CLAT 2017 Results, Question Paper, Answer Key, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus Common Law Admission Test 2018

CLAT 2017 Results, Question Paper, Answer Key, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus Common Law Admission Test 2018

CLAT 2017 Results, Question Paper, Answer Key, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus Common Law Admission Test 2018

CLAT 2017 Important Dates

Common Law Admission Test-2017 Specific Activities with Date and Day.

Sr. No.

Description of Specific Activities

Date and Day


Date of Issue of Admission Notification25th  December, (Sunday)


Starting date for submission of online application form along with order of preferences for NLUs1st January, 2017 (Sunday)


Last date for submission of filled-in online application form along with order of preferences for NLUs31st March, 2017 (Friday) till 11:59 pm


Download of Admit Cards/Hall Tickets begins20th April, 2017 (Thursday)


Date of CLAT – 2017 online examination14th  May, 2017 (Sunday) from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm


  1. Date of uploading the Answer Key
  2. Representation, if any, relating to exam, questions or key
  1. Date for uploading the amended answer key (if required)
16th  May, 2017 (Tuesday)
17th May – 19th May, 2017             (Wednesday – Friday)25th May, 2017 (Thursday)


Declaration of results, i.e., issue of Merit List (Category-wise)29th  May, 2017 (Monday)


Publication of first indicative seat allocation list based on merit-cum-preference5th June, 2017 (Monday)


Dates for payment of counselling fee of Rs. 50,000/-
Dates for locking of allotted seats or exercising option for shifting against indicative seat allocation list.
Note: The candidates failing to deposit the required fees by the specified date will forfeit their right to be considered for admission in CLAT – 2017 and their names will be dropped from the CLAT – 2017 Merit List.
06th June – 8th  June, 2017
(Tuesday – Thursday)


Publication of second allotment list12th June, 2017 (Monday)


Dates for payment of counselling fee of Rs. 50,000/- for candidates whose names have been added in second provisional allotment list against dropped out candidates.
Dates for locking of allotted seats or exercising option for shifting against indicative seat allocation list.Note: The candidates failing to deposit the required fees by the specified date will forfeit their right to be considered for admission in CLAT – 2017 and their names will be dropped from the CLAT – 2017 Merit List.
13th June – 14th June, 2017
(Tuesday – Wednesday)


Publication of third allotment list.19th June ,2017


Dates for payment of counselling fee of Rs. 50,000/- for candidates whose names have been added in third provisional allotment list against dropped out candidates.
Dates for Locking of allotted seats or exercising option for shifting against indicative seat allocation list.
Note: The candidates failing to deposit the required fees by the specified date will forfeit their right to be considered for admission in CLAT – 2017 and their names will be dropped from the CLAT – 2017 Merit List.
20th June – 21st June, 2017
(Tuesday – Wednesday)


Last Date for withdrawal from the Admission Process
a. The counselling fee of those candidates who withdraw up to 21st June, 2017, will be refunded after deducting Rs. 10,000/-b. There shall be no refund of counselling fee after the last date of withdrawal from admission process i.e., 21st June, 2017
21st June, 2017


Publication of fourth allotment list24th June, 2017


Payment of full fees by the candidates whose names have appeared in the fourth allotment list to the NLUs where their names appeared.28th  June – 30th June, 2017
(Wednesday – Friday)


Candidates to complete the admission formalities at the allotted NLUs for admission against allotment list.


Dates for receiving status of admissions from the participating NLU (s) in the CLAT office04th July, 2017 (Tuesday)


Date of closure of admission process by  CLAT – 2017 office06th July, 2017 (Thursday)

 Register Yourself CLAT 2017            

Already Registered   CLAT 2017

CLAT 2017 Download previous years question papers  (Only For Registered User)

CLAT 2017 SYLLABUS Pattern Question Paper admission UG Programme

CLAT 2017 Pattern Question Papers PG Programme



CLAT 2017 How to Apply?

Candidates can apply for CLAT-2017 ONLINE only. Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before filling in the Online Application Form.

CLAT online Application Processing System (CAPS)

The candidates can do most of their interactions with CLAT through the CAPS interface provided at CLAT-2017 website. Through CAPS, a candidate can register and apply for CLAT-2017 examination, check the status of the application, download the admit card, know the result and they can also download the result and score card.

An online interface is provided for applicant’s interaction with the CLAT Office. Wiis interface, an applicant can –

  • Make Registration using “Register Yourself”.
  • Fill the online application form.
  • Upload photograph and signature and other documents, if any, in the appropriate place
  • Pay the application fee by ONLINE mode only (Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card etc.).
  • Download Admit Card.
  • Download previous year question papers. (After the payment of requisite fee of ₹ 400/-).
  • View Marks and CLAT Rank.

The login to this interface is through your Registered ID and Password. The Candidates are advised to keep this information safe and not disclose it to anyone.

Information/Document Requirements before filling online Application Form

Before registering and logging in,the candidate is advised to keep the following information/documents ready:

  • Personal information (Name, E-mail address, Mobile number, Date of Birth)
  • Address for communication (including PIN Code)
  • Essential Qualification details (Percentage of Marks/CGPA of Boards/ College/ University information)
  • Programme in which the candidate wishes to appear (UG Course or PG Course)
  • Three choices of CLAT examination cities
  • Front facing Passport size clear photograph of the Candidate with clear lenses (3.5 cms x
  • cms) [JPG Format, size not more than 100 KB].
  • Signature of candidate [JPG Format, size not more than 100 KB]
  • Scanned copy of SAP Certificatein PDF/JPG/JPEG format only (if applicable)

Step-1: Registration at CAPS

A candidate who wishes to apply for CLAT-2017 examination is required to register on the CAPS website, by providing his/her name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, a valid E-mail address, a working mobile number and a password. Please note that Name of the

Candidate, Date of birth, Father’s name, Mother’s name, Email Address and Mobile Number (10 digits) cannot be changed at the later stage; hence they must be carefully verified and confirmed before submission. For registration, the candidate is required to follow the following steps:

  • The candidateis required to click on “Register Yourself” and fill his / her name as it appears in the ID Proof. The ID proof is required to be produced at the Entrance of the Examination Venue. The Candidate is required to fill parents’ names and date of birth carefully.
  • The candidate is required to fill an E-mail address which he/she uses and checks frequently, as all communications to the candidate from CLAT-2017may be sent to this E-mail address. The candidate must not use somebody else’s E-mail address and only one candidate can be registered with one E-mail address.
  • The candidate should provide his/her personal mobile number because most of the communications may also be sent via SMS.
  • Upon successful registration, an E-mail containing CAPS User ID and Password will be sent to the E-mail address and Mobile number provided by the candidate.

Step-2: Filling in the Application Form

After User Id and Password is received, Candidate can apply online by logging into his / her

LOGIN account. A Candidate can LOGIN by clicking on “Already Registered”, and login with

User ID and Password sent to him / her on the registered email ID / Mobile. Candidate is required to keep the following information ready:

  • Personal information (name, date of birth, personal mobile number, parent’s name, parent’s mobile number etc.)
  • Address for Communication (including PIN code)
  • Choice of CLAT Examination Cities
  • Good quality front facing photograph of the Candidate with clear lenses (30 mm x 45
  1. (size not more than 100 KB, JPG/JPEG format) and Signature of the candidate (maximum 80 KB in JPG/JPEG format)
  • Scanned copy of supporting document of SAP Certificate, if applicable,or any other, in PDF format only), Scribe Declaration form in case of SAP Candidates; For details, please refer to “supporting documents”)

After filling in the required information, the candidate has to upload the image files (in JPG / JPEG format) of photograph and signature, scanned copy of SAP certificate if applicable (in PDF format), Scribe Declaration form in case of SAP candidates.

The CAPS website allows for saving partially filled in application form, logout and resume filling in by logging in again. Do not SUBMIT the application until it is filled completely.

Incomplete applications shall not be considered.

The candidate can now proceed to make the application fee payment. The details of the application fee are given below in “Payment of the Application Fee” section.

The candidate should check for the correctness of the entered information and uploaded documents. If not satisfied, he/she can correct the entries and upload the files again. After ensuring that there is no error in the application form and all the relevant and valid documents are uploaded, the candidate must carefully read the declaration and accept the declaration before submitting the application. Once the candidate submits his/her application, then no further changes can be made to the application. After the application form is submitted, the candidate can view the submitted details.

Any application which is incomplete in any respect and does not have the required valid documents will be summarily rejected. The candidates must take care to fill in the details in the application form correctly and must upload the correct and valid documents, including signatures and photographs.

The candidates are advised to visit the ‘FAQ’ section on the CLAT-2017 Website. For any further assistance/queries candidates can email or call CLAT-2017 helpdesk.

Step-3: Payment of the Application Fee

The details of the application fee are given below. The application fee is non-refundable.

CategoryApplication Fee*
SC/ST Category₹ 3,500/-
Unreserved/SAP/OBC/ any other category₹ 4,000/-

*The application fee can be paid only through Online. Additional bank charges may apply for the above transactions to be borne by the candidate.

Online Payment Mode:

  • The candidate will be able to make the payment using his/her net-banking account/debit /credit cards or other payment options available on the payment gateway of the CLAT 2017 online application form. The charges may vary depending on the payment option.
  • From the CLAT Online Application Interface, you will be redirected to a bank you choose.
  • You will have to login with your bank’s Net banking (or Internet Banking) user ID and password.
  • The fee amount and bank charges will be shown to you, and you have to confirm that the payment is for CLAT- 2017.
  • Once you confirm, you will be redirected back to the CLAT Online Application Interface.

Step-4: Downloading the Application Form

After CAPS acknowledges the successful payment of the application fee through Online, the candidate will be able to download the complete filled in application form with fee payment details in PDF format. This file can be printed for the candidate’s personal records and for further communications. Print out of the form is not required to be sent to CLAT Office.

On the submission of application form, message will appear that the candidate has successfully submitted the application for CLAT-2017

The candidate must remember User ID and password, and must login periodically to see the status of his/ her application, to download the admit card and to know the results later. He/She is also advised to keep visiting CLAT website for updates and other information.

Document Specifications Photograph Requirements

  • The candidates must pay attention to upload good quality photographs. Poor quality of photographs submitted will lead to rejection of their CLAT application, without any refund of the application fees. The CLAT admit card and score card will be generated with the photograph that was submitted along with the application form.
  • The photograph must be in colour and must be taken in a professional studio.
  • Ask the photo studio to provide the image in a JPEG format and also on a standard 3.5 cm × 4.5 cm print (Width x Height).
  • Maximum pixel resolution for JPEG: 480 x 640 (100 KB) (Ask the studio to reduce it to this resolution if it is higher).
  • File size should be less than or equal to 100 KB
  • Minimum pixel resolution for JPEG: 240 x 320.
  • Photograph must be taken with white or very light background.
  • The photograph must have been taken on or after 30th September .
  • In the photograph, the height of the face (between chin and the top of the forehead) should occupy about 50% of the height of the photograph.
  • If the candidate normally wears spectacles, glare on glasses is not acceptable in his/her photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses for the photo shoot.
  • The candidate must not wear spectacles with dark or tinted glasses, only clear glasses are permitted.

Signature Specifications

  • Please draw a rectangular box of size 7 cm × 2 cm (Width x Height) on an A4 white paper. The candidate should put his/her signature with black or dark blue ink pen within this box.
  • Get the signature digitally image scanned by a professional using a scanner, and get the image cropped to the box by the professional.
  • Maintain 420 pixels in width and 120 pixels in height and of maximum 100 KB size.
  • Only JPG / JPEG image formats will be accepted.
  • The maximum pixel resolution for the image is 560 × 160.
  • The minimum pixel resolution for the image is 280 × 80.
  • Photographs of the signatures taken using mobile phone or digital cameras are not acceptable, and can result in disqualification of the application without any refund of the fee.

SAP Certificate

  • For SAP candidates with any category of disability (viz., blindness or low vision, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, and/or cerebral palsy), benefit will be given to only those who have at least 40% permanent physical impairment with respect to a body part/system/extremity/whole body, etc. In order to avail concession under the SAP category, the candidates should upload a recently obtained valid SAP certificate.
  • A SAP candidate, if needed, can take the assistance of a Scribe during the CLAT-2017 examination. Scribe is a person who can assist the SAP candidate by ONLY reading the instructions and the test paper displayed on the computer screen verbatim, and also in mouse-clicks, if the candidate is not able to do so. If the scribe is needed, then a SAP candidate should confirm the requirement of a scribe while filling up the application. SAP candidates are required to fill in a declaration form from the


Important Instructions

  • Candidates are advised to check that they fulfil eligibility conditions, requisite marks, requisite grades,etc as stipulated in CLAT rules. CLAT office and organising University shall not be responsible for any inconvenience or loss caused.
  • Appearing in CLAT-2017 does not confer on any candidate right to admission. Admission is subject to verification of documents, minimum qualifications and other eligibility conditions prescribed in CLAT rules.
  • For other instructions please refer to e-brochure.



The details of the application fee are given below. The application fee is non-refundable.

CategoryApplication Fee*
SC/ST Category₹ 3,500/-
Unreserved/SAP/OBC/ any other category₹ 4,000/-

*The application fee can be paid only through Online. Additional bank charges may apply for the above transactions to be borne by the candidate.

  • The candidate will be able to make the payment using his/her net-banking account/debit /credit cards or other payment options available on the payment gateway of the CLAT 2017 online application form. The charges may vary depending on the payment option.


  • From the CLAT Online Application Interface, you will be redirected to a bank you choose.


  • You will have to login with your bank’s Net banking (or Internet Banking) user ID and password.


  • The fee amount and bank charges will be shown to you, and you have to confirm that the payment is for CLAT- 2017.


  • Once you confirm, you will be redirected back to the CLAT Online Application Interface.



CLAT 2017 Eligibility Criteria for UG Programme in CLAT 2017

  1. (i) Candidates shall be below Twenty (20) Years of age as on 1st July 2017 in case of all Unreserved/NRIs/NRI Sponsored categories candidates.
  • Candidates shall be below Twenty Two (22) years of age as on 1st July 2017 in case of SC/ST/ OBC/Specially Abled Persons (SAP) category candidates.
  1. As regards minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2), the candidates must have secured:
  • Forty five percent (45%) marks in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved /OBC /Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories, and
  • Forty Percent (40%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
  1. Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2017 are also eligible for appearing in CLAT-2017 online examination. However, they shall be required to produce an evidence of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they shall lose their right to be considered for admission.
  1. The result of qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2) shall be submitted by the candidate at the time of admission failing which the candidate shall be ineligible for admission to the Course.
  1. In case of equal marks, the breaking of tie shall be by the following procedure and order as under:

(i)    Higher marks in the section of legal aptitude in CLAT-2017 exam.

  • Higher age.
  • Computerized draw of lots.

CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017 CLAT 2017

CLAT 2017 Eligibility Criteria for appearing in CLAT-2017 for PG Programme

The candidates must have Minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination (i.e. LL.B./Five-Year Integrated LL.B. (Hons.)/ any other equivalent exam) as under:

  • Fifty five percent (55%) marks in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved / OBC/Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories, and
  • Fifty percent (50%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST category,
  • The candidate must have passed / appeared in the final semester/final year examination of the qualifying examination on the date of his/her admission.
  • In case of candidate who has appeared in the qualifying examination, he/she may submit his/her final result of qualifying examination within the timeframe prescribed by the respective University / Institute. Till then such candidates may be given provisional admission.
  • In case of equal marks, the breaking of tie shall be by procedure and order as under:
  • Higher age;
  • Computerized draw of lots.
  • No upper age limit is prescribed for appearing in CLAT-2017

The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT), is an all India common entrance examination, conducted on rotational basis by 18 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to their UG and PG degree programmes. The 18 participating NLUs in the order of their year of establishment are:

  1. National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru
  2. *National Academy of Legal Study and Research (NALSAR) University of Law, Hyderabad
  3. *National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal
  4. West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata
  5. National Law University (NLU), Jodhpur
  6. Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU), Raipur
  7. Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar
  8. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University (RMLNLU), Lucknow
  9. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab
  10. Chanakya National Law University (CNLU), Patna
  11. National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), Kochi
  12. National Law University Odisha (NLUO), Cuttack
  13. National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi
  14. National Law University and Judicial Academy (NLUJA), Assam
  15. Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU), Visakhapatnam
  16. Tamil Nadu National Law School (TNNLS), Tiruchirappalli
  17. Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Mumbai
  18. Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Nagpur

CLAT 2017 Declaration of Result

CLAT 2017 result will be published on 29th May 2017 on the CLAT website ( with an overall merit list of candidates prepared according to their CLAT Rank along with their categories. The Candidates will be able to access the results through LOGIN Account.

 CLAT 2017 Admission Procedure

The admission to UG and PG programme in participating universities under CLAT-2017 shall be completed through online centralised counselling conducted by CLAT Office. The basis of allotment of seats shall be ‘merit-cum-preference.’ That is, CLAT Rank and order of preference given by the candidate in the CLAT application form. Online counselling shall start after the declaration of CLAT-2017 results. The entire procedure shall be completed as per the CLAT calendar which is available on CLAT website.
The stepwise procedure for admission which shall be adopted by CLAT Office after declaration of result for admission is as follows:

Publication of first indicative list based on merit cum preference
The University-wise First Indicative List based on merit-cum-preference will be published on CLAT website.

Payment of counselling fee and exercising of option by provisionally selected candidates:

  1. A specified number of candidates from various categories will be allowed to participate in the counselling process against actual number of seats available with participating NLUs.
  2. The provisionally selected candidates must deposit the requisite counselling fee of Rs.  50,000/- with CLAT-2017 Office.
  3. The adjustable counselling fee of Rs.  50,000/- deposited with the CLAT office will be transferred to the respective participating NLUs where the candidate has finally taken admission after the completion of the entire admission process.
  4. The candidates failing to deposit the requisite counselling fee through the CLAT website by the specified date will lose their right to be considered for admission under CLAT-2017 and their names will be dropped from the CLAT-2017 merit list.
  5. The candidates have to reserve their seats after paying the counselling fee by the above said procedure prescribed in counselling guidelines given on the CLAT-2017 website.

Publication of second list having the names of finalized candidates after payment of counselling fee and additional waitlisted candidates

  1. The CLAT office shall publish a second list of candidates who have paid their counselling fee and reserved their seats in the participating NLUs.
  2. A list of waitlisted candidates will also be released in the second list who are provisionally selected against dropped out candidates, if any.
  3. The additional candidates are also required to pay the requisite counselling fee of Rs.  50,000/- and reserve their seats within the prescribed time period as per the CLAT-2017 calendar.

Publication of third list allotting seats to candidates

  1. The CLAT office shall publish a comprehensive third allotment list of candidates who have paid their counselling fee and reserved their seats in the participating NLUs.
  2. The comprehensive list shall include the names of the candidates who have paid the counselling fee against the first and second indicative lists.
  3. A list of waitlisted candidates will also be released along with the third allotment list who are provisionally selected against the dropped out candidates
  4. These waitlisted candidates are also required to pay the requisite counselling fee and reserve their seats within the prescribed time period as per the CLAT-2017 calendar.

Publication of fourth list allotting seats to candidates

  1. The provisionally selected candidates can withdraw from the admission process within stipulated time as per the CLAT-2017 calendar. Nominal fee of Rs.  10,000/- will be deducted from the deposited counselling fee.
  2. Any withdrawal after the stipulated period will result in forfeiture of entire amount of counselling fee.
  3. The CLAT office shall publish a comprehensive fourth allotment list of candidates who have paid their counselling fee and reserved their seats in the participating NLUs.
  4. The comprehensive list shall include the names of the candidates who have paid the counselling fee against the first, second and third indicative lists.
  5. The candidates whose names appear in the fourth list and who have not deposited the counselling fee of Rs.  50,000/- are required to pay full fee to the allotted NLUs at the time of admission.

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Completion of admission formalities at the allotted NLUs.

  1. After the candidates are finally allotted seats in participating NLUs, they will be required to approach the allotted NLU with the balance amount towards the admission and other fees.
  2. The candidates shall carry relevant certificates/documents in original issued by the competent authority in support of the various claims made by the candidates, during the scheduled periods given in CLAT-2017 calendar and complete their admission formalities. Students are advised to visit the website of concerned NLUs to see the format of specific desired documents required for admission.
  3. The certificates in original will be checked by the respective universities at the time of their admission. (For detailed information/updates about the scheduled dates, the candidates must refer to CLAT-2017 calendar as updated from time to time).
  4. The candidates not possessing the required certificates/documents in original or failing to meet the eligibility requirements will not be allowed to seek admission in participating NLUs.
  5. The candidates seeking admission under various categories specially those belonging to the reserved categories such as SC/ST/OBC/SAP (Specially Abled Persons) /DFF/NRI/NRI sponsored and the unreserved category candidates seeking admission under State Domicile Category, will be required to obtain the relevant and authentic certificates/documents from the competent authorities and produce the same at the time of admission in the concerned NLU.
  6. Those candidates who fail to report at the allotted NLU after the publication of CLAT merit list and fail to complete the admission formalities as per CLAT-2017 calendar will automatically lose their claim for admission and their entire amount of the counselling fee of Rs.  50,000/- will be forfeited.


Procedure for filling up the Application Form for CLAT 2017

  • Application form for CLAT-2017 shall be filled On-line only.
  • The online application form has to be accessed from the CLAT-2017 website ( The candidates are first required to register themselves at the CLAT-2017 website ( by creating a LOGIN account using an      e-mail ID. The details of the login ID and password shall be then sent to the registered e-mail ID and through SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate.
  • The application form shall be available from 01st January 2017. The candidate can fill up the required details in the application form and save the same before finally submitting it. No hard copy of the filled in online application form is to be sent to the CLAT Office.
  • The candidate is advised to submit his/her application form only after he/she is required to absolutely sure of the information he/she provides in the form.
  • The candidate shall fill his/ her preference order for all eighteen NLUs at the time of online application only. No change shall be allowed in the preference once the form is submitted by the candidate.
  • For any information related to the eighteen NLUs, the candidate may refer to the e-brochure of the respective institutions which is be available at the CLAT-2017 website.
  • The candidates must upload the self-attested scanned copies of the relevant certificates at the suitable places in the online application form.
  • Admit Card/Hall ticket shall be downloaded by the candidate by logging into his/her LOGIN account from 20th April 2017. The candidates shall take a print out of Admit Card/Hall Ticket and carry the same to the Examination Hall. The candidates shall read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and carry all the requisite documents to the Examination Hall.
  • Candidates are advised to visit CLAT-2017 website regularly for updates.
  • The application form, complete in all respects must be submitted on or before 31st March 2017 (11:59 PM). Incomplete application forms shall not be considered. The candidates shall fill and submit the application form well in time to avoid last minute hassles. CLAT Office or the organizing University shall in no case be responsible for any loss of information or inconvenience faced by the candidate.
  • FOR NRI/NRI Sponsored seats, the applicants are advised to refer to the brochures of the concerned NLUs for more details. All NRI/NRI Sponsored Category candidates have to appear for the CLAT-2017 examination. However, the Foreign Nationals need not appear for the CLAT-2017 examination and they shall directly apply to the concerned universities.

Application Fee / Previous Years Question Papers’ Fee: Application fee to be paid On-line only.

  1. For General / OBC / SAP and other category candidates: Rs.  4000/-
  2. For SC/ST category candidates: Rs.  3500/-
  3. The candidates will have to bear the bank transaction charges for remitting the fee online
  4. The cost of previous years question papers is Rs.  400/ (not included in the CLAT-2017 fee of Rs.  4,000/-

Mode of Payment of Application Fee
For payment of application fee, candidates are required to login to the CLAT-2017 website. Application fee shall be paid online through net-banking or debit card or credit card. The candidates will have to bear additional bank transaction charges in case they opt for remitting fee through net-banking payment gateways.

The detailed procedure for payment of fee is also available at the CLAT-2017 website.

Documents to be Uploaded with Online Application
The original certificates/documents issued by the competent authority as specified in the CLAT-2017 Information Brochure are to be submitted to the allotted University only at the time of admission. The relevant photocopies of the certificate are required to be self-attested. Photograph and signature of the candidate need not be attested while submitting the Online Application Form.

The scanned photocopies of the documents to be uploaded in the PDF/JPG / JPEG format by all the candidates are:

  1. Front facing passport size recent photograph with clear lenses (30 mm x 45 mm) [JPG/JPEG Format, size not more than 100 KB].
  2. Signature of the candidate [JPG/JPEG Format, size not more than 100 KB].

The scanned photocopies of the documents to be uploaded in the PDF format by a candidate depending on the applicability are:

  1. Certificate of impairment for Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and Scribe Declaration Form by the Scribe in the prescribed format.

The certificates/documents listed above are essential requirements for admission to the UG and PG courses, if applicable to any candidate.

CLAT 2017 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions


QUESTION 1.  What is the mode of CLAT Examination 2017?
ANSWER-        ONLINE Examination

QUESTION 2.  What is Online Examination?
ANSWER –       It is a secured and un-interrupted Computer Based Test (CBT) using LAN. Online mode of examination is Examinee friendly also.

QUESTION 3.  Is online examination based on Internet?
ANSWER-        NO

QUESTION 4.  What is the eligibility criteria for applying CLAT 2017 for UG and PG Courses?
ANSWER-        The eligibility as mentioned below:

FOR UG (5 years Under Graduate Program)

  1. (i) Candidates shall be below Twenty (20) Years of age as on 1st July 2017 in case of all Unreserved/NRIs/NRI Sponsored categories candidates.
    (ii) Candidates shall be below Twenty Two (22) years of age as on 1st July 2017 in case of SC/ST/ OBC/Specially Abled Persons (SAP) category candidates.
  2. As regards minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2), the candidates must have secured:
    (i) Forty five percent (45%) marks in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved /OBC /Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories, and
    (ii) Forty Percent (40%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
  3. Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2017 are also eligible for appearing in CLAT-2017 online examination. However, they shall be required to produce an evidence of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they shall lose their right to be considered for admission.

FOR PG (1 year Post Graduate Program)

  1. The candidates must have Minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination (i.e. LL.B./Five-Year Integrated LL.B. (Hons.)/any other equivalent exam) as under:
    (i)Fifty-five percent (55%) marks in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved / OBC/Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories, and
    (ii) Fifty percent (50%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST category,
  2. The candidate must have passed / appeared in the final semester/final year examination of the qualifying examination on the date of his/her admission.
  3. In case of candidate who has appeared in the qualifying examination, he/she may submit his/her final result of qualifying examination within the timeframe prescribed by the respective University / Institute. Till then such candidates may be given provisional admission.
  4. In case of equal marks, the breaking of tie shall be by procedure and order as under:
    (i) Higher age;
    (ii) Computerized draw of lots.
  5. No upper age limit is prescribed for appearing in CLAT-2017.

QUESTION 5.  Is there any requirement of computer skills?
ANSWER-        The candidate need to know only how to use a computer mouse.

QUESTION 6.  What will be the medium of Online Examination?
ANSWER-        Medium of Examination is English only.

QUESTION 7.  What will happen in case if there is some problem in computer during the examination?
ANSWER-       Immediately, the candidate should intimate the Invigilator of such problem. There will be enough buffer computer systems available at the examination centre to take care of such problems. The time lost in change of system will be duly taken care of. Each and every second will be recorded by the Server (Real Time).

QUESTION 8.  In case of problem in computer etc. will there be somebody to assist?
ANSWER-        Yes, technically qualified people will be available at the Examination Centre.

QUESTION 9.  Is there any special arrangement for Specially Abled Persons [SAP]?
ANSWER-        Yes. The candidate can opt for either to arrange his/her own SCRIBE or to make request to the CLAT Office to provide the SCRIBE for the candidate. In case of first option the candidates has to download the SCRIBE declaration form which is available on CLAT 2017 Website at the time of filling-in application form.

QUESTION 10. Which kind of disable persons can take admission through CLAT 2017?
ANSWER-        A candidate will have to produce disability certificate from competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Definition of disability for the purpose of admission shall be in accordance with Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. Disability in the act is defined to include: Blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, loco-motor disability, mental retardation or illness.

QUESTION 11Is there any provision of extra time for the Persons with Disabilities appearing in CLAT 2017?
ANSWER-          Yes, Candidates with disabilities appearing in the CLAT 2017 shall be entitled to a compensatory time of 40 minutes.

QUESTION 12.  Will I get sheets/papers for rough work/calculations etc.?
ANSWER-          Yes, Examination Centre will provide. But no electronic devices are allowed in Examination Hall/Room.

QUESTION 13.   How can I practice for Online Examination?
ANSWER-           The Mock Test will be available on the website shortly. The candidate can use the same and practise as many times as he/she wants. This will give look and feel of the format of online examination (Computer Based Test) in simulation environment. It can also be downloaded and can be installed on stand-alone computer with NO COST.

QUESTION 14.   Is there any negative marking in examination?
ANSWER-           Yes, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

QUESTION 15.   Should I send the print outs of the Application Form to the CLAT office (Chanakya National Law University) by post?
ANSWER-            NO, the applicant is not required to send the hard copy of the print out of his/her application to the CLAT office.
However, it is strongly advised that the applicant keeps a hard copy of his /her application for his/her own record and future communication with the CLAT Office, if required.

QUESTION 16I have filled-up the Application Form successfully but now, can I change/correct the details as entered in the Application form?
ANSWER-         NO CHANGE can be made after the Final Submission of the Application Form. However, if the time is still left for filling up the Online- Application Form, the applicant has to fill a Fresh/New Application Form along with the prescribed fee. In such case the new ID will be generated by the system and the fee paid for the previously filled Application form will not be refunded. Make Note that the last application form shall be treated as Final.

QUESTION 17.   How will I receive my admit card?
ANSWER-          The eligible candidate has to download his/her Admit Card from the CLAT website ( from 20th April, 2017 onwards. Please Note that the Admit Card will not be sent via e-mail or by post or by any other means to the candidate. They must carry proof of their identity (issued by GOI or state government) such as identity card, Aadhar Card, voter identity card, driving license, and passport etc. to the venue of the examination.

QUESTION 18.    If I received Blank/Zero Registration Number after submission of Application Form then what I should do?
ANSWER-            It means that the Application Form has not been submitted successfully and you are required to apply a fresh.

QUESTION 19.    What details should I retain after completion of successful submission of my Application Form?
ANSWER-            The candidate must retain the:

  1. Hard copy of the Filled-in form.
  2. Fee receipt Detail.
  3. Auto-generated ID and Password.

QUESTION 20.    Can a candidate apply for CLAT-2017 offline?
ANSWER –           NO, a candidate can only apply through the On-line mode.

QUESTION 21.    How will I recover my lost password through which I had registered myself and had submitted online Application for CLAT-2017?
ANSWER-            You are required to click on the ‘forgot password’ button and follow the directions to ‘recover/reset your password’.

QUESTION 22.    How will I recover my login ID?
ANSWER-            Please note that your e-mail ID is your login ID.

QUESTION 23.   What is the procedure to make the payment online?
ANSWER –          The candidate will be able to make the payment using his/her Net-Banking Account/Debit /Credit Cards or other Payment options available on the payment gateway of the CLAT 2017 online application form. The charges may vary depending on the payment option.

QUESTION 24.   How can I get previous years question papers?
ANSWER–          The Previous year’s Question Papers can be downloaded from CLAT-2017 website on the payment of Rs. 400/-through online mode only(which is not included in the CLAT-2017 fee of Rs.4,000/-). No hard copy will be provided by the CLAT office.

QUESTION 25.    What is the procedure of allotment of Law Universities for admission?
ANSWER-            During the online submission of application form, the candidates will be required to fill up all the 18 available choices of National Law Universities for the UG/PG course in order of their preferences. Seats shall be allotted on merit-cum-choice basis.

QUESTION 26.    Can the candidate change his/her choices of National Law Universities subsequently?
ANSWER-            NO, Choice once indicated and submitted shall be treated as final. However, in case of submitting multiple application forms the last submitted form will be treated as final.

QUESTION 27.    Is there any seat available for NRI/NRI sponsored /Foreign National candidates?
ANSWER-            Yes. In some of the participating Law Universities seats are available for NRIs/NRI sponsored/Foreign National. Candidates are advised to refer to CLAT 2017 website for e-brochure and to visit the website of the respective NLUs.

QUESTION 28.    Is there any minimum cut-off score in CLAT Exam prescribed for admission?
ANSWER-            NO. There is no minimum cut-off score prescribed. Candidature of every candidate shall be considered in their respective category, in order of merit.

QUESTION 29.    Is there any provision of Transfer of a student from one participating university to another participating university subsequent to their admission through CLAT -2017?
ANSWER-            NO, CLAT Rules do not provide for such transfers. Up-gradation to the University of Higher Choice is done only by the CLAT office during the admission process.

QUESTION 30.    What is the prescribed fee for the CLAT-2017 online application form?
ANSWER-            The prescribed fee is:

  1. For General / OBC / SAP and other category candidates: Rs.4000/-
  2. For SC/ST category candidates: Rs.3500/-

Please Note: The candidates will have to bear the bank transaction charges for remitting the fee online.

QUESTION 31.    What is the Counselling fee?
ANSWER–          Counselling fee is the payment (Rs.50, 000/-) made to the CLAT office by a candidate to show his/her seriousness/commitment in taking admission in any of the participating NLU(s). Counselling fee is not a separate fee, it is the adjustable advance paid to the CLAT office which subsequently gets adjusted at the time of admission from the fee payable to the respective University by a candidate.

QUESTION 32.     Can I get my counselling fee refunded in case I don’t want to take admission?
ANSWER-             Please Note that:

  1. There shall be no refund of counselling fee after the last date of withdrawal from admission process i.e., 21st June, 2017.
  2. The counselling fee of those candidates who withdraw up to 21st June, 2017, will be refunded after deducting Rs.10,000/-.

QUESTION 33.    Is there any reservation available on domicile basis in any of the Law Universities?
ANSWER-            YES. Some of the participating Law Universities have provision of domicile based reservations for which the candidates are advised to refer to the respective NLUs Brochure available on their website and also on CLAT 2017 website.

QUESTION 34.     Is there any reservation of seats in CLAT-2017for the women candidates?
ANSWER-            YES. Some of the participating universities provide horizontal reservation for the female candidates. Candidates are advised to refer to the respective NLU’s Brochure available on CLAT 2017 website in this regard.

QUESTION 35.     Do the CLAT participating universities have the common rules of reservation?
ANSWER-            NO. The CLAT participating universities are governed by their respective State Acts and follow the reservation policies/rules prescribed by their Acts/State Governments. The candidates are advised to look into the detailed information of the respective NLUs Brochure available on CLAT 2017 website to know about the University wise specific reservations.

Participating National Law Universities reserve the right to change the total number of seats and break-up of seats as per their policy before the final allotment. Reservation policy is subject to change as decided by the concerned State Government from time to time.

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