CBSE Board Registration for Class 10, 12 2019 – Online LOC X, XII
CBSE Board Registration for Class 10, 12 2019 – Online LOC X, XII
Extension of Last Date for Class 10, 12 LOC submission Academic Year to 22/11/2018
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Download detailed instructions for CBSE Board Registration for Class 10, 12 2019 – Online LOC X, XII
Submission of List of Candidates (LOC) for Regular Candidates of Class X/XII has started. The link is available on website Following actions are desired to be taken for registration of students: –
- Only those students whose List of Candidates is submitted through this online process shall be allowed to appear for class X/XII Examination to be held in February/March/April 2019. The examinations for the subjects to be held in February and March/April are given in Circular Coord. /Exam/2018 dated 5th October, 2018. All CBSE affiliated schools are required to register themselves before proceeding for online submission. Schools must use the ‘Affiliation Number’ as user ID, already available with them.
- Newly affiliated schools should contact the concerned Regional Office of the CBSE for obtaining password after which schools are advised to change the password for future use and keep it confidential to avoid misuse. Keeping password safely shall be the responsibility of the school.
- In the event of any difficulty, concerned Regional Office may be contacted as per jurisdiction/contact details given in the (Annexure – II).
- Board is extending several exemptions/concessions to candidates with disabilities as defined in the “THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ”. In this context, NOTIFICATION No. CBSE/Coord/112233/2018 dated 26.09.2018 issued by the Board, may please be referred to. For seeking exemptions/concessions, all requests received from students by the school may be sent to concerned R.O. by the last date i.e. 05th November, 2018 of submission of LOC. Details of disability of the candidates will be collected separately .
Features of Online submission of LOC are: –
- Schools will be able to finalize LOC data only when they have first submitted data on HPE portal. Link of HPE portal is available on CBSE website. A confirmation number will be generated after successful filling of data on HPE portal. Schools are requested to keep this confirmation number safely for future reference.
- For existing schools, the data as provided last year while registering students in Class IX/XI will be reflected for LOC. Schools are advised to “delete” students who have moved out of school due to transfer/other reason. Schools can add students who have been admitted in the school in Class X/XII under “DIRECT ADMISSION” cases after due approval from concerned Regional Office as per Board’s rules.
- New Schools have to:-
- first enter the information on the OASIS portal
- thereafter, they will submit the data on HPE portal.
- & after completing (i) & (ii), they can submit LOC data.
The information on OASIS should be filled very carefully as schools will not be allowed to change the declared section/strength of students afterwards.
- As per Rule 6.1(a) (iii) of the Examination Bye-Laws, school shall ensure that the student satisfies the requirement of age limit (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/ U.T. Government and applicable to the place where the School is located, while seeking admission in a class.
- Many organisations and States are awarding scholarships based on financial status of the students. Accordingly, information about annual income of parent(s) may be collected as given by them. Schools should not demand ITR/other income proof etc. from parents.
- For class X/XII, schools are advised to offer only those subjects which have been permitted to them by the Board. In case, school sponsors students in subject(s) other than those permitted by the Board/additional subject, it may lead to action against the school in addition to cancellation of candidature of such students.
- Candidates will be provided question papers in the same medium as filled in LOC. Meaning thereby, if a student is opting English as a medium, he will be supplied QP in only English language. If a student opting Hindi as medium he will be supplied bilingual QP i.e. in Hindi & English. Schools are therefore requested to take the consent of the student about the medium of QP & fill the correct option only to avoid last minute problem.
- Board has prescribed scheme of studies which is available in the Curriculum on the link on website for Secondary and Senior Secondary classes. Schools are required to offer the subjects in adherence with the Scheme of Studies only.
- In accordance with the Scheme of studies, Board has prescribed list of valid/ invalid combination of subjects. School should check the combination of subjects before filling in the subjects.
- Schools can complete the registration process only Online. Facility of data filling in downloadable Excel file is not available in LOC submission module as it was available in online registration in class IX & Class XI.
- In case of refund of payment/fee, schools should contact the Regional Office concerned.
- Schools are required to send the signed copy of finalized data of List of Candidates of class X/XII to concerned Regional Office only. Schools are advised not to send it to CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi.
- Instructions for submission of online form for Private/2nd chance Comptt. will be issued separately.
- Only Government and Govt. Aided schools of Delhi are covered under the “DELHI SCHEME”, hence they have to remit the fees prescribed for DELHI SCHEME. All other schools affiliated to the Board in the country & abroad are covered under “All India Scheme” and have to remit the fees prescribed under ALL INDIA SCHEME.
- Schools should send names of only those students who are bonafide regular candidates of the school. In the event of sponsoring unauthorized candidates (or students from other non-affiliated school) strict action as per the Affiliation Bye-laws will be taken against such Schools.
- On-line submission shall be closed after the last date and no entry shall be accepted after the last date. Schools are, therefore, advised to complete the online submission of LOC well in time to avoid the possibility of slow connection / failure to connect to server on account of heavy load on internet on the penultimate or because of any other basis.
- Schools are expected to submit the correct data. There is penalty for correction in data after submission/finalization of LOC and late submission of hard copy of LOC (Annexure – I).
While uploading data, schools will be responsible for ensuring the following: –
- Spelling of student, mother’s & father’s name is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
Date of Birth is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
- Subject combinations are correct and are as per Scheme of Studies
- Subject codes may be chosen carefully & especially in the following subjects codes be chosen correctly:
- Selection of Hindi – A, Hindi – B & Urdu etc in Class – X. Selection of Hindi (Core), Hindi (Elective), English (Core), English (Elective), Sanskrit (Core), Sanskrit (Elective), Urdu (Core), Urdu (Elective) etc.
It is expected that the schools that they will read the guidelines carefully, collect the correct data of the students & submit the same also correctly. Their efforts in uploading correct data will help in providing correct subject QP to the candidates & also in providing the correct passing documents.
For any queries call at CBSE Helpline No. 1800-11-8002 between 9.30 AM- 5.30 PM on all working days.
Class 10, 12 Registration 2019, X, XII LOC