UPSC CAPF AC Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

UPSC CAPF AC Eligibility Criteria – Central Armed Police Forces

The eligibility criteria for the UPSC CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) Assistant Commandant examination are detailed below:

1. Nationality:

  • A candidate must be one of the following:
    • A citizen of India.
    • A subject of Nepal or Bhutan.
    • A Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India.
    • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

2. Age Limit:

  • The candidate must be between 20 and 25 years of age as of August 1 of the examination year. There are age relaxations for certain categories:
    • OBC: Up to 28 years.
    • SC/ST: Up to 30 years.
    • Central Government employees (General and OBC): Up to 35 years.
    • Central Government employees (SC/ST): Up to 37 years.

3. Educational Qualification:

  • A candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institution. Candidates in their final year of the degree course can also apply, provided they can provide proof of passing the examination when called for the Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests.

4. Physical Standards:

  • Candidates must meet certain physical standards as specified in the official notification. These standards include height, chest measurements, and physical fitness criteria. Detailed information about physical standards can be found in the official notification.

5. Number of Attempts:

  • The number of attempts for the UPSC CAPF AC examination is as follows:
    • General Category: Up to 6 attempts.
    • OBC Category: Up to 9 attempts.
    • SC/ST Category: No restriction on the number of attempts.

UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus – Central Armed Police Forces

The UPSC CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) Assistant Commandant examination consists of two papers in the written examination, and each paper has its specific syllabus. Below, I’ll provide detailed information about the syllabus for each paper:

Paper 1: General Ability and Intelligence (250 Marks)

This paper is designed to assess the candidate’s general awareness, intelligence, and knowledge of various subjects. The topics covered in Paper I include:

  1. General Mental Ability:
    • Logical reasoning.
    • Quantitative aptitude.
    • Numerical ability.
    • Data interpretation.
    • Verbal reasoning.
    • Non-verbal reasoning.
  2. General Science:
    • General awareness of scientific phenomena.
    • Contemporary developments in science and technology.
    • Current events related to scientific aspects.
  3. Current Events of National and International Importance:
    • Current affairs.
    • National and international news.
    • Events of significance.
  4. Indian Polity and Economy:
    • Indian Constitution.
    • Political system and governance.
    • Economic and social development.
    • Poverty and inclusion.
    • Sustainable development.
    • Social sector initiatives.
  5. Indian History:
    • Ancient, medieval, and modern history of India.
    • Major dynasties, rulers, and events.
  6. Indian and World Geography:
    • Physical, social, and economic geography of India.
    • Environmental issues.
    • Geography of the world, including physical, social, and economic aspects.

Paper 2: General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension (200 Marks)

This paper evaluates the candidate’s ability to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. The topics in Paper II include:

Part-A: Essay (80 Marks)

Candidates are required to write essays on topics of national and international importance. This tests the candidate’s ability to articulate their thoughts and present arguments logically.

Part-B: Comprehension, Precis Writing, and Communication Skills (120 Marks)

In this part, candidates are assessed on their:

  • Comprehension skills: Ability to understand a given passage.
  • Precis writing: Summarizing the content of a passage.
  • Communication skills: Expressing thoughts effectively in writing.

UPSC CAPF AC Exam Pattern – Central Armed Police Forces

The UPSC CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) Assistant Commandant examination consists of two papers in the written examination, followed by a Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests, and finally, an Interview/Personality Test. Below, I’ll provide detailed information about the exam pattern:

Stage 1: Written Examination

The written examination consists of two papers:

Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence (250 Marks)

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Type of Questions: Objective-type multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Total Questions: Approximately 125 questions

The paper includes questions on various topics, such as General Mental Ability, General Science, Current Events of National and International Importance, Indian Polity and Economy, Indian History, and Indian and World Geography.

Paper II: General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension (200 Marks)

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Type of Questions: Descriptive-type questions

Part-A: Essay (80 Marks)

Candidates are required to write essays on topics of national and international importance.

Part-B: Comprehension, Precis Writing, and Communication Skills (120 Marks)

Candidates are assessed on their comprehension skills, precis writing ability, and communication skills.

Note: There is a negative marking of 0.33 marks for each incorrect answer in Paper I.

Stage 2: Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests

Candidates who qualify in the written examination are required to undergo Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. The details of these tests are mentioned in the official notification.

Stage 3: Interview/Personality Test (150 Marks)

Candidates who clear the previous stages are called for an Interview/Personality Test conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The interview assesses the candidate’s suitability for the role of Assistant Commandant in the CAPF. It includes questions related to general awareness, current affairs, and the candidate’s specific subject knowledge.

Stage 4: Final Selection/ Merit List

The final selection is based on the combined marks of the Written Examination, Interview/Personality Test, and Medical Examination. Candidates who clear all stages and rank high in the merit list are offered the position of Assistant Commandant in one of the CAPFs (BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, or SSB).

Please note that the exam pattern may be subject to change, and candidates should refer to the official UPSC CAPF AC notification for the specific year they plan to apply for to confirm all details. Effective preparation involves a deep understanding of the syllabus, rigorous study, and practicing previous years’ question papers to enhance your chances of success in this competitive examination.

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