NATA 2019 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

NATA 2019 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

Complete information for NATA 2019 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Syllabus is available here. National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019 applications are being accepted from 24th January, 2019. For further information on NATA 2019 Admit Card, Results, Allocation of Examination Centre, Filling up of Application Form, Important Dates, Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID refer the below article.

Registration is open from 10:00 AM on 24 Jan 2019 – Apply Now

Important Dates for NATA 2019

Important Dates For First Test Scheduled to be held on 14.04.2019

Sl NoActivityDate (with time)
1Availability of information in the public domainFrom 21st January 2019
2Start of Online form fill-up24th January 2019
3End of registration11th March 2019 (11:59 PM)
4Image uploads allowed till15th March 2019 (11:59 PM)
5Fee payment allowed till15th March 2019 (11:59 PM)
6Confirmation page printing available till18th March 2019 (11:59 PM)
7Candidate Correction window12th March 2019 (10:30 AM) to 15th March 2019 (11:59 PM)
8Publication of Downloadable Admit Card1st April 2019
9Date and Time of Examination14th  April 2019 (10 AM to 01:15 PM)
10Publication of Results3rd May 2019

Important Dates For Second Test Scheduled to be held on 07.07.2019

Sl NoActivityDate (with time)
1Availability of information in the public domainFrom 21st January 2019
2Start of Online form fill-up24th January 2019
3End of registration12th June 2019 (11:59 PM)
4Image uploads allowed till15th June 2019 (11:59 PM)
5Fee payment allowed till15th June 2019 (11:59 PM)
6Confirmation page printing available till17th June 2019 (11:59 PM)
7Candidate Correction window15th June 2019 (10:30 AM) to 17th June 2019 (11:59 PM)
8Publication of Downloadable Admit Card24th June 2019
9Date and Time of Examination07th July 2019 (10 AM to 01:15 PM)
10Publication of Results21st  July 2019

Eligibility Criteria for NATA 2019

Candidates may come from the following backgrounds:

  • Passed 10+2 scheme of examination with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and also 50% marks in aggregate at 10+2 level examination; (those appearing the 10+2 exam with PCM subjects in the current year may also provisionally appear in the exam, however, their result in NATA-2019 will be declared valid subject to fulfilling the above criteria).

Admission to First year of B.Arch. course


Only candidates who have the following credentials shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. Course.

  • Qualified through the recognized aptitude test in Architecture (NATA or equivalent) in 2019
  • Have gone through any of the following curriculum with marks as prescribed below:
  • Secured 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and also 50% marks in aggregate at 10+2 level examination;

Candidates may note that no direct lateral admission is allowed at any other year/stage of B.Arch.

course based on any qualification.

Reservations under different categories

NATA 2019 is a qualifying examination for admission into the B. Arch degree program. Reservation is a prerogative of the admission/ counselling authority and does not fall under the purview of this examination.

Help Desk

Email ID :

Help Desk Number: +91 8296744296

Exam Pattern of National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019

Exam Pattern of National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019 Pattern of Questions and Mode of Answering

Pattern of Questions and Mode of Answering

Part A comprises of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to be answered online and Part B will be answered on A4 size drawing sheets. Syllabus for NATA-2019 is given in APPENDIX I of NATA 2019 Brochure. Questions and all instructions will be available only in English medium.

The distribution of marks is outlined as follows:

Exam Pattern of National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019 Pattern of Questions and Mode of Answering

Syllabus for NATA 2019


Algebra: Definitions of A. P. and G.P.; General term; Summation of first n-terms of series ∑n, ∑n²,∑n3 ; Arithmetic/Geometric series, A.M., G.M. and their relation; Infinite G.P. series and its sum.

Logarithms: Definition; General properties; Change of base.

Matrices: Concepts of m x n (m ≤ 3, n ≤ 3) real matrices, operations of addition, scalar multiplication and multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Determinant of a square matrix. Properties of determinants (statement only). Minor, cofactor and adjoint of a matrix. Nonsingular matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Finding area of a triangle. Solutions of system of linear equations. (Not more than 3 variables).

Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae involving multiple and submultiple angles, general solution of trigonometric equations. Properties of triangles, inverse trigonometric functions and their properties.

Coordinate geometry: Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle, condition of collinearity of three points in a plane. Polar coordinates, transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa. Parallel transformation of axes, concept of locus, elementary locus problems. Slope of a line. Equation of lines in different forms, angle between two lines. Condition of perpendicularity and parallelism of two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Distance between two parallel lines. Lines through the point of intersection of two lines. Equation of a circle with a given center and radius. Condition that a general equation of second degree in x, y may represent a circle. Equation of a circle in terms of endpoints of a diameter. Equation of tangent, normal and chord. Parametric equation of a circle. Intersection of a line with a circle. Equation of common chord of two intersecting circles.

3-Dimensional Co-ordinate geometry: Direction cosines and direction ratios, distance between two points and section formula, equation of a straight line, equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane.

Theory of Calculus: Functions, composition of two functions and inverse of a function, limit, continuity, derivative, chain rule, derivative of implicit functions and functions defined parametrically. Integration as a reverse process of differentiation, indefinite integral of standard functions. Integration by parts. Integration by substitution and partial fraction. Definite integral as a limit of a sum with equal subdivisions. Fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its applications. Properties of definite integrals. Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential equations, separation of variables method, linear first order differential equations.

Application of Calculus: Tangents and normals, conditions of tangency. Determination of monotonicity, maxima and minima. Differential coefficient as a measure of rate. Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration. Geometric interpretation of definite integral as area, calculation of area bounded by elementary curves and Straight lines. Area of the region included between two elementary curves.

Permutation and combination: Permutation of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Permutation of n things not all different. Permutation with repetitions (circular permutation excluded). Combinations of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Combination of n things not all different. Basic properties. Problems involving both permutations and combinations.

Statistics and Probability: Measure of dispersion, mean, variance and standard deviation, frequency distribution. Addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability and Bayes’ Theorem, independence of events, repeated independent trails and Binomial distribution.


Objects, texture related to architecture and built environment. Interpretation of pictorial compositions, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawing. Visualizing different sides of 3D objects. Analytical reasoning, mental ability (visual, numerical and verbal), General awareness of national/ international architects and famous architectural creations.

Mathematical reasoning: Statements, logical operations like and, or, if and only if, implies, implied by.

Understanding of tautology, converse, contradiction and contrapositive.

Sets and Relations: Idea of sets, subsets, power set, complement, union, intersection and difference of sets, Venn diagram, De Morgan’s Laws, Relation and its properties. Equivalence relation — definition and elementary examples.


Understanding of scale and proportion of objects, geometric composition, shape, building forms and elements, aesthetics, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Conceptualization and Visualization through structuring objects in memory. Drawing of patterns – both geometrical and abstract. Form transformations in 2D and 3D like union, subtraction, rotation, surfaces and volumes. Generating plan, elevation and 3D views of objects. Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shape and forms. Perspective drawing, Sketching of urban scape and landscape, Common day-to-day life objects like furniture, equipment etc., from memory.

Application Procedure

  • The First Test will be held on 14.04.2019 and the Second Test is scheduled to be held on 07.07.2019.
  • Appearing in second test is not mandatory and is purely at the discretion of the applicants. Candidates can register themselves either for first test or second or both by filling in the application form appropriately. Candidates opting to appear in both the first and second test separately may note that they will be issued with the score card, containing the best of two test’s composite marks (composite marks are the marks secured in both part A and part B taken together in a Test).
  • Application has to be filled up ONLINE at the NATA portal of
  • Candidates need to visit the portal and CLICK the requisite link ONLINE APPLICATION NATA– 2019 and thereafter will be directed to the actual application form. The form is interactive in nature and the fields required to be filled up are categorized in different sub-sections. The fields super-scribed with * MUST be filled up as they are MANDATORY, otherwise the application will NOT get submitted.
  • The application form is broadly categorized into three steps: filling of PERSONAL DETAILS; DOCUMENT UPLOADING & FEE PAYMENT. Please see Appendix-IV of NATA 2019 Brochure for detailed guidelines on fields to be entered at the time of online form filling.
  • Candidates need to fill in the first part i.e. PERSONAL DETAILS and will thereafter be directed to DOCUMENT UPLOADING. Once the documents are successfully uploaded, the system enters into the FEE PAYMENT. Finally, the candidate must take a printout of CONFIRMATION PAGE generated upon successful fee payment for their own record. There is no need to send any document by post.


Filling up of Application Form for NATA 2019

The online filling-up of the Application Form is interactive in nature and the candidate while filling up the form. Please refer to APPENDIX-III of NATA 2019 Brochure and on filling up the form.

online guidance will be available to APPENDIX-IV of NATA 2019 Brochure for detailed guidelines

Application form

Filling up of fields will be interactive in nature. As soon as the cursor is taken to a certain field, a cursor tip MESSAGE will be shown to the candidate to assist in filling up. In case of difficulty, the HELP icon placed right next to the field will redirect the candidate to that section of the Brochure which deals with the filling up of the said field. Please note that the applicant name, father’s name, mother’s name, postal address and date of birth taken together must be unique for each application.

On completion and submission of the PERSONAL DETAILS, the system will generate a unique 8-digit numeric APPLICATION NUMBER for the candidate. The candidate has to choose a PASSWORD and keep it as guarded secret for all subsequent entries into their domain. A SECURITY QUESTION AND ANSWER will be captured from the candidate by the system at this stage. Candidate has to remember this question-answer pair for prompt retrieval of password in case it is forgotten at later stage. Once an Application Number is generated and the password is chosen, the candidate may logout of the system. The candidate will need to enter the system subsequently for various reasons as given below:

  • Accessing and editing personal information (till going to the document upload stage)
  • Uploading of images.
  • Performing fee payment through EPG.
  • Printing of the Confirmation Page.
  • Correction to data if needed.
  • Candidate responses that will be hosted in the website.

The candidate has to use this system generated Application Number and chosen password for subsequent login to the system for all subsequent accesses to the system. Therefore, it is very important for the candidate to note down the application number and password. It is also important to note the security question and the answer pair for retrieval of password in case the candidate forgets the chosen password and for future reference.

Image uploading

All candidates are required to upload the following images:

  1. Recent Passport size Photograph in Colour
  2. Own Signature

Documents have to be in jpg / jpeg format. The page size of document is to be in A4 format. Following are the details regarding the size and dimension of the documents:

DocumentStorage sizeImage dimension
Photograph4 KB100 KB4.5 cm3.5 cm
Signature1 KB30 KB1.5 cm3.5 cm

Application Fee Details

Irrespective of his/her gender, a candidate applying for NATA– 2019, either first test or second test, has to pay INR 1800/- (Rupees One thousand and eight hundred only) as application fee, through ONLINE mode. This is inclusive of service fee charged by the bank.

In case the Candidate wishes to appear for both first and second test, he/she shall deposit Rs 3500/- (Rupees Three thousand and five hundred only) as application fees.

Candidates belonging to SC/ST category need to deposit Rs 1500/- for either first or second test and Rs 2800/- for appearing in both the tests through online mode.

Candidates opting to appear from test centres outside the territory of India have to deposit Rs.10000/- for either first or second test and Rs. 18,000/- for appearing in both the tests through online mode.

The candidate, on successfully uploading the PERSONAL DETAILS and DOCUMENTS; will be directed to the webpage containing process of payment of application fee as per the following options.

  1. Payment through EPG: The candidate has to click “Payment of fee using EPG services”, the system will automatically redirect to available payment gateway page, displayed at the web site. As per the candidate’s convenience, he/she may select any of the options to pay the application fee through electronic payment gateway via debit card, credit card or net banking and follow the online instructions to complete the payment process. After successful payment, payment gateway will redirect the candidate to home page that will show the status of fee payment. Upon successful payment, the candidate will be able to print the final “Confirmation Page”.

Confirmation Page (A proof of REGISTRATION)

The Confirmation Page is generated upon successful payment of Application Fee. Its generation means that the candidate has been successfully REGISTERED. The candidate should take a printout and preserve the confirmation page for future reference. There is no need to send any document to the Council by post. A print out of the Confirmation page will not provide admittance to the Test Centre to take the examination.

The candidate has to print the Admit Card when issued online as per the schedule.

Discrepancy and correction

The candidate is expected to fill up all details correctly, check a preview of the application before submitting the same online. Candidates will be provided only one opportunity to correct their personal details as per Appendix-VI of NATA 2019 Brochure.

Issue of Admit Card for National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019

  • For each Applicant, an Admit Card will be generated according to the schedule notified indicating the allotted Examination Centre for NATA 2019 and a downloadable version of the admit card will be published on the respective webpage of the candidate concerned. An Examination Roll Number will also be generated for each candidate.
  • Candidate has to download the soft copy of the Admit Card from the website and has to appear in the examination with a printed hard copy at the concerned Examination Centre indicated in the downloaded Admit Card along with one original photo identity card- Voter Card/ Pan Card/ Aadhar Card/ Driving Licence.
  • Candidates must ensure that the photograph and signature printed on the admit card are not mutilated / distorted / soiled even by accident. Candidates with such mutilated / distorted / soiled admit cards will not be allowed to appear in NATA-2019.
  • Candidates are advised to retain their admit cards carefully in secured place in undamaged condition in all respects as stated above till the completion of admission procedure.
  • All applicants who appear to be prima facie eligible shall be provisionally permitted to sit for NATA-2019. If, after scrutiny at any stage, it is found that an applicant is otherwise ineligible, his/her candidature shall be cancelled even if he/she has appeared in NATA-2019.
  • The candidature shall also be cancelled if he/she fails to produce any of the required documents in original for fulfilment of eligibility and other criteria as specified earlier during counselling and admission in Universities/ Institutions.

Allocation of Examination Centre

The allocation of examination centre spread across all state capitals and other selected cities subject to availability of at least 200 students for the particular city/centre. Cities will be based on the choices given by the candidate during filling up the form online. However, it is the discretion of the Council to allocate examination centre for smooth conduct of the test. No request for change of allocated center will be entertained under any circumstances. List of city-wise examination zones is given in APPENDIX-V of NATA 2019 Brochure.

Declaration of Results for NATA 2019

Rules for scrutiny / review of Answer Sheet

After the examination, model answers to MCQ portion (Part A) would be available in public domain. Before publication of results, the response sheets of each candidate will be uploaded along with Part-wise mark(s) secured.

No review will be available for the drawing test (Part B). Further, there will be no provision for post publication scrutiny and /or review and any request after publication of the result will not be entertained.

Result format for National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2019

Results will be available in the website which will be announced in various electronic/printing media before declaration of results.

The result will be available in two formats:

  1. Marks obtained out of 200 and in each component
  2. Pass/Fail

Qualifying marks for NATA-2019 would be based on the following rules:

  1. A minimum of 25% must be secured in MCQ portion (30 out of 120)
  2. A minimum of 25% must be secured in Drawing portion (20 out of 80)
  3. Overall qualifying marks (out of 200) would be based on post-exam statistics and at the discretion of the Council.

A Candidate will not qualify in NATA-2019 unless he/ she satisfies all three conditions mentioned above.

Validity of NATA-2019 score

NATA-2019 score shall be valid only for admission in the session .

Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID of NATA, COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE

India Habitat Centre, Core 6A, 1st Floor,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 India
Specific Query related to NATA-2019 Examination
Help Desk Phone: +91 8296744296

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