Delhi High Court Vacancy for Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator – Apply, Eligibility, Fees, Exam Pattern

Delhi High Court Vacancy for Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator – Apply, Eligibility, Fees, Exam Pattern

Delhi High Court has released notification for vacancies for post of Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator. Candidates looking for getting a government job in Delhi High Court as Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator can refer to the below notification. Information about how to apply, eligibility criteria, age limits, fees, Exam Pattern (Preliminary, Main, Interview) for getting job in total 14 posts for Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator in which vacancies has been announced by Delhi High Court on 30th January, 2019.

DOWNLOAD Official Notification for Delhi High Court Vacancy for Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals / Citizens of India for filling up following existing vacancies and for preparing a panel for future vacancies:

Post, Vacancy, Pay Scale, Salary, Reservation for Delhi High Court Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator

PostClassification and LevelNo of VacanciesTotalOut of Total vacancies, reservation for PH category candidates
Senior Judicial TranslatorGroup- ‘B’ 8th Level of  Pay- matrix of  7th CPC010102Nil
Judicial TranslatorGroup- ‘B’ 7th Level of Pay- matrix of 7  CPC090301011401 OA/OL/OAL/ BL/B/LV/HH


Essential Qualifications:

Senior Judicial Translator:

B.A (Hons.) in English or Hindi or Urdu with Diploma/ Certificate course in translation from Hindi/Urdu to English, and vice versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government OR 3 years experience in translation work from Hindi/Urdu to English and vice versa in Central/State Government offices/Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/Supreme Court of India High Courts. (Only such candidates, who possess. essential qualification as on the last date of creating Login/Registration, need to apply.)

Judicial Translator:

Graduate with English/Hindi/Urdu as one of the languages at the degree level and Diploma/Certificate Course in translation from Hindi/Urdu to English and vice versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government OR 2 years experience in translation work from Hindi/Urdu to English and vice versa in Central/State Government offices/Parliament/State Legislative Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/Supreme Court of India/High Courts. (Only such candidates, who possess essential qualification as on the last date of creating Login/Registration, need to apply.) 


Schedule of Dates:

Commencement of Online Registration, i.e., creation of New Log In, Filling of Application Form and making payment (as applicable)15.02.2019 (10:00 Hrs)
Last date for creation of New Log In for online registration07.03.2019 (22:00 Hrs) .
Last date for filling Online Application Form and / or making payment through Debit Card / Internet Banking07.03.2019 , (23 :00 Hrs)


No off-line application will be entertained.

Date of Examination will be intimated later. Candidates are advised to visit the Delhi High Court website i.e. regularly for updates.

Age Limit:

  • Age should not be below 18 years and over 27 years as on 01.01.2019. That is, the applicant should have been born not earlier than 02.01.1992 and not later than 01.01.2001.
  • The upper age limit for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled ‘Tribes and Other Backward Classes shall be 32 years and 30 years respectively.
  • For Ex-servicemen, there will be a relaxation of 3 years for General candidates, 6 years for OBC and 8 years for SC/ST, after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on 01.01.2019, subject to maximum age of 50 years.
  • The upper age limit for persons with disability, having minimum 40% of physical disability mentioned above in this Notice, shall be relax-able by 10 years (13 years for OBC & 15 years for SC/ST).
  • There shall be no upper age limit for persons who are in regular service in this Court or the Courts subordinate to this Court, subject to their fulfilling requisite educational qualification.
  • The relaxation in upper age limit will not be .applicable to the candidates who are working in other Govt. Departments/Public Sector Undertakings etc.

Reservation :

  • Consistent with maintenance· of efficiency of Administration and subject to availability and orders passed by Hon’ble the Chief Justice from time to time, 15% posts for Scheduled Castes, 7.5% posts for Scheduled Tribes, 27% posts for Other Backward Classes and 4% for Persons with Disability, shall be reserved. However, there is no reservation of vacancies for Ex-servicemen in Group ‘A’and Group’B’posts.
  • OBC reservation benefit shall be given to only those candidates who are in possession of OBC Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi for the caste recognised as OBC by the Government of NCT of Delhi. Candidates belonging to OBC category would be required to subm~t the non-creamy layer (NCL) certificate issued from the Competent Authority of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi in case his/her Caste Certificate was issued in the previous financial year(s). The NCL certificate should have been issued in ·current financial year , i.e., between 01.04.2018 and 31.03.2019 by the Competent Authority of Govt. ofNCT of Delhi, which has issued the OBC Caste Certificate;
  • The eligibility of. SC/ST candidates shall be subject to the final outcome of WP (C) Nos. 5240/2018, 5278/2018 and 710912018 pending before Hon’ble High Court of Delhi wherein the issue related to eligibility of outside Delhi SC/ST candidates is pending adjudication.
  • Candidates belonging to Persons with Disability (PwD) category and suffering from disabilities, other than OA (One Arm) or OL (One Leg) or OAL (One Arm and One Leg) or BL (Both Legs) or B (Blind) or LV (Low Vision) or HH (Hearing Handicapped) of 40% or more, shall be required to fulfill the criteria applicable for their respective categories and relaxation in age and marks shall be given to them as per their respective category only, if applicable. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation under the quota reserved for Persons with Disability, who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability mentioned above in this Notice.
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category, who are selected on the same standard as applied to General category candidates and who appear in the general merit list, would be treated as General candidates owning to their merit. Such candidates are adjusted against unreserved point of the reservation roster. In other words, when a relaxed standard is applied in selecting an SC/ST/OBC candidate, for example, in the age limit, etc.” SC/ST/OBC candidates shall be counted against reserved vacancies only. Such candidates would be deemed to be unavailable for consideration against unreserved vacancies.

Mode of Selection, Exam Patter, Syllabus for Delhi High Court Senior Judicial Translator, Judicial Translator :

1)   Senior Judicial Translator:

Preliminary Examination (OMR based objective Type) Total Marks 100 Marks Total Time 100 MinutesThe Preliminary OMR based Examination would consist of three parts, i.e., English, General Knowledge and Hindi/Urdu.

Weightage of Marks and Number of Questions :

  • PART-I: English Paper – 60 Marks (60 questions of 1 mark each).
  • PART-2  : General Knowledge (including Current Affairs) – 20 Marks (20 questions of 1 mark each).
  • PART-3  : Hindi and Urdu – 20 Marks (20 questions of Hindi language and 20 questions of Urdu language of I mark each).  The candidate would have option to. attempt 20 questions all either of Hindi language OR Urdu language.   Attempting  some  questions  of Hindi. language  and  some questions  of  Urdu  language  would  be  a  disqualification  of  the candidature.


Stage- II
Main Examination (Descriptive Examination)

250 Marks Total  Time  – 180 Minutes

  • The Main (Descriptive) Examination would consist of following: –
  • Translation of one passage of 120 words (Hindi/Urdu to English) – 60 Marks;
  • Translation of one passage of 120 words (English to Hindi/Urdu) – 60 Total Marks – Marks;
  • Writing one Essay in English language of 200 words – 40 Marks;
  • Writing  Synonyms,  Antonyms,  correct  spellings  and  correcting the sentences grammatically in English language (five each) – 20 marks;
  • Writing answers to the questions of English Comprehension passage – 20 Marks.
  • Translation of one manuscript of 50 words (Hindi/Urdu to English) – 25 Marks;
  • Translation of one manuscript of 50 words (English to Hindi/Urdu) – 25 Marks;
  • The  following  shall  be  the  qualifying  criteria  for  the  next  stage  of Examination:
  • General Category   : 125 Marks (50% of 250)
  • Reserved Category: 112.5 Marks (45% of 250)
  • Same criteria of 112.5 Marks (45%) would be applicable for PH candidates of categories mentioned in this Notice above.
  • Only successful candidates would be called for the next stage of the Examination.

Interview Stage – III

Qualifying marks for General Category candidates will be 10 marks out of 25 marks and for Reserved Category (including PH) candidates will be 8 marks out of 25 marks.

  • There, shall be no rounding off of marks at any stage of the Examination.
  • The candidates are expected to have good computer working’ knowledge and proficiency in typing speed.
  • The final select/merit list will be prepared by adding the marks secured by candidate(s) in different stages of the examination, Le., Preliminary Examination (OMR based objective ,type), Main (Descriptive) Examination and Interview.

2)  Judicial Translator:

Stage- I Preliminary Examination (OMR based objective Type)

Total Marks 100 Marks

Total Time ­ 120 Minutes

The Preliminary OMR based Examination would consist of three parts, i.e., English, General Knowledge and Hindi/Urdu.

Weightage of Marks and Number of Questions :

  • PART-1 : English Paper – 60 Marks (60 questions of 1 mark each) .
  • PART-2 : General Knowledge (including Current Affairs) – 20 Marks (20 questions of 1 mark each).
  • PART-3 : Hindi and Urdu – 20 Marks (20 questions of Hindi language and 20 questions of Urdu language of 1 mark each). The candidate would have option to attempt 20 questions all either of Hindi language OR Urdu language. Attempting some questions of Hindi language and some questions of Urdu I~nguage would be a disqualification of the candidature.

The  following  shall be the qualifying criteria  for the next  stage  of Examination:

General Category: 50 Marks (50% of 100)
Reserved Category: 45 Marks (45% of 100)

Same criteria of 45 Marks (45%) would be applicable for PH candidates of categories mentioned in this Notice above.

There would be 25% negative marking (i.e., deduction of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer).

Stage – II Main, Examination (Descriptive Examination)

Total Marks ­ 200 Marks

Total Time ­ 120 Minutes

The Main (Descriptive) Examination would consist of following: .

  • Translation of one passage of 120 words (HindilUrdu to’ English) – 60 Marks;
  • Translation of one passage of 120 words (English to HindifUrdu) :. 60 Marks;.
  • Writing one Essay in English language of 209 words – 40 Marks;
  • Writing Synonyms, Antonyms, correct spellings and correcting the sentences grammatically in English language (five each) – 20 marks;
  • Writing answers to the questions of English Comprehension passage – 20 Marks.

The  following  shall  be  the  qualifying  criteria  for  the  next  stage  of Examination :

  • General Category     : 100 Marks (50% of 200)
  • Reserved Category: 90 Marks (45% of200)
  • Same criteria of 90 Marks (45%) would be applicable for PH candidates of categories mentioned in this Notice above.
  • Only successful candidates would be called for the next stage of the Examination.
Stage – III
Interview Total  Marks 25 MarksQualifying marks for General Category candidates will be 10 marks out of 25 marks and for Reserved Category (including PH) candidates will be 8 marks out of 25 marks.


  1. There shall be no rounding off of marks at any stage of the Examination. ,
  2. The candidates are expected to have good computer working knowledge and proficiency in typing speed.
  3. The final select/merit list will be prepared by adding the marks secured by candidate(s) in different stages of the examination, i.e., Preliminary Examination (OMR based Objective Type), Main (Descriptive) Examination and Interview.

Examination Fee:

A non-refundable online fee of rs 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) along with applicable transaction charges will be payable by General as well as OBC candidates and t 150/- (Rupees One Hundred & Fifty Only) along with applicable transaction charges will be payable by the candidates belonging to the categories of SC/ST/Persons with Disability suffering from disability OA (One Arm) or OL (One Leg) or OAL (One Arm and One Leg) or BL (Both Legs) or B (Blind) or LV (Low Vision) or HH (Hearing Handicapped).

It is clarified that the fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. It is also clarified that no charge back will be entertained. Therefore, the candidates, before applying, should ensure that they are eligible for the post.

How to apply :

Application Forms can be filled up online on the website of this Court,- i.e., The candidates already in Government Service should intimate their Department/Office where they are serving and shall be required to produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Interview, if declared successful in the Written Test.

General Instructions:

  • The medium of Preliminary OMR based Examination and Main (Descriptive) Examination shall be as per the scheme of Examinations mentioned above.
  • No scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects will be undertaken at any of the stages before Interview. Therefore, the candidature will be ,provisional only and subject to scrutiny at the stage of Interview. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, reservation, relaxation, examination fee, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible before applying. Copies of supporting documents will be sought at the time of Interview only from those candidates who will be shortlisted for Interview. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature of such candidates shall stand cancelled without any notice or further reference and this Court’s decision in this regard shall be final and no further correspondence shall be entertained.
  • Candidates must fulfill the criteria relating to qualification, etc. on the last date of creating Log In/registration. As regards age, the cut-off date would be 01.01.2019, i.e., candidates must fulfil the age criteria as on 01.01.2019. As regards candidates belonging to Persons with Disabilities (PwD) category and suffering from disability OA (One Arm) or OL (One Leg) or OAL (One Arm and One Leg) or BL (Both Legs) or B (Blind) or LV (Low Vision) or HH (Hearing Handicapped) of 40% or more, the disability certificates should have, been issued on 9r before the last date of creating Log In/registration.
  • Candidates must invariably produce and submit true copies of the documentary proofs with respect to date of birth, educational qualifications, residential address( es), reservation, relaxation, NOC ih case of candidates already in government service, etc. before the Authority in this Court, whenever the same is demanded. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC Categories must also invariably produce and submit true copies of valid Caste Certificate and valid NCL Certificate (applicable in the .case of OBC candidates only) before the Authority in this Court, whenever the same is demanded. Failure to produce valid Certificates or any of the documentary proofs and/or submit true copies thereof, at the relevant point of time, shall result in cancellation/rejection of the candidature and no further correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
  • While applying for the post, the applicants should bear in mind that the selected candidates will also have to work even at odd hours and on holidays, if so required.
  • This Court reserves the right to cancel a part or entire process of examination due to administrative reasons and/or in case of unfair means, cheating or other irregularities/malpractice noticed by the Court.
  • The candidature of the candidate will be entirely provisional and mere issuance of Admit Card or appearance at Written Test(s) and/or Interview shall not entitle him/her to raise any claim for appointment to the post..
  • No T NDA will be payable to the candidates for appearing in the Preliminary OMR based Examination, Main (Descriptive) Examination and Interview.
  • It is also notified that no correspondence (either by post or bye-mail received in this Court) with respect to the change of date of examination, eligibility criteria of any category, permissible documentary proofs and after conduct of the examination, with respect to the expected date of declaration· of result, conduct of interview,· etc., will be. entertained. For such purposes, candidates are advised to visit the Delhi High Court website i.e. regularly for updates.

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