AP SLPRB SI Admit Card 2018 Released, Download for PET / PMT by logging in slprb.ap.gov.in/hall-ticket

AP SLPRB has released Admit card for SI – PET / PMT  2018. AP SLPRB SI Admit Card 2018 can be downloaded from the official website by simply logging in your account at slprb.ap.gov.in/hall-ticket. It is mandatory to carry the hard copy of the admit card released by AP SLPRB for SI – PET / PMT  2018 to the examination center, download by clicking on the below given link.

Download AP SLPRB SI Admit Card 2018 Released, Download for PET / PMT by logging in slprb.ap.gov.in/hall-ticket

Check Results here for AP SLPRB SI 2018 PET / PMT

Q1.How is merit list prepared for any Exam? 

Ans. Based on the marks obtained in the Exam, merit list is prepared. It contains names of the candidates in the order of marks obtained by them. If two or more candidates have secured same marks, Date of Birth (DOB) decides their seniority, with elder candidate being given higher merit.

Q2. What are the different reservations provided for the recruitment?

Ans. Reservation is provided to social categories like backward classes, Scheduled Castes& Scheduled Tribes. These reservations will be given to the candidates who are native of Andhra Pradesh only.

In addition to social reservations, Women, Home guards, Meritorious Sports Person (MSP), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Children of Police Personnel(CPP),Children of Jail Personnel(CJP),Police Ministerial(PM), Police Executive(PE), also get reservation for various posts with different Quota in a horizontal manner. However, this reservation is different from social reservation in two ways- It is provided on Principle of Sufficiency &it is not carried forward for next recruitment.

Q3. Out of total notified vacancies, how are the vacancies calculated under different categories?

Ans. In order to maintain uniformity & continuity in calculation of vacancies under OC,BC, SC & ST categories, a Hundred point roster is followed as per Rule-22 of A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules,1996. From the starting roster point to the End roster point, numberof Vacancies under each category is calculated. The vacancies under BC,SC,ST Categories which couldn?t be filled up in previous recruitment are treated as Backlog vacancies and filled as such in next Recruitment.

Q4. What is horizontal reservation?

Ans. As defined in the order of Hon?ble Supreme Court of India in Rajesh Kumar Daria Vs State of Rajasthan ??.. , all reservation other than those under Article 15(3) of the constitution of India are to be treated as horizontal reservation. They should be filled up on principle of sufficiency with no carry forward.

Q5. How are the vacancies calculated under Horizontal reservation?

Ans. SLPRB, AP follows the principle of horizontal reservation on compartmentalized basis. It means that the reservation is distributed among all social categories i.e. OC, BC,SC,ST as per the percentage fixed for horizontal reservation categories like Women, Home Guard,NCC,MSP,etc.,

Q6. What is the reservation for local candidates?

Ans. As per the rules of AP Public Employment Act, 1975 and subsequent amendments, all the posts are divided into three categories:-

  1. State cadre
  2. Zonal cadre (Range cadre)
  3. District  cadre

For the district cadre, only OC 20% posts are available to all candidates as per their merit. The remaining 80% of posts will be filled by local candidates (Of District) Only.

For the Range cadre, only OC 30% of posts are available to all candidates as per their merit.  The remaining 70% of posts will be filled by local candidates (of Range) only.

For state cadre posts, all notified  vacancies will be filled up as per  Hundred Roster points as per Rule-22 of A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules,1996. The Social Reservations will be given to the candidates who are natives of AP.

Q7. How selection list is prepared from the Merit list?

Ans. Backlog vacancies are subtracted from the total vacancies notified for direct recruitment,  to fill-up the vacancies for Direct Recruitment. No. of vacancies under each social category OC, BC-A,BC-B,BC-C,BC-D,BC-E,SC,ST will be calculated as per the starting roster point (which is the next roster point to the end roster point of previous recruitment). Within OC Category of posts, 2% of vacancies are reserved for Ex-servicemen as per availability of suitable candidates as per Rule-22 of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules,1996.

For district cadre posts, first OC 20% of posts will be  filled up as per Merit i.e., Open to all whether they are Local or Non-Local. While filling up of  such vacancies, Unit preference given by the candidate is considered. The remaining OC Vacancies will be filled up from local candidates only. (OC means Open Competition and not other categories).The Vacancies will be calculated as per the percentage given in the A.P Police (SCT) Rules,1999 reserved  to the  special categories i.e., Women , home guard, MSP, NCC, CDI, CPP, PE etc. If   numbers of candidates pertaining to special category are automatically selected as per their merit, as per the quota fixed, no more special category reservation is required. However, if less number of candidates belonging to special category   selected as per the merit, the remaining vacancies will only be filled up with most meritorious candidates of that special category by removing least meritorious candidate of OC Category. This process is repeated for all special categories. In case, eligible candidates of special category are not available, no change is made & the reserved vacancy for special category is not carried forward.

After filling up of OC vacancies, Backlog vacancies will be filled up for various social categories.

Finally, reservation quota for all BC, SC, ST categories will be filled up from local candidates of these categories. BC reservation is available only to Non-Creamy layer candidates. Again, in each of these, social categories, reservation for special categories will also be implemented exactly in the same manner as described above for OC.

For range cadre posts, first OC 30% of posts will be filled. Remaining procedure is the same. For State Cadre posts, all OC vacancies are filled as per merit. Remaining procedure is the same.

Q8. What is ABOST Reservation?

Ans. Schedule Tribes who are residing in the Scheduled areas  of five districts i.e., Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari & West Godavari districts are called as ABOST. Two types of reservation are available for them.

  1. 75% of the vacancies of Scheduled areas are filled by ABOST Candidates.
  2. For remaining ST Vacancies in these districts, if candidates of Normal Physical Measurement (i.e., Height and Chest for men & Height & Weight for Women) are not available, ABOST Candidates who get relaxation in PMT may be selected

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