SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 [SA 1] Question Paper SCIENCE Class 10 Term 1

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 SA 1 Question Paper SCIENCE Class 10 Term 1 Latest New

SA 1 Question Paper SCIENCE Class 10



Class – X

Time Allowed : 3 hours                                                                           Maximum Marks : 90

General Instructions :

1.    The question paper comprises of two Sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.

2.    All questions are compulsory

3.    All questions of Section-A and all questions of Section-B are to be attempted separately.

4.    Question numbers 1 to 3 in Section-A are one mark questions.  These are to be answered in one word or in one sentence

5.    Question numbers 4 to 6 in Sections-A are two marks questions.  These are to be answered in about 30 words each.

6.    Question numbers 7 to 18 in Section-A are three marks questions.  These are to be answered in about 50 words each

7.    Question numbers 19 to 24 in Section-A are five marks questions.  These are to be answered in about 70 words each.

8.    Question numbers 25 to 33 in Section-B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills.  Each question is a one mark question.  You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to you.

9.    Question numbers 34 to 36 in Section-B are questions based on practical skills. Each question is of two marks.

1How is spinal cord protected in the human body ?1
2For same current flowing through a solenoid and a straight conductor, the magnetic field produced by a solenoid is much stronger than the  magnetic field produced by a straight current carrying conductor. State one reason to justify this statement.1
3Mention any one reason due to which most of the thermal power plants are set up near coal or oil fields.1
4The blue colour of copper sulphate solution starts fading when zinc rod is dipped in it. State reason for this change and also write chemical equation for the reaction involved.2
5In one method of rust prevention, the iron is not coated with anything. Name the method and define it.2
6How is food translocated from leaves to the other parts of the plant ?2
7An aqueous solution of metal nitrate ‘A’ reacts with sodium bromide solution to form precipitate of compound ‘B’ which is used in  Black and White photography.  B on exposure to sunlight undergoes decompostion reaction to form metal present in ‘A’ along with a reddish brown gas.  Identify A and B.  Write balanced chemical equations for the chemical reaction.  List two categories in which the reactions can be classified.3
8Write the chemical name and formula of bleaching powder.  How is it prepared ?  Write the chemical equation and state any two uses of bleaching powder.3
9Study the reactions given below.

State which of the following chemical reactions will take place or not, giving suitable reason for each :

(a)          Zn (s)1CuSO4(aq)  Zn SO4(aq) 1Cu(s)

(b)          Fe(s)1ZnSO4(aq)  Fe SO4(aq) 1Zn(s)

(c)           Zn (s)1FeSO4(aq)  Zn SO4(aq) 1Fe(s)

10State reason for the following :

(i)            A tarnished copper vessel begins to shine again when rubbed with lemon.

(ii)           all alkalies are bases but all bases are not alkalies

(iii)          use of a mild base like baking soda on the honey – bee stung area gives relief.

11Name any three glands associated with digestion in humans.  Write the names of enzymes secreted by them.3
12Explain how does our body respond when adrenaline hormone is secreted into the blood ?3
13Draw a flow chart to show the breakdown of glucose by various pathways.3
14A copper wire has cross – sectional area 431026 m2 and resistivity of 1.631028 ohm metre. Calculate the length of the wire to make its resistance 10 ohms. How much does the resistance change, if the diameter is doubled ?3
15Wie help of a diagram of experimental setup describe an activity to show that the force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field increases with increase in current.3
16Three resistor are connected as shown in the diagram.

(a)        Find the electric current flowing through 20 V and 30 V resistors

(b)        Find the total resistance

(c)        Find the potential difference across AC

17Solar cooker takes more time as compared to the LPG to boil potato or rice, yet Kunal uses solar cooker for such type of cooking :

(i)         Why does Kunal use solar cooker instead of LPG?  Give reason for your answer.

(ii)        Name the phenomenon which is responsible for obtaining high temperature in solar cooker ?

(iii)       What is the motivation behind using solar cooker ?

18Explain how hydro electricity is produced?3
19 (a)       Define indicator.  Name two indicators obtained from plants.

(b)        Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction that takes place when sodium oxide reacts with water.  How will this solution behave towards phenolphthalein and red litmus paper ?

(c)        State what happen when sodium hydroxide solution reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.  What is this reaction called ?

20State the method of obtaining the following metals from their compounds by reduction process giving one example in each case :


(a)       Metal ‘A’ which is towards the top of the Activity series.

(b)       Metal ‘B’ which is in the middle of the Activity series.

(c)       Metal ‘C’ which is low in Activity series.

21Wie help of suitable examples explain the terms phototropism geotropism and chemotropism.5
22For the parallel combination of resistors establish the relation :

where the symbols have their usual meanings.

Find the resistance between A and B in the following network.


23 (a)       What is an electromagnet ?  What does it consist of ?

(b)        Wie help of a diagram showing experimental arrangement describe an activity to show how an electromagnet can be made in a school laboratory.

(c)        Compare the pattern of the field produced in case of a current carrying solenoid with the magnetic field of a bar magnet.

24State Ohm’s law.  Draw graph between V and I for a metallic conductor.  Define resistivity with unit.  What is the effect of temperature on the resistivity of metals?5
25A student was provided with four sample solutions in test tubes A, B, C and D with known pH 4, 7, 10 and 14 respectively.  The teacher asked him to observe the colour of each sample solution by using pH paper.  He recorded his observations as follows :

Sample solution                               colour change on pH paper

A                                                              Orange

B                                                              Green

C                                                              Yellow

D                                                              Deep blue

Which one of the above observations is incorrect ?

(a)         (A)           (b)          (B)          (c)           (C)          (d)          (D)


26Observe the following figures :

Choose the correct option :

(a)         pH value of (I) is greater than pH of (II) and (III)

(b)         pH value of (III) is greater than pH of (I) and (II)

(c)          pH value of (I), (II) and (III) is equal

(d)         pH value of (II) is greater than pH of (I) and (III)


27A solution of sodium hydroxide in water is :

(a)        golden yellow in colour         (b)        pale green in colour

(c)        sky blue in colour                   (d)       colourless

28To turn an aqueous solution of CuSO4 colourless, we can add to it :

(a)        Only zinc                                (c)        Only Iron

(c)        Only Aluminium                    (d)       Zinc or Aluminium.

29If A 1 MX → AX 1 M and AX is green coloured solution, then A and MX respectively are :

(a)        Zinc and ferrous sulphate

(b)        Zinc and copper sulphate

(c)        Aluminium and copper sulphate

(d)       Iron and copper sulphate

30A wire of resistance R1 is cut into 5 equal parts.  These 5 pieces are then connected in series.  If the equivalent resistance of this combination be R2.  Then the ratio  is :

(a)        2.5                   (b)        1                      (c)        5          (d)

31A student was doing the experiment of finding equivalent resistance of a combination of resistance R1 and R2 in parallel The circuit drawn by him is :


The mistake committed by him in the circuit is that :

(a)        he has joined R1 and R2 in series.

(b)        he has joined voltmeter in series with resistances

(c)        he has joined ammeter in parallel with resistances

(d)       polarity of voltmeter needs to be reversed


32A portion of each of four de-starched leaves of plant was covered with paper strips of various colors. The plant was exposed to sunlight for 5 hours. Thereafter the strips were removed and the leaves tested for starch in the covered portion. Which one out of the four leaves gave the positive starch test in the covered portion?

(a)      That covered with black paper strip

(b)      That covered with green paper strip

(c)      That covered with white paper strip

(d)      That covered with a transparent paper strip

33In the experiment to show that ‘CO2 is released during respiration’, the solution in the test tube is chemically :

(a)        NaOH             (b)        KOH   (c)        NaCl               (d)       KCl

34Take 4 mL solution of sodium sulphate in Test tube A and 4 mL solution of barium chloride in test tube B.  Now pour the solution of test-tube A in the solution of test tube B, as shown in the figure :

(i)         What would you observe when they are mixed together ?

(ii)        Name the substances formed after exchanging the ions of the two solutions A and B.


35Four students prepared 6.0 volt battery by joining four 1.5 volt cells.

(a)        Select the correct method to join the cells from the each combinations as shown below :


(b)        Are the four cells connected in series or parallel combination ?  Give reason.


36To prepare a clear temporary mount of the petunia leaf peel showing stomata, from which part of the leaf the students should get the peel and why ?



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