh, Mangalagiri has released notification for vacancies for post of Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department. Candidates looking for getting a government job in AP SLPRB as Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department can refer to the below notification. Information about how to apply, eligibility criteria, age limits, fees, Exam Pattern, Selection Procedure (Physical Measurements and Driving Tests) for getting job in total 85 posts in which vacancies has been announced by Andhra Pradesh  State Level Police Recruitment Board (AP SLPRB).

Date of NotificationPost
Date to
Supplementary notificationSubmit Application
RC. No.110/R&T/Rect.2/201825/01/2019Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department29/01/2019 To 07/02/2019Click

DOWNLOAD Official Notification for AP SLPRB Recruitment 2019, Jobs for Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department – Advt. RC. No.110/R&T/Rect.2/2018

Post, Vacancy, Pay Scale, Salary, Reservation for Jobs at AP SLPRB -Driver Operator

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the post of Driver Operator in Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department. The number of vacancies indicated below is only provisional and is liable to alteration.

Sl. No.Name of the UnitNo. of Posts
04East Godavari06
05West Godavari05
09SPSR Nellore04

Registration Open, Apply here for Jobs at AP SLPRB -Driver Operator

AP SLPRB Recruitment 2019, Jobs for Driver Operator in A.P State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department)

Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit:

Government vide G.O.Ms.No.181 Home (Services.IV) Dept., dt.16-11-2018 issued orders enhancing upper age limit by two years as a one-time measure for certain categories including Driver Operators. Accordingly, the upper age limit is enhanced as a one-time measure for this recruitment only.

  • A person who is a local to Andhra Pradesh State and also working in Andhra Pradesh Police Department as on date of notification, has been on duty as Home Guard for a minimum duration of 360 days within a period of two years and who is still continuing his service as Home Guard, must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years as on 1st July, 2018 i.e., must have been born not earlier than 2nd July, 1986 and not later than 1st July, 2000.
  • in the case of all other candidates, must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years as on 1st July, 2018 i.e., must have been born not earlier than 2nd July, 1988 and not later than 1st July, 2000.

The upper age limit prescribed in para (a) above will be relaxable as under;

  • upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Backward Class or a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
  • Length of regular service limited upto a maximum of five years if a candidate is an employee of A.P. State Government (Employees of APTRANSCO, Discoms, APGENCO, APSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities, Local bodies etc. are not entitled for age relaxation).
  • Three years in addition to the length of service rendered in the Army, Naval or Air Force of the Union for the candidates who served in the Army, Naval or Air Force of the Union.
  • Three years in addition to the length of service rendered as a whole time Cadet Corps Instructor in NCC provided the candidate rendered a minimum service of 6 months as a whole time Cadet Corps Instructor in NCC and he has been released from NCC.
  • upto a maximum of three years if a candidate is a retrenched temporary employee in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months during 1991

Minimum Educational Qualification:

  • The candidate, as on 1st July, 2018, must have passed SSC or any other examination recognised by the State Government as being equivalent to SSC.
  • Must possess current and clean Heavy Motor Vehicle License which must have been valid for a minimum period of two years as on the date of Notification.

Physical  standards

The candidates  should  meet  the  following requirements:-


  • Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
  • Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.

NOTE : In the case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and Aboriginal Tribes in the Agency areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari districts, they should meet the following requirements:-

  • Height: Must not be less than 164 cms.
  • Chest: Must not be less than 83.80 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.

Medical Standards:

  • Eye Sight : Visual Standards required for the above selection shall be as follows:
  Right EyeLeft Eye
(i) Distant Vision6/66/6
(ii) Near Vision0/50/5


Each eye must have a full field of vision.

Colour blindness, squint or any morbid condition of the eye or lids of either eye shall be deemed to be a disqualification.

  • The candidate should possess sound health and be free from any bodily defect or infirmity which will render him unfit for police service.
  • Candidates who have the following ailments or defects will not be considered for recruitment to any post specified in this rule
    • Physically handicapped
    • Knocking-knees, pigeon chest, flat foot, Vericose veins, Hammer toes, fractured limbs, decayed teeth, stammering, hard of hearing and abnormal psychological behaviour


The Selection Procedure/Scheme of the Exam will be as follows:

Physical Measurements and Driving Tests:

The Chairman of the Selection Committee will scrutinize the applications received and conduct the Physical Measurements and Driving Tests to the eligible candidates at the following venues on 12-02-2019 at 08.00 AM (Tentatively) noted against each District along with the members of the Committee constituted vide Annexure-III, Para No.5 of G.O. Ms.No.104, Home (Prisons-A) Dept., dt.04-05-2006.

Sl. No.Name of the DistrictVenue
1.SrikakulamParade Grounds, Office of the  Superintendent of Police , Visakhapatnam.





4.East GodavariParade Grounds, Office of the Superintendent of Police, West Godavari District, Eluru.


5.West Godavari
7.GunturParade Grounds, Office of the Superintendent of Police, Prakasam at Ongole.


9.SPSR Nellore
10.KurnoolParade Grounds, Office of the Superintendent of Police, YSR District, Kadapa.






13.YSR Kadapa

Driving Test may be held on subsequent dates also depending on the number of candidates after verification of Physical measurements. Candidates should make their own arrangements for their transportation, boarding, stay etc., during the selection process. Selection Committee will not entertain any representation of the candidate who fails to attend the Selection Process.


  • Candidates possessing minimum physical standards will be required to appear for a Driving Test. They must qualify in the Driving Test carrying a maximum of 100 marks in (8) parameters mentioned below out of which at least (50) marks must be obtained.

If a candidate secures less than the prescribed minimum marks in (3) or more parameters, he should be deemed to have failed in the test, even though he secures pass marks in the aggregate.

No. MarksMarks
1.Starting a Heavy Transport Vehicle from rest on the level up-gradient and down gradient105
2.Gear Changing up & down105
3.Road  sense,  general  driving,  control  of vehicle in all conditions of traffic & steering control, anticipation and judgment.2010
4.Use of brakes, stopping, parking, reversing of vehicles105
5.Following  Road  Police  Signals  /  Traffic Signals105
6.To carry out minor repairs and to attend to break down problems168
7.Knowledge of Motor Vehicle Mechanism147
8.Knowledge of preventive maintenance105


The final selection will be strictly on relative merit of the candidates in each category, as obtained by them based on their score in the Driving Test and as per the provisions of “The Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975” and G.O. (P). No. 763, General Administration (SPF.A) Dept., dated 15-11-1975 as amended from time to time. As per G.O. Ms. No. 8 General Administration (SPF.A) Dept., dated 08-01-2002 while filling up the vacancies, the first 20% of posts should be filled following combined merit list of locals and non-locals and thereafter, the remaining 80% of the posts shall be filled up by locals only.


When two or more candidates in a particular category obtain equal marks, preference will be given to the candidate who was born earlier.

Scale Of Pay, Salary

Scale of pay: Rs. 21230 – 63010 (RPS-2015) and Special Pay of Rs. 500/-.


A prescribed fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) in cash should be remitted at the time of submission of each application form. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Indian Postal Order etc., will not be accepted. SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying this fee.


  • Application forms: Candidates must apply in the Application Form which can be purchased from the Office of the Superintendent of Police of the concerned District against cash payment of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten only) between 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. from 29-01-2019 to 06-02-2019 on all working days. Applications obtained from any other source or xerox copies thereof will not be accepted.
  • Application forms may be purchased by anyone other than the candidate also. There will be no restriction on the number of applications sold to each individual.
  • Eligible candidates should submit the application form (duly filled in) along with the copies of the necessary certificates at the Office of the Superintendent of Police of the concerned District from 29-01-2019 to 07-02-2019 on any working day
  • in between 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. The candidates should appear and submit the application in person and should not send their applications either by post or through their nominee and obtain acknowledgement from the Superintendent of Police concerned and should produce the acknowledgement at the time of appearing for the verification of Physical standards. Applications received by Post/Courier or through other than candidate shall not be considered.
  • A prescribed fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) in cash should be remitted at the time of submission of each application form. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Indian Postal Order etc., will not be accepted. SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying this fee.
  • Applications submitted after 5.00 P.M. on 07-02-2019 will not be accepted. Incomplete applications or applications without prescribed enclosures also will not be entertained.

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