NIFT 2018, Apply, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question Paper, Results, Answer Key

NIFT 2018, Eligibility Criteria, National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Test 2018, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question Paper, Results, Answer Key

NIFT 2018, Eligibility Criteria, National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Test 2018, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question Paper, Results, Answer Key

National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Test 2018, Apply, Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates | NIFT 2018, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Question Paper, Results, Answer Key

NIFT has been granted statutory status under an Act of Parliament of India in 2006, empowering the Institute to award degrees and other academic distinctions. President of India is the ‘Visitor’ of the Institute under the Act. NIFT is also a member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU).


NIFT 2018 Exam Dates | ADMISSION CALENDAR 2018

Online Application20th October 2017 to 29th December 2017
Last Date for submission29th December, 2017
Last date for online registration with late fee of Rs.5000/- (in addition to the applicable application fee) through Credit/Debit Card only. In case of Demand Draft, the print out of application alongwith Demand Draft should reach the given address before 02nd January, 201802nd January, 2018
Window to edit / update the Application FormFrom 30th December, 2017 Saturday (12:00 hrs) till 2nd January, 2018 Tuesday (16:00 hrs)
Admit Card (Online only)09th January 2018 (1300 Hrs)
Written Entrance Examination for all UG & PG Programmes21st January, 2018
Result of Written Entrance ExaminationFebruary/March, 2018
Situation Test/ Group Discussion/ InterviewApril – May 2018
Declaration of Final Result (Online)End of May/ June 2018
CounsellingEnd of May/June 2018 onwards


Eligibility Criteria NIFT 2018

For Bachelor Programmes :

Maximum Age: 23 years as on 1st October, 2017. The upper age limit may be relaxed by a period of 5 (five) years for the candidates of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe/ Person With Disability (PWD) subject to following qualifications:

Eligibility for Bachelor Programmes – Design – B.Des.
(Fashion Design / Leather Design / Accessory Design / Textile Design / Knitwear Design / Fashion Communication)

  • The +2 level examination in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognized Central/State Board of Secondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education / State Board New Delhi, and Council for Indian School of Certificate Examination, New Delhi.
  • General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri-Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level/ International Baccalaureate (IB).
  • Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system.
  • A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects.
  • 3 or 4-years diploma recognized by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education.

Eligibility for Bachelor Programme – Technology
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) (B.FTech.)

  • The +2 level examination in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognized Central/State Board of Secondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School of Certificate Examination, New Delhi with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • General Certificate Education (GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri-Lanka) at the advanced (A) level with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / International Baccalaureate (IB).
  • Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • 3 or 4-years diploma in any branch of Engineering recognized by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education

For Master Programmes :
Age – No age limit

Eligibility for Master Programme – Design
M.Des (Master of Design)

  • Undergraduate Degree in any discipline from any Institute / University recognized by law in India
  • Undergraduate Diploma of minimum three years duration from NIFT / NID.

Note: Master of Design (M.Des.) is an advanced course that demands an understanding of fundamentals in design and presupposes that candidates would be familiar with the basic skills and theories for successful completion of the programme. The course would not provide any basic knowledge and skill development in design as a part of its Master programme.

Eligibility for Master Programme – Management
M.F.M (Master of Fashion Management)

  • Undergraduate Degree in any discipline from any Institute / University recognized by law in India.
  • Undergraduate Diploma of minimum three years duration from NIFT / NID.

Eligibility for Master Programme – Technology
M.F.Tech. (Master of Fashion Technology)

  • B.F.Tech. from NIFT
  • B.E / B.Tech. from any Institute / University recognized by law in India.


  1. Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply provided:
    1. That they produce a proof of having acquired the minimum prescribed qualifications at the time of counselling/ admission.
    2. If the 12th class/final year/final semester (as the case may be) result of qualifying degree/certificate examination is not declared by the concerned Board/ University till the date of counselling/ admission, his/her admission in such case will be strictly provisional subject to the following conditions:
      1. Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure–I) is submitted. In case the candidate is minor i.e. below 18 years of age, the affidavit shall be signed by his/ her parent/guardian. Candidates/ parent /guardians may note that submission of false affidavit is a punishable offence;
      2. The candidate will submit the final result of qualifying degree/certificate providing his/her eligibility on or before 30th September, 2018 to their Campus Director / Jt. Director where the admission has been granted.
      3. In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying degree in the manner as prescribed at (ii) above to prove his/her eligibility on or before 30th September, 2018, whatsoever the reason may be his/her admission will be treated as null and void (cancelled) and entire fee will be forfeited. Any exception will be as per the decision of DG-NIFT, on a case to case basis.
      4. The Campus Director / Nodal officer will be responsible to ensure that the eligibility of all students meet prescribed qualification for admission specially in case of provisional admission. The provisional admission will automatically stand cancelled, if the candidate fails to submit result in time i.e. 30th September, 2018.
      5. Those candidates who are seeking provisional admission due to non declaration of their final year/final semester/12th class (refer Annexure -I) will provide proof of having passed all papers in all the previous years /semesters of qualifying degree examination (whichever relevant).
      6. The candidates will also bring the date sheet /admit card/ Principal’s certificate as proof of having appeared in the qualifying exam.
      7. Candidates who have appeared for Supplementary examination(s) in the final semester/ final year of graduation and the result of the same is not declared by the time of counselling/ admission, such candidates will be considered for admission as per para 1 (b) (ii) above, for the academic session .
      8. Candidates who have appeared for compartment examination(s) in the 12th standard, such candidates will be considered only for provisional admission. However, he / she will have to clear the compartment examination UNDER THE SAME BOARD, failing which the provisional admission will stand automatically cancelled and entire fee will be forfeited.
  2. Any candidate who has not appeared for the qualifying exam before the date of counselling/ admission to NIFT, will not be eligible.
  3. It is further clarified that provisional admission will be considered only in such cases where the result of Final year/ semester of the qualifying degree has not been declared by the concerned Board/ University in its totality. In case the result has been declared by the concerned Board/ University but it has not been declared in a specific case, for any reason, such cases will NOT be considered under provisional admission category.


Admit Card NIFT 2018

On the basis of information given in the NIFT Application Form, Admit Card of provisionally eligible candidates will be available from or from 9 January 2018 (1300 hours) onwards. Admit card will not be sent by post. Candidates are advised to regularly check NIFT website for updates.

NIFT 2018 Campuses, NIFT Colleges

Currently, NIFT has 16 campuses in various cities across the country. These campuses include the following.

  1. National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi.
  2. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru.
  3. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bhopal.
  4. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bhubaneswar.
  5. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Chennai.
  6. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar.
  7. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad.
  8. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Jodhpur.
  9. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata.
  10. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kannur.
  11. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kangra.
  12. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai.
  13. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Patna.
  14. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Raebareily.
  15. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Shillong.
  16. National Institute of Fashion Technology, Srinagar.


NIFT 2018 Fee Structure

Tuition Fee (For both UG/PG courses)

The tuition fee for all courses offered i.e. both Masters and Bachelors is same at all NIFTs. Following fee structure is applicable for both UG & PG courses at all NIFT campuses.

The following fee structure is the new structure applicable from session. 

Expense type 2021-222022-23
1stSemester2ndSemester3rdSemester4th Semester5thSemester6th Semester7th Semester8thSemester
Tuition fee97,80097,8001,07,6001,07,6001,18,3501,18,3501,30,2001,30,200
Library Fee (per annum)6,4007,1007,8008,600
Exam Fee (Per Annum)3,2003,5003,9004,300
Development Fee3,2003,5003,9004,300

One-time Expenses (to be paid at the time of admissions)

Security Deposits = Rs. 8,200.
Registration Fee = Rs. 8,100.
Alumni association Charges (to be paid in second last sem) = Rs. 4,000.

Total amount = Rs. 20,300.

Ph.D. Fee Structure

Fee Structure (Per Semester)

Tuition Fee = Rs. 75,950.
Library Fee = Rs. 5,000.
Development Fee = Rs. 2,500.
Exam Fee = Rs. 2,500.

Total Fee (per sem) = Rs. 85,950.

Onetime Charges (to be paid at admission time)

Security Deposits = Rs. 6,300. (Refundable)
Alumni association membership = Rs. 3,100.
Registration fee = Rs. 6,300.

Total = Rs. 15,700.

NIFT 2018 Scholarship

In order to encourage talented students with lower financial capacities, NIFTs have introduced “NIFT Means–Cum-Merit Financial Assistance Scheme” from 2011-12 session onwards.

Eligibility for the Scheme

  1. Candidate must be a regular student, enrolled in a UG/PG course at any of NIFT campuses.
  2. The student must not fall under NRI/NRI sponsored category.
  3. The annual parental income of the candidate must be below 4.00 lakhs/annum for UG students & 2.00 lakhs/annum for PG students. 
  4. To continue availing the scholarship beyond the 1st year, a candidate should score average minimum 6.00 SGPA in last 2 consecutive semesters.


Waiver Offered

Undergraduate Studies
Parental Income SlabScholarship Offered
Upto 1.0 Lakhs75% of the Tuition Fee
Above 1.0 Lakhs to 2.5 Lakhs50% of the Tuition Fee
Above 2.5 Lakhs to 4.0 Lakhs25% of the Tuition Fee
Postgraduate Studies
Parental Income SlabScholarship Offered
Upto 1.0 Lakhs75% of the Tuition Fee
Above 1.0 Lakhs to 2.5 Lakhs50% of the Tuition Fee


NIFT 2018 Exam Pattern

The exam duration is 3 hours i.e, 180 minutes for each GAT(General Ability Test) and CAT(Creative Ability Test). Both exams will have MCQ type questions only.

General Ability Test (GAT)

GAT will be a Multiple choice Question test of 3-hours duration. Depending on the course applied for, the sections of the question paper will differ. The table below shows different sections for different courses applied.

Course Applied forSections (No. of Questions)
  • Quantitative Aptitude (20).
  • Communication Ability (25).
  • English Comprehension (25).
  • Analytical Ability (15).
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs (15).
  • Quantitative Aptitude (20)
  • Communication Ability (30).
  • English Comprehension (30).
  • Analytical Ability (25).
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs (15).
B.F.Tech & M.F.Tech
  • Quantitative Aptitude (30).
  • Communication Ability & English     Comprehension (45).
  • Analytical & Logical Ability (25).
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs (25).
  • Case Study (25).
  • Quantitative Aptitude (10).
  • Communication Ability & English Comprehension (50).
  • Analytical & Logical Ability (25).
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs (25).
  • Case Study (40).


Creative Ability Test (CAT)

The Creative ability test judges the ability of students to create something new and also judges their creativity in using different colors.

Situation test

This is the second stage in NIFT 2018 admissions.

This test is meant for testing candidate’s ability to create something new from a given set of materials & props.

The scores of both the tests are used to calculate the merit of each candidate. This merit is further used to choose candidates for next round (if any). Also, the merit is given weight (as mentioned before) in calculating the final merit.

NIFT 2018 Results

NIFT 2018 results (written exam) will be declared in February/March 2018. Candidates can check the result from the official website of NIFT.

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