Promotion Policy For Class 9th and 11th – CBSE Passing Criteria

Central Board of Secondary Education has made some changes in the Assessment and Evaluation Practices at Secondary and Senior Secondary level for the year 2019-20 onwards to strengthen the current evaluation process and align to the future requirements of the learners. In the light of ‘changes made by CBSE, Directorate of Education, Govt. Of NCT of Delhi has reframed the Assessment & Evaluation Practices and Promotion Policy with immediate effect and the following changes have been made so as to bring uniformity in the Assessment and Evaluation from the Academic SesSion 2019-20. (GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, EXAM BRANCH OLD SECRETARIAT. Order No- DE.5/212/Exam/16-17/ 1343–$ Date )101/D)

Promotion Policy For Class 9th and 11th

  1. Strengthening Assessment & Evaluation Practices and Promotion Policy
    1. Academic Session for classes IX and XI has been divided into two terms. First Term and Second Term. Nomenclature of the examination of both the terms will be Mid Term Examination to be held in September / October and Common Annual School Examination (CASE) i.e. End Term Exam for Class IX & XI to be held in February / March and Board Exam for Class X & XII.
    2. The question papers for the Mid Term Examination in class IX and XI would be set out of the syllabus supposed to be covered up to the Mid Term.
    3. Whole syllabus will be covered in Annual Examination/ Board Examination of classes IX to XII.
    4. Question papers in Mid Term Exam, Pre Board Exam & Annual Exam shall be set in such a manner that they really test the comprehension and other skills as required. Normally, the pattern of questions particularly in Seconda-ry and Sr. Secondary Classes shall be the same as that of the questions set at the CBSE examinations.
    5. Examinations shall be conducted in such a manner that chances of copying, • favouritism, injustice and victimization shall be reduced to the minimum
    6. The result of each examination shall be analyzed and weak areas in various subjects as well as weak and meritorious students in different subjects are identified and remedial and enrichment programmes are arranged accordingly.
    7. A summary of the analysis of class wise and subject wise results shall be prepared and kept on record to serve as an input to academic enrichment and remedial purpose..
  2. Examination Pattern for Classes IX & X
    1.  student shall not be eligible to appear in the Secondary School Examination of the Board at the end of class X unless he/she has passed in the third language in class VIII. Those students who could not clear the third language in class VIII and have been promoted to class IX shall be examined by the concerned school at the end of the year exam of class IX in the same syllabus and text books as prescribed for class VIIII. Those who are still unable to clear the third language at the end of class IX may be given another opportunity in class X before the Board Examination.
    2. Mid Term Examination for class IX will be held in September/ October. This will be of three hours duration and 80 marks. Weightage of the Mid Term Exam will be of 20 Marks. The question papers would be set out of the syllabus supposed to be covered up to the Mid Term.
    3. Annual Examination for class IX will be held in February/ March. This will be of three hours duration and 80 marks. The weightage of the Annual Exam will be of 60 Marks. The question papers would be set out of the whole syllabus.
    4. Subjects to be offered: (As per Secondary School Curriculum 2019-20 available on the website of CBSE): Subjects Names of the Subjects
    5. Examinations shall be conducted in such a manner that chances of copying, favouritism, injustice and victimization shall be reduced to the minimum.


Promotion Rules For Class 9th

Passing Criteria for Class 9th

(a)Promotion to the next higher class shall be decided on the basis of the cumulative result of the average marks of best two Periodic Tests out of three (05 marks), Multiple Assessment (05 marks), Portfolio (05 marks), Subject Enrichment Activities (05 marks), Mid Term Exam (20 Marks) and Annual Examination (60 marks) Total Marks 100 in each subject of class IX.
(b)In order to be declared “Pass” at the end of the session, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each of the five main subjects i.e. Two languages and three
compulsory subjects Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science studied by him /her during the session. He/she must.secure_o_v_erall 33% marks i.e. 33 marks out of 100 [Internal Assessment (20 Marks) and External Assessment. (80 Marks) put together]. The promotion is also subject to the condition that a minimum of 25% of marks should be secured in Annual Exam i.e. out of 60 Marks.

(c) As per CBSE guidelines, the following specific exemptions/concessions have been given to the Students with Disabilities:
i. Students with Disabilities as defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act will be exempted from third language.
ii. Students with Disabilities have the option of studying one compulsory language as against two. This language should be in consonance with the overall spirit of the Three Language Formula prescribed by the CBSE.
Besides one language any four from amongst the following groups can be offered:
Group-1 Mathematics, Science, Social Science, another language, Music (Any One). Painting, Home Science, Elements of Business, Elements of Book Keeping
and Accountancy, Computer Applications
Group-2 Any One Skill Subject- Retail, information Technology, Security, Automotive, introduction To Financial Markets, Introduction to Tourism, Beauty & Wellness, Agriculture, Food Production, Front Office Operations, Banking & Insurance, Marketing & sales, Health Care, Apparel, Media, Multi Skill Foundation Course, Artificial Intelligence, (Except Automotive) for regular students only.
Note-Information Technology from group-2 cannot be offered if Computer Applications from group-1 is opted.

(d) A student will have to obtain the required 33% passing marks in any two of the three languages in order to get promotion to the next higher class i.e. 33 marks
out of 100 [Internal Assessment (20 Marks) and External Assessment (80 Marks) put together]. In case a student does not secure 33% marks, in any one language, he/she shall have to appear and pass in exam for improvement in that language along with the compartment examination to qualify for appearing in class X in that language.
(e)Further, Skill Course subjects opted by the student will not replace any elective subject i.e. Maths, Natural Science, Social Science, Music, Home Science and
(f) In order to be declared pass in the subjects under Skill Courses and subjects involving Practical, a student has to secure 33% marks in Practical and Theory
Exam separately.
(g)-A–student-not-eligible-to-be-declared-“Pass”-shall-be declared “Promoted” at the end of the session of a class provided he/she is entitled for grace marks as
admissible under instruction 5 of these rules.

(h)In case a student does not score 33% marks in any one language i.e. language-1 or language-2 [below 33% marks of total marks 100], third language opted and
qualified (Scored 33% marks and above) by the student will replace either language-1 or language-2 only for promotion to the next higher class.
(i) In case a student does not score 33% marks in both the languages i.e. language-1 or language-2 [below 33% marks of total marks 100], third language opted and qualified (Scored 33% marks and above) by a student will not replace for grant of Compartment in one language.
(j) In case a student does not score 33% marks in one language either language-1 or language-2 [below 33% marks of total marks 100] and submits Medical/ absent in other language or vice-versa, third language opted and qualified (Scored 33% marks and above) by a student will not replace any language.

Grace Marks allowed for passing in class 9th

(a) Grace marks up to maximum of 10 in all, shall be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject, provided that a minimum of 25% of marks are secured in each subject at the Annual Examination to make him/her eligible for promotion, provided he/she does not require more than 05 marks in one subject to come up to the minimum required of 33% of marks in that subject. However, no grace marks shall be awarded to a student for taking the Compartment Examination.
(b)Grace marks may be given in any subject(s) after the replacement of any one language 1 or 2 (In case of failing subject) by the Third Language.
(c)In case, total 10 grace marks are not awarded in five main subjects then rest of grace marks may be awarded to Skill Courses Subject & Language-3/ Any other
Academic subject for making it qualify to appear in Board Exam, if required.

Compartment Examination for Class 9th

(a)A student who appears in the Annual Examination can be declared eligible for appearing at the Compartment Examination in not more than two failing subjects. Such a student shall be eligible to appear in the subject(s) at a subsequent examination to be held in the third week of April known as “Compartment
Examination”. Students who are required to appear and pass in the exam for improvement in the third language/ Skill Courses, to qualify for appearing in class X
—in-that-subject, may -appear-along-with-the-students placed in the Compartment. 

(b)The Compartment Examination will be conducted on the same pattern of Annual Examination i.e. three hours duration and 80 marks.

(c) Marks of the Internal Assessment/Practical will be carried forward and added with the marks obtained by the student in the Compartment Examination.
(d)If a student fails/ is absent in one or two subjects and Medical leave in other one or more subjects, he/she will be eligible for Compartment Examination in the subjects for which he/she has submitted the medical certificate as per norms along with the failing one/two subjects only.
(e)If a student fails/ is absent in three or more than three subjects and Medical leave in other one or more subjects, he/she shall not be eligible to appear in CompartmentExamination.
(f) Benefit of the 3rd language (Additional Subject) (replacing language 1 or 2) will be given to the student only for the promotion to the next higher class, not for
placing in compartment.

Passing Criteria For Compartment Examination for Class 9th

(a)(i) In order to be declared “Successful” in Compartment Examination, a student must secure at least 33% marks in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the
Compartment Examination.
(ii) Provided that a minimum of 33 out of 100 marks must be secured in total i.e. Marks of Compartment Examination plus marks of Internal Assessment.
(b)In order to be declared pass in the Skill Courses Subjects and the subject -Music, Home Science & Painting involving Practical, a student has to secure
33% marks in Practical and Theory Exam separately.
(c)(i) If a student does not secure -in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the Compartment Examination, at least 33% marks in the subject of Compartment
and minimum of 33 out of 100 marks in that subject, he/she shall be declared unsuccessful in the Examination.
(ii) If a student does not secure in the subject(s) involving practical in which he/she has taken the Compartment Examination, at least 33% marks in Practical –
and Theory (Compartment Exam) separately, he/she shall be declared unsuccessful in the Examination.
(d) No benefit of the grace marks / replacement of the language will be given to the student appearing in Compartment Examination.

Fail , Essential Repeat Criteria for Class 9th

A student of Class IX who is not eligible for Pass, Promotion or Compartment Examination either at the end of the session or for passing at the Compartment Examination, shall be declared “Fail” and detained in the same class during the , next session


Promotion Rules for Class 11th

Passing Criteria for Class 11th

(a)In order to be declared “Pass” at the end of the session, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each of the five main subjects excluding additional subject studied by him /her during the session subject to the condition that he/she secures 33% marks separately in theory and in Practical Work/ Project Work/ Assessment of Speaking & Listening Skills (ASL)/ Communicative Skills etc also. The promotion is also subject to the condition that a minimum of 25% of marks should be secured in each subject out of five main subjects in Annual Exam.
(b) A student not eligible to be declared “passed” shall be declared promoted at the end of the session of a class provided he/she is entitled for grace marks as admissible under instruction 12 of these rules.

Grace Marks allowed for passing in Class 11th

(a)Grace marks up to maximum of 10 in all, shall be awarded to a student to reach the minimum required 33% of marks in each subject, provided that a minimum of 25% of marks are secured in each subject at the Annual Examination as per Rule 11 (a) to make him/her eligible for promotion.
(b)Provided that he/she does not require more than 05 marks in one subject to come up
to the minimum required of 33% of marks in that subject.
However, no grace marks shall be awarded to a student for taking the Compartment Examination.

Compartment Examination for Class 11th

(a)A student who is eligible to take the Annual Examination in order to be declared pass can be declared eligible for appearing at the Compartment Examination in one failing subject.
(b)Out of the five main subjects, a student who fails in Theory, he/she will be placed in Compartment in Theory. If a student who fails in Practical will be
placed in compartment only in Practical.
(c)A student who is eligible to take the Annual Examination in order to be declared pass can be declared eligible for appearing at the Compartment Examination in one failing subject. Such a student ‘shall be eligible to appear in the subject at a subsequent examination to be held in the third week of April known as the “Compartment Examination. However those students who are required to appear and pass in the exam for qualifying the additional failing subject, to qualify for appearing in class XII in that subject, may appear along with the students placed in the Compartment. 

(d)If a student fails/ is absent in one subject and medical leave in other one or more subjects in Annual Exam, he/she may be eligible for the Compartment Examination in one failing subject and in the subjects for which he/she has submitted the medical certificate along with the students taking the Compartment Examination.
(e)If a student fails/ is absent in two or more than two subjects and medical leave in other one or more subjects in Annual Exam, he/she shall not be eligible for the Compartment Examination as the student is eligible for appearing at the Compartment Examination in only one failing subject (Rule
12 (a). 

Passing Criteria For Compartment Examination for Class 11th

(a)In order to be declared “passed” in the Compartment Examination, a student must secure at least 33% marks in the subject in which he/she has taken the
compartment exam. The promotion is also subject to the condition that he/she secures 33% marks separately in Practical/ Project Work/ Assessment of
Speaking & Listening Skills (AS L)/ Communicative Skills etc also.

(b)If a student does not secure 33% marks in the subject(s) in which he/she has taken the Compartment Examination and in Practical/ Project Work/ Assessment of Speaking & Listening Skills (ASL)/ Communicative Skills etc (which is applicable) separately, he/she shall be declared unsuccessful in the Examination.
(c)No benefit of the grace marks will be given to the student appearing in Compartment Examination.

Fail Criteria for Class 11th

A student who is not eligible for a Pass, Promotion or Compartment Examination either at the end of the session or for passing at the Compartment Examination, shall be declared “Fail” and detained in the same class during the next session.

16. General Instructions for Class IX & XI:

(a)In case of local transfer of students, record of marks obtained in the Mid Term Examination, if any, in the previous school shall be taken into account.
(b)In case of transfer from areas outside Delhi, marks obtained insubsequent exam shall be adjusted proportionately.
(c)In case of a natural calamity like floods, epidemics, riots or other such events in an area resulting in cancellation of Exam(s) in one or more subjects under
orders of the Deputy Director of Education (District), marks in the subjects of the
ly students studying in schools located in the affected areas or residing in the
affected areas shah be adjusted proportionately with the approval of the Director (Education) and the results be declared accordingly.
(d)Fraction of the marks will be rounded of as, mathematical formula: For Example:
8.1 to 8.4 are rounded of 08 and 8.5 to 8.9 is rounded of 09 in all the subjects
and classes.
(e)The first 5 subjects opted by a student are considered as main subjects 
and the result will be declared accordingly.

Rules Regarding Absence during Examination for Class 9th and 11th

(a)Absence in the examination or part thereof without medical certificate to be submitted within three working days of the date of absence at the exam shall
be considered as wilful absence and no mark, credit or allowance shall be given for the days of absence.
(b)In case a student of Class IX & X is unable to appear at Periodic Assessment in one or more subjects on medical ground/ Late Admission/ Participating in
National/ State/ International Games & Sports/ Participation in Independence Day/ Republic Day, Re-exam may be conducted at school level. However,
average marks of best two out of three Periodic Assessments to be considered for promotion.
(c)In case a student is unable to appear at Mid Term Examination in one or more subjects on medical ground (duly supported by a medical certificate as per
circular NoDE.5/43/04/2013-14/Exam/1553-1558 dated 13/07/2015) issued by a degree holder Doctor or due to Late Admission(Duly approved by the
Competent Authority)/ Participating in National/ State, International Games & Sports (Duly approved by the DDE (Sports), the Mid Term Exam may be ignored
for computation of his/her result and promotion to the next higher class at the end of the session shall be made on the basis of the only Annual Examination.
(d)A student of class IX on leave on medical grounds (duly supported by a medical certificate as per circular No. DE.5/43/04/2013-14/Exam/1553-1558 dated
13/07/2015 issued by a degree holder doctor) or Participating in National, State, International Games & Sports (Duly Approval of the DDE (Sports) in the Annual
Examination in one or more subjects shall be allowed to take the exam in the subject(s) (In which he/she had been on leave on medical grounds) along with the
students taking the Compartment Examination.
(e)For such subjects (students will appear with compartmental student) rules of the Compartmental Examination will be applicable.

Attendance Criteria for Classes 9th to 12th

(a) Student shall not ordinarily be eligible to appear at any exam, if he/she has not put in at least 75% actual attendance of the total attendance during the session up to the date of each exam. The attendance for the session shall be counted for the working days from the date of admission (but not later than 31st July except the cases admitted after the decla.ration of Compartment Examination. For them the date of declaration of result of compartment examination will be treated as  the date of admission) to the last day of the session.
(b) While calculating the percentage of actual attendance during the session, a student’s actual attendance and total attendance in the previous school(s), if any, during the current session shall invariably be added to his actual attendance and the total attendance in the present school.
(c) If the date of commencement of the session in the State or UT from where the student has migrated, is different from the date of commencement of the session in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the total and actual attendance shall be counted from the actual date of commencement of the session in that State/UT.
(d) Actual attendance with respect to the total attendance shall be intimated with the exam results to the parent or the guardian in respect of each exam.
(e) Percentage of attendance for each student shall be computed before Mid Term Exam. In case of shortage of attendance in Mid Term Exam, the student shall be allowed to take the exam on an undertaking from the parents or the guardian as well as from the student that the student shall in future be regular and will make up the shortage in attendance. He or she, however, shall be allowed to appear at the Annual Exam only under the provision of instructions of these rules.
(f)If the shortage of attendance at the time of the Annual examination is not more than 10%, in special circumstances of the case and if the Head of the School is satisfied with the genuineness of the reasons submitted by the student and his/her parent or guardian in written application for condonation of shortage to take the Annual Exam, the shortage of attendance up to 10% may be condoned by concerned Head of School. Application for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be submitted by the parent or the guardian of the student to the Head of the school by the last day of January.
(g)If the shortage of attendance at the time of Annual Examination is more than 10% but not more than 15% and the Head of the school is satisfied with the
genuineness of the reasons of shortage submitted by the student and his parents or guardian, the Head of School may recommend, giving concrete and satisfactory reasons in writing thereof, his case for condonation of shortage of attendance to the DDE(Zone) concerned who may approve such condonation at his discretion and allow

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