HSC Syllabus , Revised BSE Odisha 10th New Exam Pattern
No-451(Syllabus) / Date-03.11.2018
In continuation to this office Notification No-366(Syllabus), dtd.19.09.2018, it is further notified for information of all concerned that the pattern of questions of objective part for the H.S.C. Exam. 2020 will be as follows.
1. Total marks of Objective Questions will be 50.
2. There will be 10(Ten) sections carrying 05 marks each.
3. Every section will comprise of 05 questions carrying 01(one) mark each.
4. The following type of questions will be set in place of MCQ.
A. Fill in the blanks.
B. One Word Answer.
C. One Sentence Answer.
D. Column Matching .
E. True / False.
The point No. 04 of this Office Notification No.366(Syllabus), dtd.19.09.2018 may be read as follows.
POINT NO.04:- The current distribution of marks of Subjective part of General Science and Social Science papers will be changed from 10,10,05 to 08(4+4), 09(3+3+3), 08(2+2+2 +2) .
No:-366 (syllabus)/ Date:-19.09.2018
It is for information of all concerned that on recommendation of the relevant Committees the Board has taken the following decisions on reformation relating to the High School Certificate Examination – 2019.
1. The current 03(three) Objective sets of question papers will be replaced by 04(four) parallel sets of questions.
2. The Subjective part will remain unchanged.
3. A candidate has to secure a minimum of 15 qualifying marks in subjective and objective papers separately for consideration of his eligibility to pass examination in each subject.
4. The current distribution of marks will be changed from 10 & 5 marks to 7 & 8 marks in both Social Science and General Science papers.
5. The OMR will be completely abolished in High School Certificate Examination – 2020.
6. The alternative pattern of OMR (objective) part for High School Certificate Examination – 2020 will be communicated very soon.
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