ISC Passing Marks, ISC Class 12th Admission Eligibility Criteria

ISC Passing Marks, ISC Class 12th Admission Eligibility Criteria

The Indian School Certificate Examination has been designed as an examination, through the medium of English, in accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy 1986, after a two-year course of studies
beyond the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Year-10) Examination or its equivalent. 2. Private candidates are not permitted to appear for the examination.

Conditions of eligibility for admission to Class XI

  • Candidates who have been awarded Pass Certificates in the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education  Examination with passes in five subjects including English are eligible to be admitted for preparation in
    courses of study leading to the Indian School Certificate Examination.
  • The eligibility of candidates who have been awarded Pass Certificates in an equivalent examination conducted by  another Examining Board will be decided by the Chief Executive and Secretary of the Council. The conditions of eligibility are as follows:
    1. The candidate must have been awarded a Pass Certificate in accordance with the requirements of the Board at an equivalent examination.
    2. The candidate must have obtained pass marks in accordance with the Regulations of the Board in English and four other written subjects.
  • Heads of Schools may ADMIT PROVISIONALLY in Class XI, a candidate who has been thus awarded a
    Pass Certificate by another Examining Board. On granting provisional admission, they must submit online to the Council immediately, certified true copies of the Statement of Marks issued to the candidate by the Examining Board.   The Council will inform the school about the eligibility status of the candidate online.

ISC Academic Year

The beginning of the academic year in Schools affiliated to the Council shall be from the middle of March and the first week of June each year. However, the Hill schools may begin the academic year from February each year.

Eligibility Criteria for ISC, Class 10 ISC Passing Marks

  • Entry to the Indian School Certificate Examination in the case of eligible candidates who are being entered for the first time is restricted to candidates with a minimum of 75% attendance of the working days during
    each year of the two-year course at school(s) affiliated to the Council and registered for the Indian School Certificate Examination. The last date of computing attendance at schools is January 31, of each of the two-year course. Candidates may be entered only by the school they are attending and in this respect, the decision of the Head of the School is final.
  • Candidates who are entered as school candidates in accordance with (1) above, and who were not awarded Pass Certificates may be admitted to Class XII by 31st August, under intimation to the Council, at an affiliated and registered school, prior to the year of the examination, provided such a candidate fulfils all other conditions as per the Regulations.
  • Candidates entered as school candidates in accordance with 1 or 2 above and who are not awarded Pass Certificates will be permitted to re-appear for the examination without further attendance at an affiliated and registered school only once in the year following their failure but not thereafter. Such candidates can be entered online for the examination by the Heads of those Schools from where these candidates had appeared for the examination in the previous year and were not awarded a Pass Certificate.
  • Candidates who have been awarded Pass Certificates will be permitted to enter for a Supplementary Pass Certificate in any/all of the subjects offered for the ISC examinations earlier by the candidates (provided that the subjects under consideration are still being offered for the examination in the year in which the candidates wish to enter), without further attendance at an affiliated and registered school OR after studying an additional subject(s) for two years. Such candidates can be entered for the examination online through the Heads of Schools from which the candidates appeared originally for the ISC examination.

ISC Compartmental Exam (ISC Passing Marks)

Candidates who were not awarded Pass Certificates may appear for the Compartmental Examination to be held in July in any ONE subject in which they have not secured the Pass Mark i.e. 35%. To be eligible to appear for the Compartmental Examination, the candidates should have secured the Pass Mark in English and two other subjects in the ISC Examination. For further details refer to Chapter V on page 11. There is no age limit for candidates taking the examination.

Last Date for Regularising Admission to CISCE ISC Class XI

The last date for regularising admission to Class XI of ISC is August 31, each year.

Minimum Attendance Requirement for CISCE ISC

Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily not eligible to sit for the examination. However, the Chief Executive and Secretary has the authority to condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is not less than 60% of the working days in each year of the two-year course. This is inclusive of absence due to illness and other special circumstances. Heads of Schools
may represent, to the Chief Executive and Secretary, cases of candidates who deserve special consideration for condonation of shortage of attendance in Class XI and / or XII, provided that the attendance of such candidates is not less than 60% of the working days, during each year of the two-year course. Further, the Chief Executive and Secretary may condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is below
60% in exceptional cases i.e.:

  • On Psychological / Medical Grounds such as serious illnesses requiring long period of treatment / hospitalization.
  • authorized participation in sports at State or National level organized by recognized Sports
  • other unforeseen and special circumstances. The Chief Executive and Secretary would subsequently report the matter to the Executive Committee of the Council. The last date for computing attendance at school
    is January 31st, of each of the two years.

Withdrawal of Candidates from ISC

Candidates may be withdrawn at any time prior to the commencement of the examination, provided that, once the entries have been acknowledged as accepted by the Council’s office, Heads of Schools may only withdraw candidates:

  • on account of illness of the candidates, duly certified by a registered medical practitioner;


  • at the express written request of the parents/legal guardians of the candidates.


It is mandatory for the Heads of Schools to ensure that all candidates registered for the examination download a copy of the Regulations and Syllabuses for the year of the examination in which they are appearing, from
the Council’s website, for their reference.

Disqualification from ISC Class 11, 12

  • If any of the Regulations made herein and for the conduct of the examination is not adhered to, the candidate or candidates concerned may be disqualified.
  • In no case, the Heads of affiliated schools shall detain eligible candidates who meet the pass criteria and have the required attendance from appearing at the ISC Examination.
  • No affiliated school shall endeavour to present candidates who are not on its roll nor will it present candidates of its unaffiliated branch/school to any of the Council’s examinations. If the Council has reasons to believe that an affiliated school is not following the Regulations mentioned above, the Council shall take necessary action against it as per the Rules & Regulations.

Download Regulations for ISC Passing Marks, ISC Class 12th Admission Eligibility Criteria

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